Readers of Infinity: Love Comes From The Earth

Jan's morning dream image: We each hold love in our own hands...

Smell sweet scents of nature. Listen for sounds of beauty. Walk upon the earth and own its beauty. With humility and deep compassion be its mentor and its guide, for you human beings are responsible now for all that you behold. Do you care to lose it? Or do you care to truly love it?

In love there is only caring: for self and other, for that which is right, within and without.

Find peace in your days upon that earth by reckoning with your troubles as an individual and as part of the whole.

Find peace on earth by giving rather than taking.

Find peace within by loving in the midst of both your joys and your sorrows.

Find peace in right action, in balance with nature’s generosity, but do not be greedy, for then will peace be destroyed.

Be solid citizens of earth, of the self, of each other, for you are all worthy of peace on earth.

Dream told Jan to put index fingers over heart, creating a roof, making love available for both giving to others while still containing for self...

Find yourself more than worthy of the earth’s calm energy as you soak up its love for you. Can you accept that loving energy from the earth itself and return it with equal love? This is what man is now charged with upon that earth: balancing energies of love by achieving balance between nature and self. This is how to change the self and how to also change the world.

Love exists all around you. Let it in.

Channeled, with love, by Jan Ketchel.

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