Without judgment be honest with the self. Instead of repeating the old thoughts, the ones you have been telling yourself for decades or longer, listen to the truth. The truth is what you have been hiding from, running from, escaping from. If evolution is to take place in your life it’s time to stand your ground, face yourself, look squarely into your own eyes and hear the unbiased truth. This is something only you can do for yourself, for only you know what is truly going on inside yourself. The truth will challenge you, but it will not harm you. The truth wishes only for your evolution, the fulfillment of your Soul’s purpose in life. The truth is just another part of you waking up, sending you a spark of life and hope that you are ready now to love yourself, to take yourself seriously enough to finally let down your judgments and defenses and fully embrace the life you are in and all it has to offer. With love and compassion and kindness for yourself journey on in a new direction now. With truth uppermost in your heart, mind, and body, take action on behalf of yourself today that is positive, proactive, productive, and heart-centeredly truthful. That is the next step.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne