Make the decision to get all of you, mind, body, and spirit, in alignment, in synch with what truly is. And what truly is? The fact that you are a being who has elected to take the journey you are on is what truly is. Be well, knowing that there is a reason, that there is meaning for your life, that everyone’s life has great meaning, especially for them. Your own life, though you may not yet know it, has greater meaning than you now perceive. Extend your mind, reach with your awareness, and ask your spirit to guide and protect you so that you may find your way to discovering this meaning. In the meantime, be calm, be at peace within your heart, secure in knowing that all is as it should be in this moment. Even in turmoil decide to remain calm and centered within the self, for that is the best way to weather through any storm.
–From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne