Category Archives: Soulbytes

A Soulbyte is a spark of the infinitesimal, a portion of the endless wisdom and the magic from which we all come, to which we all innately have access, and to which we will all one day return.

Our Daily Soulbytes are messages channeled from the energy of each day, from the dreams of the night, and from what the universe declares to be most important in the moment. They are usually posted before 7 AM but more often around 5 AM, every weekday.

We hope these Soulbytes offer helpful guidance, but we also encourage all of our readers to feel the energy of each day themselves and to make responsible choices and decisions.

Soulbyte for Saturday April 4, 2015

Nature does not slow down. It proceeds according to plan. Seen or unseen, that plan is ancient. Marked and unmarked by time, it unfolds according to its roots and its imperatives. So is the life of every human being planned, the diagrams of life both seen and unseen, rooted in DNA and unfolding according to the dictates of another realm, the spiritual realm. Most people do not consider that they are beings from another realm at their core. A warrior, however, is fully aware of this. A warrior is alert to nature, respectful of it, knowing that all of life is paired, mirrored, and aligned.

A warrior know that when nature is in disharmony so is the human being, that when nature is disturbed so is the human, and that when nature is destructive so is the human. A warrior also experiences the beauty, grace, and splendor of nature as one with it. And so a warrior is always aware of inner and outer worlds, of nature as nature within, and that all things, including the human being, are projects of a higher realm.

To be a human being is to be of the natural realm and the spiritual realm alike. And so a warrior respects and cares for the oneness of everything, in reality and spirit. But a warrior is also fully aware that the human being is different from nature in that the human has the ability to choose a new path at any time. And so a warrior takes full responsibility for all choices and the progress of life, no matter what path is taken. A warrior is always concerned with navigating life according to nature and spirit, but always with what is right for all concerned uppermost in mind. And so a warrior takes into consideration self, nature, all other living beings on earth, and the earth itself, seeking always the path of heart.

Soulbyte for Friday April 3, 2015

It is a good day to ponder the deeper meaning of one’s life and the direction one should now take as an unfolding of powerful energy is about to occur. This unfolding is foreseen, an energetic shift that is calculated and anticipated, and yet just how it will affect each individual is unique.

A warrior is aware of shifts in the universe, just as a warrior is aware of stirrings within the self, the energy that builds and wants out. A warrior always investigates what is happening inside and does not automatically become a slave to it, become overtaken by that inner energy, but tames it into useful material, to advance life along in a positive direction.

Today is a good day to become a warrior, to study the self and the personal energy aside from all else that is happening outside oneself. Though the outer world is a mirror, what one decides to do within the self must be the main focus if one is to ride through the unfolding energy in a meaningful and progressive manner.

Only within are the seeds of new life and change. Only within do they take root and grow. Only within will they be nurtured, for only within matters. If that which is stirring within is attended to, that which is without will properly align: as within so without. The work of now is the warrior’s work, with the energy within. Even as you observe the energy without turn inward and attend to the self. With kindness and compassion of course!

Soulbyte for Thursday April 2, 2015

To be one with the universe one must be one with the self. To be one with the self is the work of a lifetime. There is no greater path than the path of knowledge, for this leads to the path of oneness with everything. To achieve oneness within means to constantly adjust and readjust, shedding that which is not useful or has no value. In oneness comes not only alignment with all else but understanding and knowledge of all else as well. This is oneness with the universe.

To proceed toward oneness is the most worthy path, a real path of heart that takes one along many paths until they all converge and only one is left, the true path of heart. When the time is right this true path of heart appears and then oneness is certain, for finally self and universe are on the same path, lined with love, kindness and compassion at every step. As this true path is taken they too are taken and given, without doubt or fear or withholding, for upon the path of heart all of life flows naturally and the oneness of everything is revealed and fully experienced.

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 1, 2015

Practice kindness using the self as your first subject. If you can’t be kind to the self how can you expect to truly be kind to others? Disregard all old ideas of the self so that stirrings of love may begin to travel from your heart into your head where your mind waits to receive new tidings of goodness. With heart and mind open and in alignment begin a practice of kindness toward the self. With positive affirmations, pry yourself away from the mirrors of your current life and project yourself toward a new horizon where only goodness, kindness and love reside. Your intentions alone set the stage for kindness to stir within, yearning for its journey out into the world, but you must consciously bring it out, taking the path of kindness that opens up before you with joy and love.

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 31, 2015

A warrior is fully committed to living life to the fullest, and yet a warrior is also fully committed to fulfillment of spirit self. How is this accomplished? A warrior is always aware of attending to the needs of life on Earth, dealing with what must be done in a dedicated and impeccable manner so that when all is finally attended to the needs of spirit may be given attention. Maintaining this balance is the greatest challenge a warrior faces as conscious awareness of this dual self emerges.

Focus on the needs of each part brings them into awareness. A warrior makes decisions based on keeping them both moving along in an evolutionary direction and so a warrior’s life is always a learning environment, a process of discovery and intrigue. What will your parts tell you today about life? And how will you deal with them?

Remember: a warrior’s ultimate goal is reconciliation of all parts and energetic advancement beyond the duality, mergence into the oneness of self and all energy. And so, a warrior is always aware that the journey of human life is but a small part of the whole.