#194 The Intent of Containment

We invite all of our readers to download The Book of Us, offered for free, on the Store page of this website. In addition, we wish to express out deepest gratitude to all who have e-mailed, sharing the profound impact this book is having on their lives. We invite all to send their honest reactions upon reading The Book of Us, and greatly appreciate being advised of any grammatical, editorial, or technical mishaps you might notice.

Chuck Ketchel and Jan Ketchel

Here is the message for today:

Dear Jeanne,
Now that we have released The Book of Us to the world how are you affected? Energetically? Are there reverberations in your world? In your own energy body? What does this mean for you personally?

How am I affected by your daring release of our intimacy and our complete innocence upon the path of this mission I now engage in? The slightest ripple of energy does affect me, but not as you may experience it. I remain in calm balance, but I do enjoy surges of regenerating energy boosting my intent, and so does this energetic containment, this Book of Us, allow for additional empowerment of intent as regards the focus of this mission I have elected to engage in. As energetic waves are created, stirring interest, stirring curiosity, and stirring also discontent, so is there released here also energetic reverberation that but fuels my purpose.

Although I no longer enjoy personal feelings, as you may feel, I do invite energy to my own energetic presence in the form of connection in order to fuel this work.

In what sense?

I seek connection for this mission, as do others, through energetic means as it is all that I now am, and all that I have to work with. This energetic containment does also include intent, and all else that I learn now as I go forward on my own new path. Although far removed from that health-oriented plane that is earth, do I remain with energetic connection in order to participate in this great awakening, asking that focus shift and create a balance, so that physical caring justify itself with equal spiritual caring upon that great yet devastated earth.

The earth does seek a shift now, for far too much has disguised its natural resources and environments, creating havoc upon its lands and shores, its waters and its peaks, its valleys and its plains. There is now an intent, among the earth focused groups of energetic reality, to cause a great shift so that the earth may continue its own containment in order to enable living organisms of the physical variety to continue in existence. Yet will this shift disrupt the world, as you now know it, greatly. But the intent of containment, in order for progress to be made, is strong, and the energetic body so focused is well organized, and has connection upon that falling earth to complete this mission of paring down now to allow for future engagements in life upon that earth. All is not lost, but much anticipation of change should be advisable future focus, and the intent of all upon that earth should now shift away from heavy physical over-usage, and overdoing, and over-consumption, to inviting the inner spirit equal ground upon that earth plane.

This shift from physical focus, away from greed, domination, power, and intent of the dark side of human nature to a new outlook, inviting the inner energetic spirit to become the dominant thinking machine is of great significance now, at this very moment. Look around you. Open your eyes to the reality of what man, man so out of balance, has created upon the surface, the atmosphere, and deep into the wells of that planet earth. Has anything gone untouched by the proliferation of mankind’s greed and desires?

You are so harsh!

This is not too harsh, my dear, for there is only truth in the words I speak, and though truth may sound harsh so does the intent of many upon that earth send harsher focus of energetic destruction than any of my words!

There is intent of continued destruction, and what is the purpose of such destructive behavior except the satiation of a few to dominate, even as the most fierce of dictators do seek satiation. Power must now shift. As mankind does discover that the earth itself will no longer allow such destructive intent to invade the little true life left upon that earth, so will this earthly shift gain in intent.

So is it that the mission I engage in is the balance of that intent. As the gatherers of earthly shift do hone their skills and create the great intent to shift that planet earth for its very survival, so do the gatherers of spirit energy seek to infiltrate, simultaneously, with a great shift in focus to spirit-oriented awareness.

When I speak of containment of energy and intent, do I mean these missions. And although they may, at first, appear to be totally separate: one concerned with the very planet that the others seek freedom from, so do they work hand in hand, in partnership, to awaken and guide the many who now reside upon that earthly level.

Our missions are entwined; energetically seeking shift, shake up, and a simultaneous awareness of the long buried inner spirit inside all of you. Not one of you does not have, deep inside you, your own buried innocence waiting to be recognized, rescued, awoken, and allowed freedom of expression in order to not only partake in this great energetic shift, but to evolve beyond that level.

Speak more about this in relation to the book we have just released.

Imagine two great hands cupping you. On the right is the great energetic hand of earthly concern, and on the left the great energetic hand of spirit intent. These two great hands do shake you awake, and speak, quite loudly, of this time of awakening to the truth of your time, not only the earth time and the conditions of deplorable living upon that earth, but the drowsy state of so many beings.

Those great hands of awakening do carry within them great rays of intent, great energy of awareness, seeking to impress upon each of you the need to awaken and become alert to such energy. As you begin to notice it, feel its resonance; and understand its significance in your own life. As you attach to it, and begin to change, and shift, so will you understand the greater meaning of this intent to invite awareness and change.

So, this book is part of this, I gather?

