Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?
Go now vigorously into new life! Do not berate the self for that which has passed, but instead, move forward now, gathering momentum that will propel you forward into the study of possibility. The trust in possibility will guide you as you discover both the signs that appear to guide you and your own knowing of rightness and truth in your life. Find always your equilibrium, your calm balance, and work from this place of internal calm. Your place in the world will thus reflect this, and your doings will be impacted. Your living, your attempts to progress, both in that world and in your inner world will be also impacted by your calm state of balance.
Be open always to possibility. This means learn to trust that you are daily offered the opportunity to experience connection, to be guided correctly, and to have experiences that are meaningful, both to your spirit now on earth, and your continued evolution in infinity.
Trust all the gifts that you are given. Do you dare to acknowledge what your spirit strives to point out to you? Do you dare to accept guidance? Do you dare to trust that what you are now learning is truly meaningful, not only for this moment of reading, but also in your daily life, your reality?
Look at your world differently now. Do you wish for change? Then, opt for change and you will receive the signs that lead you to newness. The choice is yours. Do you choose to take a step, even a small step in a new direction? Please, I offer you this knowledge: that all you need to do to progress into new life is to dare, and to begin by stepping forward into that new life. Once you make even a tiny step do you then open the door to possibility.
All things are possible. Do not ever doubt this. Keep this as a mantra as you go into life, for it will enable you to begin to trust the signs that point your way, and allow you to accept them as important steps. With the door to possibility wide open are you offered glimpses into, not only your own future growth, but also the possibilities that exist for all mankind. But, the key remains choice, your ability to choose change, and to dare to accept it as it is presented to you.
Many in that life on earth prefer to remain in oblivion, unaware of their own spirit knocking on the door and asking to be released. Many prefer to keep the awakening spirit asleep or in quiet slumber, because the spirit requests change and presents challenges that may disrupt the steady life that one considers so important. But, does that life without spirit energy really offer anything fulfilling? That is the question that all eventually are presented with. The answer lies waiting. Many answer the question with renewed attachment to life on earth, digging deeper into the desires and platitudes that life on earth presents daily. Many others begin to hear their inner spirit as it wakes up and asks for acknowledgement, and desires expression, and not only voice, but action.
There comes this time in life for all, sometimes early, sometimes late, sometimes not until the very last moment of life upon that earth, but at all times is it possible to grasp hold of that spirit energy and live it. There is, at all times, the possibility of this spirit growth and spirit change to come awake inside you and guide you on your individual path.
Continue your quest to understanding how your own spirit works and how it offers guidance. For each of you have within you the possibility, and the capability, to hear what it is saying and to pay attention and to follow it, if you dare. Remain always calm and balanced, and in this state will your own inner voice become clearer to you, and may you dare to listen and to begin your own further awakening. Be brave. This is good.