Category Archives: Soulbytes

A Soulbyte is a spark of the infinitesimal, a portion of the endless wisdom and the magic from which we all come, to which we all innately have access, and to which we will all one day return.

Our Daily Soulbytes are messages channeled from the energy of each day, from the dreams of the night, and from what the universe declares to be most important in the moment. They are usually posted before 7 AM but more often around 5 AM, every weekday.

We hope these Soulbytes offer helpful guidance, but we also encourage all of our readers to feel the energy of each day themselves and to make responsible choices and decisions.

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 24, 2015

The way of the warrior requires discipline. Nothing will be accomplished if one does not set down ground rules and adhere to them. Simply saying that one wishes for this or that without applying also a little discipline will bring no lasting results. The warrior knows how to balance desire with discipline, how to set intent and modestly and appropriately enact a plan that will not only lead to desired outcome but provide the most benefit. A warrior does not overdo, overextend, or overcompensate. A warrior knows just how much and just how little is necessary to maintain proper balance and yet achieve the goals set.

A warrior operates from a place of knowing, not from a place of anger or despair with self or other but always out of kindness and love. A loving warrior will accomplish everything with discipline, modesty, and moderation in all things, without denial of the human self and without overindulgence in the spiritual self, or vice versa. The warrior aligns the two selves in a loving relationship, kindly disciplined to carry out every intention to fulfillment. In such a manner a new advanced warrior self will emerge and engage all of life in a new way. A warrior knows all these things. The warrior in each of you knows all these things.

Desire number one is to wake up that warrior self. Desire number two is to set that warrior self on the path of self-realization. A healthy dose of discipline is the fuel that will bring results.

Soulbyte for Monday February 23, 2015

Where have you landed? Is it where you desire to be? Find meaning in the journey taken. And if this is not the path you had planned upon consider it the path that was chosen for you. And so, where your journey has taken you is where you must be. Discover that there is meaning in everything, even while you prepare for the journey to come.

Soulbyte for Sunday February 22, 2015

It is not a question of what but a question of how. Not what do you want in your life, but how do you want to live? In deciding how you want to live, both questions will be answered, as the how of living your life will bring you all you need and thus your wants will be fulfilled. Decide how you want to live and then set about making it happen.

Soulbyte for Saturday February 21, 2015

Who’s really in charge? That is the question today. The answer lies within, but it may not be the answer you want to hear. The truth may be other than you think. Probe deeply and do not run from what comes from within but sit in the tension and bear it. Only you will know the real answer. Only you will have the truth. If you can dare to be honest within, where no one else treads, your answer will be the true one. Can you then be honest without? Share your findings with your outer self and act accordingly? Without fear? Remember, there is no wrong answer.

Soulbyte for Friday February 20, 2015

What message do you want to hear? What answer do you seek? The message and the answer are the same: You are all you need. Seek within even as you seek without. Find meaning in every moment of your day and in every experience, within and without, in your hard fought battles and hard won victories, and also deep within the calmness of your inner well of knowledge. You are all you need. Find your answers within so that your life may be lived with the beauty and grace of spirit and heart that you truly are.