#467 Alignment is Key

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
My recent question to you regarding the animus, Chuck’s blog on the subject, and the fact that Venus is retrograde, which we learned from a friend who follows the astrological charts, means that quite synchronistically relationship issues, male/female, anima/animus issues are in the forefront right now. It appears that this is a time of confrontation with past lovers and old conflicts, coupled with the danger of repeating, returning to, or renewing old acquaintances that may not be appropriate. Do you have further guidance and comments on the relationship issue in light of this new factor, the astrological alignment with Venus retrograde?

Alignment is the key word here and should remain present in your inner work as you question whether or not you are personally in alignment with self, with inner spirit self, innerly and outerly. As I spoke of the other day, so do I contend that to be in alignment with a new self is what you seek now. To remain focused on your path of growth as an individual, to be steady, and truly knowing of self, above all else, is your challenge. For only in truly knowing self and the whys behind every action will you discover what true relationship is.

I contend also that one becomes drawn to return to old situations, no matter what their imprint is, more for reasons of curiosity than for reasons of growth. I suggest also that in order to continually move toward alignment of self a healthy detachment from the past is vital. By healthy, I mean, with a clarity of knowing that it does not fulfill the new person you have become because the past is no longer with you. Only in memory does it come to aid you, to remind you of your past tests, trials, and truths, in order for you to recall the lessons learned, to view them from the perspective of now, offering the opportunity of recapitulation, in order to fully acknowledge that you have indeed grown, matured, changed greatly, and become more focused on your true path of self-discovery.

Only in truly knowing who you are, My Dear Ones, will your life be fulfilled in relationship with another.

I advise careful study of the lessons of the self as you encounter what you must over the next few days and weeks. Who comes to greet you, offering you the opportunity of further detachment? Growth does not entail attachment, but conscious detachment, in order to continue a journey of self discovery. Conscious detachment entails learning compassionate non-judgmental retreat from a past that no longer fulfills; for it does not, in fact, exist in the present, nor acknowledge the present you. It but lingers in memories of old recycled dreams that have no meaning in life, for they once held powers of test and challenge based on an old you.

Acknowledge now your own growth during this time of retrograde. You cannot escape the energy of it if you are still in need of learning its lessons, but keep in mind that its lessons are hard earned ones, already completed, simply reminding you that you have already processed them, perhaps many times, perhaps too many times for comfort’s sake. Do you wish to grow and achieve alignment of self, and offer the opportunity for a new you to be an active journeyer? Keep in mind the word alignment in respect to self. This is now key in order to utilize this energy of now for growth rather than repression.

If you choose to delve into a murky past, do so with awareness that you will not uncover anything new, for there lies only what you once dug up and learned from. Newness lies in looking forward, while only charred remains lie buried in the holes being uncovered by the retrograde energy.

As I suggested in my previous message, it is time for a new opening, a new hole, by taking off your lid, accessing the inner self, the inner channel of self, in alignment and balance with what you have learned about the self, rather than anyone else. This is necessary in order to open to new opportunities of psyche, self, and truth.