Life is a never-ending journey of one energy attempting to do the seemingly impossible, to navigate through many Earth lives and emerge as an evolved spirit ready to aid and prepare others for the same transition. That being said, let it be known that you are on a spiritual journey and that you are being aided, that you are being well prepared for your own next adventure. Wake up each morning and bring this awareness into your mind, body, and spirit. Let it anchor in you and formulate a new perspective on how to live so that everything you do is aimed at evolving.
Do so without fear, for there is nothing to really fear. You are on a spiritual journey after all, and what’s frightening about that? A spiritual journey is centered in the heart, the core of your entire existence and the place of greatest meaning during your lifetime, where love, kindness, and compassion awaken from and from where all beings eventually leave the physical and enter the energy body. Remember all of this as you awaken each day. Carry this awareness with you, the memory of your spiritual journey over many lifetimes. And remember to have a wonderful heart-centered day!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne