Discipline is necessary if life is to get into perfect balance, discipline that extends into every aspect of life. And yet discipline is only one part of what is needed and must never become the only thing that drives you in life. Perfect balance requires more than just discipline, more than just the intention of being disciplined. It requires the ability to be fluid, to go with the flow, to change and accept change, to take responsibility for your life no matter what happens. For life is like a river flowing naturally, energetically alive, and yet even a river does not always rage, does not always swell over its banks, nor dry up either. A river changes with the seasons and yet its discipline lies within its course, its direction. Whether contained or not, it flows in one direction. That is discipline. Be like a river. Seek fluidity and yet remain disciplined, heading in one direction, always upon your path of heart.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne