Website Updates

Over the next few days and weeks we will be updating the content on the website. A new side panel showing recent comments will appear allowing for easier access to reader comments that are now embedded in each post. This will offer the opportunity for you, our readers, to perhaps engage in a dialogue with each other and with us as well. We’ve been enjoying the process so far, but realize that it needs to be more accessible and obvious, so hopefully the new format will help. Thank you to those of you who have been commenting thus far. It has been a pleasure reading your insights and experiences.

We intend to maintain our current channeling and blogging schedule over the holidays, though we will be taking a break from our psychotherapy and hypnosis work until after the New Year.

An energetic happy holidays to all!
Love from all of us,
Jan, Chuck, and Jeanne


We highly recommend the movie Avatar. An experience of energy and the interconnectedness of all things, of everything that Jeanne talks about, very Jungian, shamanic, environmentally and politically astute (and much more), thoroughly engaging, with a great and satisfying story this movie is not to be missed. Hopefully you can see it in 3D. This is not a movie for small children, though it will engage anyone on some level. We have not seen such a thoroughly satisfying movie in a long time.

#623 Like a Leaf Upon the Breeze

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for humanity today?

This is a time of shift, yet is it up to each one of you to engage in it, to partake of the opportunities that arise to further you along. You exist as a leaf upon a tree. When the winds come, when the time is right, you will be buffeted and loosened, knocked from your connection and sent swirling down from your perch. Will you allow the breeze to lift you and carry you afar on your true journey? Will you fall to the mulchy ground beneath the tree of life and merge with the undergrowth? Will you sit silently awaiting the call to move on, stumbling along the ground, a leaf on the wind that has come to carry you?

Your lives upon that earth are energetically spurred, attached, and set up so that you have many opportunities in a lifetime to awaken, become aware, and move on to new life. New life comes in many forms, both subtle and forceful, engagingly enticing and fearfully alerting, yet do you always have the option to flow or not to flow. Even the tiniest leaf upon the ground may tumble but an inch before it hunkers down among the dead and dying mulching leaves, electing no more engagement in adventure.

Do you see what I am proposing to you today? I am in the mood to suggest that awakening opportunities are present in every moment of every day. Even if you are buffeted by the wind, a leaf upon the breeze, are you aware that this is so? Are you aware of your journey, your own energy, and the energy outside of you pushing you along? Do you feel controlled by your life? Are you unaware that you have total control, if only you would wake up and engage in the energy that is not only present in your life but fully necessary, previously arranged so that you might grow?

Each one of you upon that earth has the opportunity to awaken at any moment to the flow of your life, on an energetic scale, as part of all energy, meant to be, but also eager to exist, if only you will allow for it. This is the final question I pose to you today: Can you allow your self to fully exist, as an energetic being on a mission of growth and evolution, energetically propelled and engaged? You are all energy beings. You are all capable of more fully engaging the energy around you.

During this time of shift and great potential for human growth, perhaps you will energetically protest your usual routines, habits, thoughts, behaviors, ideas, and rituals, and reengage in the fresh new energy that is calling you, asking you to notice what is really happening inside of you and outside of you. Find out how you are really feeling. State you truths and live by them. Decide to use the energy for a real shift and you will be supported greatly in your endeavors.

Find your calmness, your balance, your heart-centered goodness, and lift the edge of your awareness out of the place where you are caught and like a leaf upon the breeze allow your self to travel some place new, without fear, open to the journey ahead.

#622 Chuck’s Place: The Great Awakening

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.

The interconnectedness of now presupposes a relationship among all who currently inhabit the world stage. Why have we all chosen to be part of this time, with the unique challenges and opportunities of now? I imagine that our various incarnations have perfectly fitted us to come together for this particular world play. As always, the Christmas vignette gives us pause to step out of role and acknowledge our deeper connection.

To awaken to our deeper reality while we perform, impeccably, our parts in the story of our time, is the real challenge and the real opportunity of now. We used to need the jolt of death to awaken us, where all that seemed so meaningful but a moment before dissolved under the impact of the lifting of the veils. However, in our time, in our play, we can awaken without death; we can jolt ourselves awake to perform in a truthful play.

