Soulbyte for Wednesday March 20, 2019

Life offers abundance. And yet life will not offer you a personal invitation to the table of abundance. Your entry into life is the only invitation you will receive. Birth is your only personal invitation. After that, life EXPECTS you to partake in what is offered. So, do not be afraid to partake. Do not fear that you are unworthy, for all are equally worthy to attend the banquet and partake of life’s offerings. You are not a guest of life, you are life itself and fully expected as much as the next person to enjoy its offerings. Life expects you at the party. So, enjoy what is available. It’s yours too! And, without greed, share the bounty so that all beings may experience happiness and the joys of abundance equally. It’s not about how much you get, but the quality of what you get out of life and how you decide to use it. For loving kindness and compassion are in abundance at the table too.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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