Soulbyte for Wednesday May 20, 2015

To change the mind is to begin to have an open mind and an open mind will soon lead to other openings. To allow new ideas in opens the door to new life, for once there is an opening it will naturally seek to be filled. In continual openings there is continual new life, new energy, and new possibilities. Do not be afraid of change or that which is new. It may be just the thing to lead you out of the darkness and into the light, and the light of new mind and new life is good. Change is good.

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 19, 2015

There are many factors involved in a process of change. Sometimes there is fear. There may be resistance. And there may be downright reluctance. The High Self may use a number of tactics to instigate movement in a new direction, including incessant repetitive behaviors. So when you ask: why do I keep doing the things I do when I know they are not good for me? know that you are not alone. There is Spirit behind you, accompanying you every step of the way, keeping you under its thumb, waiting for you to yell “UNCLE!”

Getting tired of that game? Getting fed up with the self and the road your High Self has taken you on? You might surprise your High Self by deciding you’ve had enough and, before things get to a point of crisis, before you are forced to change, jump into a new groove. That might be all it takes to set life spinning in a new direction that is beneficial and good, not only for you, physically, mentally and emotionally, but for your spirit and your High Self too. And then you will get to see what your High Self has in store for you next. It might not be what you expect!

Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Dream On!

On cloud nine! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
On cloud nine!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is the channeled audio message for the week, a good practice to begin taking a deeper look at the self. Happy dreaming!

Note that there is a bit of a long pause partway into the channeling, but not to worry, it does pick up again! This is a natural occurrence, as sometimes the words and visual symbols I encounter are not quite ready to be deciphered!

Soulbyte for Monday May 18, 2015

All human beings are of two minds. Beyond the known mind, the telling, thought-provoking, deciding mind is another mind, the knowing mind. Begin to find, know and use this other, deeper, more ancient silent mind. This is the mind of the Higher Self, the one who knows all. This is the mind to cultivate, rather than the mind that ensnares, tells you lies about yourself and the world, and keeps you caught in its spiraling patterns of thought, greed, and emotional stagnation.

Find Higher Mind in moments of calmness, its voice pleasant, assuring and wise. You are this other mind even more than you are who you think you are. Make it a great day by opening up to its voice, letting it take you to a higher place within the self, so that you experience the world without as a higher place as well. Remember: everything is possible. You are more than you think you are. Let Higher Mind and Higher Self do your thinking today and see what happens!

Soulbyte for Sunday May 17, 2015

Life is like an ocean. It is never still. Waves come. Waves go. Big waves, little waves, it is never truly calm for beneath its surface is constant motion. It moves, flows, gives and takes, churns, torments and unfurls its furies. And so is life. Though land based creature, the human being must nonetheless contend with ocean energy within, for all of life is connected to its ebb and flow. No matter how far or near the ocean is in reality, in inner reality all creatures are one with it. Study the ocean to learn about life. It has much to teach.