#567 Two Things to Remember

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Today, I leave the door open for you to speak about what you will. Where are you?

I am right here, for the asking.

What do you offer us today?

Today, I speak of the past and of its treasures and symbols, its signs and meanings, and of its desire to become known so that it may eventually become integrated and spent, no longer a place of regret or sorrow, but a place of former passion and understanding, a place fully reconciled and brought forth into who you are now, an evolving being.

To become more fully integrated in your life now, and to fully accept your self as an energy being, it is of vital importance that you resolve the issues of your past that still cling to you, keeping you weighed down. The past may be your present life’s issues, yet to be recalled or dealt with, or they may be issues from past lives held over for resolution in your present life. First, you must find out who you are now, gaining a fuller picture of your true self and your true desires for growth. Once you have found the truth of the self as an energy being and accepted that you are more than just blood and bones, so will you be ready to venture further within the self, discovering that your life has indeed been one of learning how to function as an energetic being, even while you have been learning to function as a human being.

The charge you give your self with each lifetime upon that earth is to integrate these two selves, so that you may attain a balance and complete a lifetime in full awareness of the self as an energy being upon a journey of meaning and awareness, integrating your many lives in order to complete your cycles upon that earth as a mature spiritual entity. Do you not look around you in wonder? Do you not seek something greater than the daily life you live so diligently? Do you not feel your energy stirring inside you, asking for you to allow it to express itself more fully each day?

The energy of the self does not reside in the human body alone, but utilizes the human body as vehicle into many situations where it may explore its capabilities. While you sleep and dream, your energy is exploring. While your mind is busy conjuring, your energy may be elsewhere occupied, without your knowing. While you are looking for something to occupy your self with, so is your energy also on a quest.

My purpose in returning to the two themes of the past and your personal energy is that these two items are of utmost importance to an evolving being. Awareness of the self as having lived many lives for the purpose of spiritual evolution must be attained and retained. Awareness of the self as energy must also be attained and retained. Gaining a clear picture of the self as an energetic being, having lived many lives in order to learn these two things, may be quite challenging to grasp for some, while for others it is, and always has been, quite apparent. It does not matter which category you find your self in. The main issue is to allow the self to gain this clarity but, beyond that, to recognize it as true. The greatest challenge then becomes to hold onto this clear picture, at all times, to remember: I am an energy being who has lived many lives!

To remember this at all times throughout your life is the challenge of each lifetime. For if you can hold onto this clarity of self as an energetic being, living a life in order to learn to evolve, then your opportunities for advancement will be presented with greater clarity and your issues needing resolution will appear with greater clarity as well, leading you to the means of integration of human self with spirit self.

I suggest that there are many ways of seeking integration of self, but without fully accepting the self as an energy being, who is on a journey of evolution, all of your seeking will have little consequence. All of your seeking, without clarity of what you are truly attempting to achieve in that lifetime, will get you nowhere.

I do not mean to imply that the work you do as a human being will not advance you, for in each lifetime, as I have said, you do advance. But I do contend that without clearly understanding why you are advancing, and what you are advancing to, your journey will remain a mystery and life upon that earth will be repeated. Clarity of the self as an energetic evolving being must be achieved. It must be clearly stated and remembered in order for a truthful journey of awareness to become an evolutionary journey.

I intend to challenge you all with my messages to seek not only clarity of the self, but also greater clarity of life around you. Do not close your eyes to what is happening around you, nor shut your self off in some temple, or church, or remote self-serving place of withdrawal, for then you do not challenge the self to fully live the life you now have upon you. Understand that the times you choose to live in are as much your own challenge as any one else’s. Become clear on why you are there upon that earth at this time. Find your way to trusting the reason you have elected to live the life you live and, with that trust in the self as an evolving being, find the truths of the self for now that will lead you to your deeper meaning and purpose.

Why are you there? What must you learn? What must you give to others to help them grow and evolve? What must you remember, and what must you never forget, about the self? What deeper secret will lead you to clarity of the self?

It is necessary for each one of you to provide the self with the intention of maintaining clarity of the two main points I stress today:

1. you are a human being living upon that earth for a reason, and
2. you are an energy being who desires evolutionary growth.

Maintain your clarity of the self, and the world around you, though the outer energy may seek to override your good intentions and test your ability to remember that clarity is key. I ask you once again: Who are you?

No Message Today

Dear Readers,

We are taking a day off today, Labor Day in the US. The next message will be posted by noon EDT on Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Last week’s messages and Chuck’s blog were pretty full of interesting info and ideas, so we know there is a lot to read and ponder.

Until we meet again,
Jan and Chuck

#566 Chuck’s Place: Jung, Alchemy & Transformation

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.

I wrote this blog on Friday morning as Jan sat next to me and channeled Jeanne’s Message #565. Jan and I are always struck by the magic of synchronicity, as Jeanne’s themes are reflected in my own flow of thoughts. Perhaps calling my thoughts my own is a bit presumptuous!

It’s hard for me to sink into Jung’s works without becoming completely enchanted with the depths of his discoveries. Suddenly, everywhere I look I see with clarity (I think!), the pearls of wisdom he illuminated. I have encountered critiques of Jung from well-established authorities in the field of psychology who consider his exhaustive studies of alchemy of little contribution to the needs of modern life, in fact, a complete waste of time.