We woke up to elect Obama. Then, we went back to sleep and he went back to sleep. He is slipping into the Clinton formula: pacify capital under the appearance of progress. We, the populous, sit in our seats, laughing or cringing, as we watch heavily funded and poorly-acted delusional skits of tea parties, town meetings, congressional speeches, Glenn Becks, and Sarah Palins. We listen to another speech to defend our freedom with fresh troops going to Afghanistan (or was it Iraq or Korea or Vietnam?) and simply yawn. I tell you, that play is so boring, so played out, it really is a dud. Nonetheless, Obama, Director, Commander-in-chief, has chosen not to alter the play.

It looks like capital will prevail with the health care bill as well, under the veil of reform, another dud. This play is quickly slipping into the old formula, but I don’t despair. We woke up to elect Obama and I think he will eventually wake up and direct an honest reality play. (Honest Abe is his role model after all.) That’s where I direct my energetic intent. That’s our collective challenge now: to direct our energetic intent to perform in a truthful reality play.

We must be impeccable in this intent in order to advance our evolutionary potential but, at the same time, we must remain detached. After all, it’s just a play. Whether you play the hero or the villain, when the gig is up you step out of role into new life, new causes, with new roles to play. Detachment, with impeccability of performance, keeps a foot in two worlds at once, allows for a lightness of being, as we unburden ourselves of the heaviness of getting too attached and too serious about this reality. After all, it is only a play. The real possibility of our time is to participate in a different reality play, a play without veils that aligns with the truth.

This is what our many journeys through infinity have led us all to. This is why we share the stage together at this time. We are challenged with a collective recapitulation. Can we face the real truths of history and unburden ourselves of the pain and lies that construct our phony plays? Can we lift the veils in this world and open to the greater world of energetic interconnectedness, wide awake?

I say, yes! I say, we are all performers in the hottest new hit on Broadway: The Great Awakening!

As always, should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: or feel free to post a comment.

Until we meet again,

#621 Remain in Flux

Sorry this is a little late today. Due to extreme cold the internet has been down all morning. Have a great weekend!
-Jan & Chuck

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today?

Bring your energy inward now as the outer energy continues to pull at you. Remain centered, balanced, and in a state of flux, within and without, so that equilibrium and maturity of purpose and decision remain in tact. In turning inward, your work upon the self may continue unabated though your outer world may continually rev its engines. Your inner energy, to combat the outer engines buzzing loudly, must tune to a lower hum for this equilibrium to be achievable.

I cannot stress enough how important it is, especially at this time of year, to remain innerly connected. Find your balance and your inner place of calm so that you may flow now, uninterrupted, into holiday time, available to interact with dignity and mature grace, through this time of coming change.

There is little else you need attend to now. Stay focused on maintaining a steady inward gaze throughout the time ahead. This will aid you in holding your place in your inner work. Turn inward with heart-centered breathing, with calming mantras, and with mirrors of inner reflection, finding always the personal meaning of your outer world, asking the self, in an innerly manner, to ponder what is being shown outside of you. Your world reflects your deepest issues and this you must constantly contend with to truly remain in flux.

Enjoy your inward turning, not a chore but a path to enlightenment of self. This is the reason you exist, not only to live in that world, but to find the true reason you are in that world at this time. What are you supposed to learn? Your answers to that question must be taken from your outer life and answered in your inner life. To get to a place of deep inner work, to a place of true flux, is to accept responsibility for every step you take, every place you find yourself, every confrontation and challenge you encounter and turn inward in contemplation, without judgment or blame of self or others, but as simple fact that this issue is most important and necessary work at this moment.

To ask the self why is just the first step. The second step is to wait for the inner self to respond. Your answers will come, though perhaps not as you wish them, perhaps in an unusual or uncomfortable way, but no matter how they arrive, your next step is to receive them and take them back into your inner self and go deeper, asking what you are supposed to learn next. This is true inner work in flux with every day life.

Find your equilibrium and without fear or judgment allow the self to venture inward even as you move forward in your outer life, flowing and knowing that life and the universe expect you to keep challenging the self to fully grasp the true meaning of your existence. I give you this gift to ponder, as usual: the SELF!