Soulbyte for Monday April 11, 2016

The word for today is Patience. Regard the self as you regard others, and with patience and humility attend to your own issues. Extend yourself kindness, understanding and patience, such as you might extend toward another being who struggles. Ask yourself to proceed on your journey knowing that eventually all will work in your favor, but for now you need a little patience!

Remain aware of your true needs in life on a daily basis, not so much what you want to achieve in the long run in the world without, but your true needs to achieve stability and balance within. With inner peace and calmness life will meet you with peaceful calmness and your days will even out, but it takes patience to calm the inner fires and proceed along at a steady pace with a humble and contrite heart. Know that you are fully capable, fully deserving, and fully loved even if you slow down and add a dose of patience.

Let the universe guide you today. Be patient as you go into your day. See what happens as you acquiesce to the way the universe sets things up today. You may be pleasantly surprised!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne


Soulbyte for Sunday April 10, 2016

Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Balance and right alignment are achieved over time by practicing moderation, and a modicum of discipline too! For without discipline there is no line of defense against all the temptations in the world.

Hold yourself sacred. Begin finding your balance in knowing that you are sacred, worthy, and beautiful and then set about owning it. “Owning” is an offering to the self, putting into practice all that you know, yet ignore.

The self—body, mind, and spirit—desires to be fully owned and utilized during your lifetime. It is your lifetime goal. Only then will you have full access to the greater Self and the opportunity to fully own the greater wholeness that you really are. As usual, your life is all about you! So take care of you, it’s all that really matters. Once you get the self into alignment with the Self everything else will fall into alignment with you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday April 9, 2016

The shadow self is the part that constantly tries to take over, to leave you unconscious of what you are doing, playing out old repetitive behaviors and actions no longer worthy of your time and attention. The shadow always lurks, seeking to dominate. It can be restrained and yet it will never be completely subdued, for the shadow is as much of who you are as your spirit is. Know its qualities of tenaciousness and speed and turn it from adversary to compassionate accomplice, asking it to aid you as you journey through life, to be ready at a moment’s notice to jump in and save you from yourself, for its energy is inexhaustible and can be used for good if consistently honed and diligently used in such manner. Shadow and spirit together in positive union, a mighty force indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 8, 2016

Do not get stuck in an old generation. Live your own life in your own generation, in the time in which you were born. Learn from the past, but move always onward, growing and changing. When faced with doubt, rejoice! For doubt is the catalyst that your seeking spirit needs so that it does not fall back into slumber and stagnancy. Doubt casts itself upon you all, asking you to prove yourselves worthy of life and to keep you in alignment with spirit and what is right and true.

Ask the universe when in doubt. No matter how many times you seek answers to your doubting mind the universe will answer, for it is infinite and its answers are also infinite. The universe is never at a loss!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 7, 2016

Where are you now? What stories are you telling yourself? What excuses are you making? Who are you blaming, angry at, worried about, wanting something from? All of these questions pertain to one thing: taking responsibility. It’s your life, your journey, your story. How do you want it to go? How do you want it to end? It’s really up to you.

You can change yourself at any moment with a change of thought, a new perspective, a decision to do something differently. Take charge in a new way. Deem yourself of the utmost value and then treasure yourself like the beautiful jewel that you are. And don’t forget to sparkle a little too. In the light and in the dark, inside and out, shine!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne