Chuck’s Place: The Ego’s Journey To Discover Its Divinity

From our ego center we design our own destiny…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

With the acquisition of consciousness the human species evolved beyond its instinctually bound animal compatriots. Consciousness provides us with the divine prerogative to design and manifest our own destiny.

The ego is the center of consciousness in a human being. With its powers of thought and free will, the ego is our sovereign leader who directs the course of our lives.

The ego is of divine origin. Its parents are the masculine and feminine sides of its immortal soul that sent it off to live a finite life, attached to a human form. World mythology, fairytales, and actual human history are replete with stories of orphaned royal infants raised by humble citizens or protective animals. Unaware of their royal origin, these children ultimately mature into adults who discover and exercise their innate divine powers.

Examples include, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, King Arthur, Oedipus, Romulus and Remus, Superman, Moses and Jesus. The same archetypal theme of the hero’s journey pervades all of these stories.

The journey is one of taking on the adventure of a human life, with all its trials and tribulations, and ultimately entering the abyss of the unknown self, where they retrieve their true royal birthright and come into conscious possession of their divine powers.

This archetypal theme of the hero’s journey of self-discovery, in its life in human form, is shared by all human beings. We are all born in a blank slate mental state, surrounded by a wall of amnesia that blocks out knowledge of our true divine inheritance.

Were we to have known of our actual immortal status, we would have been deprived of the ability to truly experience a finite human life. Souls attracted to Earth School to further their growth enter a finite life in space and time, where they are unknowingly raised and socialized by their mortal adoptive parents.

The ego secretly always harbors an underlying feeling of inadequacy, rooted in being forced to live and master a life in an alien form, in an alien world. Is it any wonder that the ego becomes obsessed with the need for attention and validation of its self-importance, as a central pursuit in this life? Self-importance is the natural compensation for a deep sense of inadequacy, the true mental status of all of humanity.

Ironically, the ego’s obsession with self-importance, that steals the lion’s share of its energy and attention throughout its life, unknowingly engages its innate divine powers in perpetuating a life of inadequacy. The thoughts and beliefs we emphasize create the circumstances within our lives that reflect those thoughts.

The conscious mind of the ego is the architect that engages the infinite intelligence and divine building substance of the subconscious mind to manifest its will. There is no such thing as predetermination. What we emphasize in our thoughts is our destiny.

What we tell ourselves we are is what we magically become. These are our divine powers: thought and the ability to physically manifest those thoughts. Our current eon is challenging us to wake up to our unconscious use of these powers and to shift to consciously choosing  thoughts of right action.

Regardless of our values, it is the thoughts we are drawn to and emphasize that are manifested. Thus, if we are preoccupied with fascination and rage toward political figures, we are in fact inadvertently pledging our energy toward the realization of their dream.

Waking up to our innate royal privilege also requires that we become responsible rulers. If we saturate our minds with thoughts and feelings of love, compassion, right action, forgiveness, and abundance we are certain to manifest these physical conditions in our lives, individually and globally.

The ego of our time must die to its obsession with self-importance, as it assumes, with divine confidence, its ability to manifest a positively evolved self and world. The current eon requires us to claim our divine powers and exercise them in the service of truth.

What we give our attention to, consciously or unconsciously, is our real vote.

Attend wisely and responsibly, 

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