A Day in a Life: Suffering Resistance

Inevitable change

Sentinel crows perch high in the trees warning of inevitable change. Other crows swoop down into the garden and peck away at the composting matter that I’ve laid there, hoping for just such help in breaking it down into mulch in time for the spring planting. I watch as they scratch, bite and jab at the remnants of our eating habits, taking what they want, leaving the rest in tatters. This is the inevitable process of nature in flux. Nature does not resist change.

I fight a virus, taking homeopathic remedies and herbal decoctions. I decide that I do not want to be sick, yet I know I must take care of myself so that I do not fall into its welcoming arms. I elect to watch my energy, because I know that illness is draining, that it will suck my energy like a vampire, grabbing me in its smothering embrace if I am not alert. This is change that I personally elect to resist.

Change is natural, change is necessary for life to evolve, yet resistance is as natural as change. Sometimes we cannot resist illness, we must allow it to take us to new places. Sometimes we cannot resist where life elects to take us either. We must acquiesce, even against our will. As we allow ourselves to acquiesce to the transformative learning process of the recapitulation journey, we discover how to use both change and resistance to our advantage.

Our spirit constantly urges us to change, to just let go and see where life takes us. This is usually what is behind our resistance. We feel resistance because something inside us will not leave us alone. As we fight against it we suffer. In resistance we feel pain, sadness, remorse, regret; we feel abandoned, wounded, and rejected; we blame others, shame ourselves, and bear a heavy burden of guilt; and we experience deep despair at the cruelties of life. We become depressed, ill, nervous, anxious, afraid. We fight the natural process of mulching our souls into submission. We refuse the call to discover what they want to show us. We resist the journey they offer to take us on. We reject the truths they constantly whisper in our ears. And so we must suffer.

In taking on the natural process of recapitulation in full awareness—the life review that we will all do as we age anyway—we offer ourselves the opportunity to fully resolve our issues now, so that we do not die still suffering; so that we do not die regretful that we have not lived a better life, a fuller, happier, kinder, more loving life. In constantly resisting the natural flow of our lives we harden against our own spirit, refusing its call out of fear of having to change. But if we look around at the world we will notice that change is inevitable. Life itself is inevitable. The crows in my trees and garden tell me this every day. “Keep going,” they say. “Keep changing. Note that change is coming all the time. Decide how you are going to handle it. Are you ready to acquiesce? Or is it better to resist its onslaught this time and conserve your energy for better use later?”

As I did my recapitulation I learned that I did have to acquiesce, that it was an inevitable process and I needed to allow for it. But I also learned that it was impossible to simply let go, that the process itself was leading me through my resistance and my acquiescence in a most natural way. I had to learn how my own process was going to unfold. I had to learn how my spirit was guiding me. I had to learn to trust it and the process itself. I had to acquiesce to the inevitable natural flow of it, learning as I did that when I was ready it was right beside me, taking me along on a most amazing process of change. When I pushed for change, it did not necessarily happen. It was only when I was truly ready for it that it came, in a most appropriate and deeply meaningful manner.

As we go into this New Year, we must note the inevitability of change. It is going to happen no matter what we do. Our process must be open and flowing, yet we must be aware of the need to conserve our energy. We must learn to care for ourselves, both in our resistance—as I do to the virus that teases me because I know it’s the right kind of resistance—as well as in our ability to flow with the inevitability of change.

We must be open and aware of the process of change. We must give a little and hold back a little, yet in the end we must acknowledge that when we are truly ready our process will ease us along, our resistance will find its way to acquiescence, our spirit’s guidance acceptable, our suffering over.

In resistance we grow too, for our resistance shows us where we must change. It shows us where we suffer and why we suffer. The biggest challenge and the biggest release comes in no longer resisting our suffering, but in allowing it to guide us to change. It is only then, as we undergo a process of transformation, that we recoup our personal energy long caught in our suffering. It is then that we really learn how to use it well. It is then that we discover we can resist suffering because we truly understand that it is no longer where we want to spend our energy.

As 2012 unfolds, may we all find how best to use our energy, for ourselves and others, naturally flowing with the evolutionary intent that will no longer be held back.

Going with the flow, intending awareness,

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