Soulbyte for Wednesday May 13, 2015

That which should change is usually obvious. What is often not so obvious is how to go about changing it. It might be quickest to turn and walk in a new direction but such action takes volition, as well as courage, and often the necessary energy to undertake such a drastic measure is lacking. So what to do? The best course of action is to first fully face the truth that such change is absolutely necessary. If one cannot leap then at least turn in a new direction and begin taking baby steps. Even babies must change, for nature does not allow them to stay babies.

All beings must mature and take responsibility for themselves. Change is really all about becoming autonomous, freeing the self of that which no longer works or has value, that which does not enhance maturity. Taking full responsibility for the self is the goal of adult life, and it is the energy behind change as well. All change is good, but self-instigated change is better. Why be forced into something when you can take control and end up feeling good? You might find that you are really good at enacting change. A life of mature responsibility is an enhanced life, and your spirit will thank you for taking the leap, even if the leaps are baby steps!

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 12, 2015

Let every act be an act of compassion and every deed worthy of copying. Lead the way by acting with loving kindness so that all who follow behind may be guided by your actions. Do this without need for compensation, material or otherwise, simply out of pureness and rightfulness of heart, for only in compassionate living and acting will compassion exist. There is no need. There is only being of good will and good intent to make a life worthwhile and beautiful.

Soulbyte for Monday May 11, 2015

The road to peace may be interrupted often, progress slowed and repairs needed, but eventually the goal will be achieved, for all who set out with good intentions will not be thwarted. Those who seek not only to be good people but also people of good will may find their road through life to have its ups and downs, but a path of good will always triumph over any ill will. To live in and work toward the light, with intentions set for peaceful goodness is always a path of heart and a path of heart is long and fulfilling no matter how arduous and difficult. So you see, to set a positive intention is to live life according to that which is on the side of good and with that in mind good will become the norm.

Soulbyte for Sunday May 10, 2015

There is no time like the present to be kind and loving, no time like the present to practice compassion, no time like the present to be your own loving parent to yourself, your own mother and father both, to be the responsible being you set out to be. There is no time like the present to give the world the present of your true self. Try it and see what happens. The world is ready. Are you?