Soulbyte for Wednesday February 4, 2015

A warrior knows that all beings have a compassionate heart and that all beings are capable of kindness. But a warrior also knows that the human animal must be fully known and contended with if true compassion and kindness are to be experienced and utilized. A warrior knows how capable the human animal is of keeping secrets, especially about what is untenable to know and accept about the self. A warrior knows that the deeper secrets about the self, what lies in the shadow self, must be fully known and contended with if one is to truly own and have available the innate compassion and kindness that lies at the heart of every human being. A warrior knows that all that one is must be revealed for the true virtues of compassion and kindness to fully arise and be utilized for the good of the self and the good of all. A warrior knows that to become a compassionate and kind being is a noble goal, but that to truly be so virtuous, without ego or need, one must do the work of the self first. Only then will a life of true compassionate service be fully available and experienced. Only a true warrior, one who has done the deeper work of the self, knows what it truly means that to give is better than to receive.

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 3, 2015

A path of heart is just that, a path that asks the heart to lead while simultaneously asking the heart to continuously open to new opportunities and experiences. We can let our heart lead or we can ask our heart to take us on a new journey at anytime. The real key, however, is trusting that our heart really does know what is best for us and that it will take us on a journey of meaning, leading to fulfillment of who we are in this lifetime. Be sure that once you open to the heart as guide, your life experiences will change and your higher self will become known to you more deeply each step of the way. A path of heart is a path of higher consciousness, of which you are all comprised. Be open and expectant. Be prepared for new life each day and your path of heart will provide the rest.

Soulbyte for Monday February 2, 2015

Happy Groundhog Day! A good day to study our behaviors! As we are in the midst of a winter storm it looks like spring is a ways off, but the Soulbyte today suggests we plan for it anyway. The audio channeled message from Jeanne will be posted tomorrow, Tuesday, but here is today’s Soulbyte to start off a fresh week:

With tenderness, look upon the self and others as both fallible and infinite, as human and spirit, as terribly uncertain and keenly aware. This dichotomy of self, this wandering fool and this perfect magician that you all are, is where all that you seek and all that you will become merges to do the work of discovery. Within the self, do not blame or hate. Do not dismiss or overindulge. Do not demean or inflate, but instead take full responsibility for the raw truths of where you have been and who you are now, on this day. These raw truths offer you the material of your transformation, the secret formula by which you will grow and change.

Take charge of these raw facts of self, painful though they may be. Study, nurture, and provide them with all that they need so that from them you may grow your new self. You are all full of potential, contained within that which you were born with, the life you were born into, and that which you have evolved into so far. Just as you might wish for the new growth of spring and prepare seeds for spring planting, do the same for the self. Now is the time of planning, seeding, and tender nurturance of new potential. All that you are now, and all that you will be, is contained within the seeds of self. Take over these seeds and in your own creative way set about the seeding of new life for the self. Only you can do it!

Soulbyte for Sunday February 1, 2015

The answer to the dilemma of balance must be found within. To remain part of the world and yet maintain a spiritual practice is the crux of the dilemma that all must contend with at some point in life if one is on an evolutionary journey. This dilemma of balance is both critical and necessary, as well as a practical process. How much in the world is it necessary to be, and how much in the spiritual world is desirable? What is the perfect balance? For each individual, the weighing of this dilemma will be different and very personal. It is dependent on where one is in life, the deeper work already done, the work still to do, and the ever-present needs of the physical self in the physical world.

The best advice lies always within the self. Keep in mind that while you live upon that earth plane you must be part of life. If you did not need physical reality you would not be there. So, as you exist so must you challenge yourself to experience life as a physical being and all that that means. Do not restrict out of fear or reluctance, or overindulge either. Yet do accept yourself as a physical, emotional being with needs and desires. Entice and nourish this emotional being as much as you encourage your physical body to eat, exercise, sleep, and attend to the necessities of life.

Balance of the serious, the playful, and the spiritual is necessary for life to flow most naturally. Engage in life, for it may be your last chance, as you just might be evolving out of the physical realm into another realm. Give it all you’ve got!