As I see it, the major problem of our modern psychology is the focus, in one form or another, on ego psychology. Rationality has become the one true God of our time. Connection with that God means the ability to actualize our goals, satisfy our needs, and find fulfillment in love, career, and family in this life. Modern psychology researches the brain, seeking techniques and drugs to manipulate and maximize its beneficial functioning to serve the fulfillment of the ego’s reasonable goals. Isn’t that, after all, the meaning of life?!

Jung, on the other hand, was a deeply spiritual man. Though the son of generations of Protestant preachers, he experienced no value in dogma or Christianity as it was espoused and practiced. For Jung, Christianity’s handling of the dark side of God left mankind helpless in reconciling the dark side of his own nature and left him constantly at war, projecting evil upon, and seeking to eradicate it from, his neighbor. Jung explored the depths of what it means to be human, taking on the challenge of becoming conscious, and reconciling the oppositions within human nature.

In one of Jung’s early dreams he saw the heavens opening up, dropping excrement upon the towering spires of the church. This dream represented both God’s attitude toward the one-sidedness of the church as well as offered the missing ingredient to its wholeness, the dark side. This dream was the foreshadowing of his life’s work and its parallel to alchemy. Jung’s opus, like the alchemist’s, was to begin with the black substance, the nigredo, which, buried deep within, contains the jewel. Jung termed this transformational process, individuation: the individual’s journey to claim his or her true, real, whole self and, in that process, union with God within.

Jung’s psychology is a far cry from ego psychology with its limited aims. For Jung the purpose of life is to fully discover and embrace the totality of the self, to find completion in wholeness. In his own encounters with his own guides, who were ancient alchemists, in a process he called active imagination, Jung was led into the laboratories of those ancient masters and shown the secret practices of the adepts as they subjected the nigredo to a series of chemical processes to arrive at their gold. Jung realized that through the psychological function of projection these alchemists were undergoing the processes of individuation that led to wholeness. He studied these processes, with their deep transformational qualities, and recognized their relevance to depth psychological treatment. This was his gift to us: resurrecting the spiritual wisdom and transformational practices of the alchemists for our modern times.

I am struck by the parallel contributions of Carl Jung and Carlos Castaneda in this respect, as both have left us the benefits of ancient wisdom and practices in a format applicable and usable in our time. However, as don Juan cautioned, pursuing sorcery (or alchemy or individuation) requires guts of steel. It is not an intellectual road or one to be pursued out of curiosity, though they can lead you to the doorstep. Herein lies the reason for the secrecy of the alchemists: only the worthy may enter the laboratory. Worthiness, not in terms of ego achievements, but in a readiness to leave behind the world of judgments, that both torture us yet comfort us, by keeping us securely nestled in the womb of a known life, a world we can function in, however wounded and insecure we are.

The adept knows he is inadequate. It is a fact. The adept knows that no amount of ego psychology or brain manipulation will change that fact. Inadequacy, incompleteness, is the reason to take the journey into the unknown. We all begin as nigredo. We cannot evolve to enlightenment if we can’t embrace the truth of where we are and what we are, at every stage.

Furthermore, we cannot experience true transformation without a genuine experience of God, magic, infinity, etc… Call it what you will. This isn’t about belief; it’s about experience. Depth psychology subjects the ego to a series of processes to prepare it for its experience of transformation, in communion with God within. Ego psychology can only prepare the ego to commune with the limits of the God of reason; no transformation here, merely inflation supported by constructs and chemicals.

Which path do we choose to follow, the path of power (the ego) or the path of spirit? Jung gave us dreams, active imagination, and a humble ego seeking wholeness. Carlos gave us Tensegrity, with its own dreams and recapitulation. Jeanne gives us guides, signs, and energy. All of these practices are practices, if practiced, that offer the possibility of completion, wholeness, and infinity, now!

As usual, should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com or feel free to post a comment.

Until we meet again,

#565 Truths are Scrawled Across Your Awareness

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Take a look at the post below for an explanation of how comments work on the website. We are looking forward to connecting with you and offering you the opportunity to connect with others in this way. Sorry if there was some confusion as to how this works.

Dear Jeanne,
Today I had planned to ask you to continue talking about good and evil as regards what has been happening in America, as our political, social, economical, and spiritual processes are so greatly suffering right now, having come to a head brought on by long held beliefs and long ago made decisions. On the other hand, I also feel inclined to just let you go where you would like today. So, I leave it up to you as we connect. I await your choice of subject for what seems most important for today. Okay?

Yes, thank you. Today the prefix trans- is much in the news, coming from me, but you will also find it repeated much over the next few days, for this is a time of transformation, transfixion, transition, transportation, transmogrification, etc. In many ways, this is another moment of culmination leading to breakthrough, as many of you are finally “getting” what you should be getting about your own life, while at the same time many in the masses are also getting what they must get.