As I have said before, unless there is created a connection to who I am as an energetic being who has succeeded in completely releasing herself from life upon that earth, so will this mission not gain in awareness. I am of such recent connection upon that earth, my energetic presence still reflected there by many, that to gain an understanding of that aspect of who I now am, Jeanne Marie Ketchel gone on to energetic completion, so do I seek to offer clarity of what it means to be alive, really alive, an energetic being.

You are all energetic beings, but as long as you remain so steeped in the heaviness of your earthbound physical being, so do you miss the balance of this far greater potential that awaits. Do you choose now to shift you awareness, your truth, your knowing, from that earth contained focus of life and death, bound to earth’s reality, or do you choose to accept a new idea of energetic containment that goes far beyond the heavy earth?

Do not envision death in its darkness, as you have been taught, or perhaps imagined, for it is but release from the physical plane that now holds you so fast to its tenets. Allow your spirit self to feel now those great hands of intent, to cup your truths, your knowing, and your eternal spirit energy, and allow for the great coming shift to have its ultimate affect upon you, and allow your soul’s journey the opportunity of completion, so that your own spirit containment may be achieved. This is all we ask as we extend our hands, reaching out to you to notice, to feel our energetic presence, our intent to awaken you, and our purpose of awakening you all to the truth of energy, that it is eternal, all around you, in viable form, that you have access to it, if you will allow yourself to trust it for your own greater good.

Our intertwined missions do offer you clarity every day. But do you choose to accept these gains in truth, and these forceful and obvious admissions of the consequence of continuing to live life as you now do? Do you not wish to dare, even a little, to accept the possibility that even a slight shift in your own perception of reality has the potential to offer you new life? As new doors of possibility seek your attention, do you elect to hear the knocking, the pounding, upon your awareness? What is the harm in investigating the possibility that everything is viable, that even though you cannot “see” what I speak of, so can you “feel” it. Allow this ability to feel to become your guide, for even if you close your eyes are you not blind, but offering your self the ability, the potential, to use your buried skills of energetic intent, awareness, and deep inner knowing.

In conclusion, do I say that any attempt that any of you propose to make to stir awake the sleepy spirit energies that do slumber so heavily upon that earth is energetically felt by those of us who have directed our own energetic container of intent upon that focused mission, and your work will have affect. As you know, especially if you allow your self to “see” the many who now work upon the mission of alerting you to other aspects of that world as connected to other worlds, so will you begin to see what we mean when we say that we are a great many who work within this container of intent to awaken as many as possible. Are you awakening?

This is for you to discover. Are you being prodded awake in your own life? What are the signs that seek to alert you to the possibilities that exist? Who is your guide into other worlds? Who seeks to wake you up? There are more instances of awakenings now taking place upon that earth than any other phenomenon now infiltrating the human consciousness. Turn your focus in this direction in your own life, and the life around you, and you will begin to see the obvious signs. Then are you encouraged to observe and trust the deeper signs, those within the self, for these are the most significant. And then, if you dare to open even one new door, to have greater access to the wonderment of energetic life, then do you offer your self the opportunity to grow and evolve.

A book has been written and now sent out upon the energetic waves of intent. Do not read this Book Of Us merely to find out who I was, but read it to find out who you are. In this manner will its energy reverberate as you seek connection with your inner spirit self, and with those of us who reside in pure energy, ready to serve, and guide you on your own quest for wholeness, in that world first, and then beyond, as you learn what life truly is, and the meaning of becoming an energetic being.

Attain, one step at a time, true connection to the inner self first, and then see what doors open, and what new truths may present themselves to your new and daring inner spirit, to access and grow, as a result of engaging in this new spirit as energy, life as energy, awareness. Good luck in your endeavors. We await your recognition of us, of our energetic configurations, and our availability, which is bursting now, and encouraging shift, if you’ll only take notice of us, and reach out your hands, gaining balance and awareness of your own energy, and your own potential. This is enough for now. Look for our energetic presence. Do not be ashamed of this desire inside you. All have it, but few dare to show it, to use it, and abide by its truths. Look around you though, and you may notice that there is a shift taking place. For even as you read my messages so are there many other energetic attempts to alert you to your own energetic truth, all around you, and others are beginning to dare themselves too. Just notice, you may be surprised at the great need for such declaration of spirit, of inner spirit, inside all of you. What else is there left to explore? This is the last frontier, now being opened to you, to each of you. It is not available only to the great adventurers who can afford such journeying. It is available to everyone, at no cost, simply for the daring to engage it. Your journey into the spirit self can’t hurt you, it is merely a journey into truth, and awareness of new worlds, both inside and outside the self. So, as I said, in conclusion: be daring and see what you discover. You are safe, protected, and our loving hands of energetic intent do hold you and urge you to notice them embracing you as you dare to accept your role as a spirit seeking awareness. This is good.