You may experience a time of uncertainty, but beneath the surface be assured that all is working in your favor. When one aligns with the natural forces of nature one puts oneself in a position of power, for the power of nature is the only true power, and alignment with its good side will yield fruit. Alignment with its dark side will bring destruction. A path of heart is an obvious alignment with the good. Such a choice will naturally flow along lines of progress, accumulating that which is right and proper.
For one who is struggling to become more grounded, the means by which one will progress in life is really far more likely to have a positive outcome if one can allow life itself to lead the way. In alignment with nature each day, on a path of heart, positive outcome is certain. However, nature has an unusual way of delivering its messages! So be aware of its gifts, that they may arrive in strange packages. You may have to give up control and your set ideas of how things should go and just go with the flow!
Why do you yearn? To be in the moment is all that matters, for then you are available to receive and give what matters now. What matter is wishing when reality is now? Stay focused on the matters at hand. The future is now and you have everything you need for this moment. Even if it is only the air you breathe, it is enough.
Each day brings new light and new definition to life and the path we walk on… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
Here is the channeled message for this week. As Jeanne says at the end of the channeling, Good Luck as you discover what your mission is all about!
It might not be clear until later in life, but know that everything that comes to you is significant. Everything is meaningful. Everything is showing you your path.
Notice your energy today, how different from yesterday. Are you calmer? Less stressed? Is your inner self more present? Notice your mood today. Notice the outer world too. Even residuals of tension will be met and experienced differently as you accept the shift in energy that has occurred in the past few hours. Allow it to touch you. Be guided by it. Allow this new and different energy to teach you the value of sitting still in the tension, in patient waiting while no action is taken. When the time is right for action you will know.
By this difference in energy see how everything else shifts too, how perceptions, thoughts, feelings, emotions lose their edginess and take their rightful place in your life, how softened everything is and how much more clearly you see your dilemmas and choices. Your patient waiting has paid off. Now make the most of it; yet still let kindness and compassion be your active operating system, your driver and your motivator in all you do.
We present today’s Soulbyte in a different format out of concern for you, all of our readers. Here is the Soulbyte followed by a reading from the I Ching and a synchronicity that we experienced as we discussed it.
The Soulbyte:
Now is a time of tension and waiting, not action. You may feel as if someone is taking aim at you, as if you are in the crosshairs, waiting for the inevitable, and yet you have no idea why. You have a sense of knowing on a practical level, yet there is some deeper issue that remains hidden, driving your energy. This is a dangerous place to be in, for without clarity the wrong decisions will be made, with disastrous results. Thus the crosshairs. What or who is taking aim, and why? What is behind the tension you are now in the grips of? Is it fear? Innocence? An old wound? A childish emotion? To maintain stability and ride through the current tension, in yourself and in the world around you, infinitely personal and infinitely universal, do not act at this time but sit in the tension and with patience and deep soul-searching find the deeper truth about your own feelings. Only then will you be in a position to take the action that will be right. It might just be a matter of time before you gain clarity and so take the time you need. If restlessness arises refuse it. It will only aggravate an already tenuous condition or situation. Know that the tension is your friend, your good friend. And so treat it as such. It brings you more gifts than you realize. In time you will realize this. Be thankful and grateful for this time of tension in the crosshairs. Who is really taking aim at you? You might be surprised to find that it’s you!
As we discussed this Soulbyte, Chuck had concern that people not overreact to the ominous insinuation of it. He took out the I Ching and opened, knowingly, to Hexagram #5, Waiting, and read the following lines:
“One is faced with a danger that has to be overcome. Weakness and impatience can do nothing. Only a strong man can stand up to his fate, for his inner security enables him to endure to the end. This strength shows itself in uncompromising truthfulness with himself. It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any sort of self-deception or illusion, that a light will develop out of events, by which the path to success may be recognized.”
To further support our process around this Soulbyte, at the exact moment of reading the above lines a hawk flew into the tree outside our window and patiently seated itself, at once the predator and yet also the stillness that faces things exactly as they are. The predator is ultimately the truth awaiting recognition. The hawk sat calmly surrounded by the blue jay guards. It flew off in good time, no harm done.
This whole process that we took the time to follow through to the end, in order to spare anyone difficulties or fear, is the exact process to undertake. The Soulbyte, the I Ching reading, and the hawk all underscore this. Be patient and wait.