You see, this is a revealing time. Truths, having been previously exposed and subsequently reburied over long periods of time, have been dug up again. As you state, My Dear Jan, and I know this is of great concern for Chuck as well, the truths of America have been kept hidden for decades. This time of culmination, for America, means that the layers of dirt covering these truths are being swept away with greater force now, the power shifting to the exposing rather than the burying team. At first it may not appear this way, for you may say that evil and disregard for the intellect of the masses has far greater control still, but you must also remember that a great awakening has been taking place among the masses and the rumblings of this awakening giant are more than beginning to be felt and heard. Do not doubt the intelligence of this great giant as it comes out of slumber, as it awakens to full consciousness and roars aloud the truths it carries, long buried with it. It is not a dreamer emerging from fantasy land, but the bearer of truths awakening from forced burial, buried alive by those who could not face their own truths.

This time of transformation, now so ready and eager to turn and shift the consciousness of the masses, is taking place all over the world, on individual levels. Many more are choosing to attach to the long buried truth. Many more are accepting their own roles in upholding the lies of their own lives and the lies promulgated by those around them. The hidden is no longer attractive. It is quickly losing its power as truth emerges, more clearly defined than ever.

Now, within each of you, your own truths are being written, scrawled across your awareness, and you cannot deny them. I ask you to pay attention to them and allow them to lead you now, rather than turning your back on them, and walking away, saying: “Later, I’ll attend to you later.” If you attempt to turn away, they will grab you by the arm and pull you around to face them squarely, saying: What are you so afraid of? I am your truth! I belong to you and I have been waiting so long for you. Do not turn away again, for now that I have emerged and am present in your world I will not retreat. You must work with me now, not against me. You must be honest and truthful with your self and transform your life into all that it is meant to be. I have emerged out of the darkness and I am here to stay, present in the light. You cannot hide from me; so please, be brave and unafraid of me. Work with me, for I am you!

This is the message that is reverberating around the world, as truths are emerging, dusting off the dirt and sand and gravel of the years of burial, saying: Look, look at me! I am your truth. This may sound like a frightening encounter but you know, each of you, that it is, truthfully, the only encounter you need right now, and it is not as scary as you might think. If you allow your self to sit down across the table from your truth you will know its rightness in your life, and not only its rightness, but the fact that it is going to lead you forward, as you have never been so properly led before.

This is transformation in action. Your acceptance of your own long buried truths, your standing up to them, sitting, merging with them, wearing them now proudly upon your weary shoulders will give you new energy, new light, and new voice. This ability to get beyond the old graveyards and the old turning points of dismissal and denial of truths is now going to guide you forward. Turning toward the truths, embracing them, and pivoting in a new direction with them as your mantle, exposing them for all to see, will lead you in a very new direction, in all aspects of your life.

This will, in turn, begin to have repercussions in America and around the world. If not one of you turns from the truths being revealed to you as an individual, if you accept them and go in a new direction with them, you will not tolerate the old cover-ups, the old denials, and the old habits of others either, and this will change not only your personal world, but your country and the greater world.

Truth will carry you forward. If you dare to accept your own truths, you are well on the way to not only recovery, but real transformation, transitioning and transporting your self forward on the momentum of truth alone. It has long awaited its opportunity to show what power it holds.

I hope this answers your question about good and evil, for that is what all have been dealing with. The positive and negative forces are always in conflict, until you acknowledge their presence, accepting the truths of both, absorbing the true facts of self, resolving the truths of your journey, fully accepting each step you have taken as necessary and truly your own responsibility, as your challenges alone, without judgment or holding others accountable for your life. This process of confrontation and acceptance will lead to true transformation.

In such resolution of ownership and reconciliation of the good and evil in the self you will be able to accept your truths, which you have thus far envisioned as evil aspects of the self, better kept secret and hidden. But they are, in fact, your most precious and necessary teachers, and it is up to you to face them, reveal them to the self alone, and make amends by recognizing them as most meaningful aspects of the self for growth, transforming what you once saw as evil into good.

Good will lead you out of the darkness as you transform your darkness into light. That is your challenge now. That is America’s challenge and the world’s challenge: to transform darkness into light, the light of truth born of perceived darkness, but in fact jewels of truth and deception coexisting simultaneously. Your challenges will lead you to the light, no matter how dark and fearful they appear!

Clarification on how the comments work…

It has come to our attention that the way the comments section works may not be quite clear. Anyone may leave comments and they will appear on the website so that an interactive dialogue may ensue. The comments are not meant to be addressed to us alone, but to whomever reads the website, although they go through our filter. To add a comment simply click on the comments link at the bottom of each post and this will take you to the comments panel on that post’s page. Write in your comment, using either a screen name or your real name if you prefer, and send it off to us. Once moderated they will be posted. I make no promises as to speedy moderation process, but I expect that most comments will appear on the website the same day they are sent to us.

I hope this answers any questions as to how the process works. In order to read comments you have to also click on the comments link on the bottom of each post to open the post and there you will be able to read what has been posted.

Thanks for keeping us abreast of these types of misunderstandings. We do hope that you will feel safe and free enough to interact with us and with each other. We have long felt that the messages should be discussed, but have not found a way that was feasible for us. Perhaps this will be it.

Jan and Chuck