Category Archives: Questions for Jeanne

#296 The Innocent One Does Not Know Shame

Today, an anonymous reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
Can you speak to us of shame, how to lift the veil? I refer to that core experience of exposure, which leads the innocent self into such deep retreat, perhaps for a lifetime, where defenses are so deeply ingrained and automatic. How can we truly retire shame, and retrieve our innocence, in a ruthless world upheld by judgments?
Thank you.

Shame does come from outside influences, as you pose in your question, My Dear Reader. For the innocent one does not know shame as a vital aspect of the self, but has it imposed upon it, from the time of birth into that world, by the teachings of others far more experienced in the ways of the fervent and righteous ones.

Does the innocent child elect to feel shame or to bury its trauma under that veil? I do not believe that the truly innocent child has any idea that such an aspect of life exists until that veil is pulled over the eyes, and then the hidden quality is safe from all eyes, including the eyes of the self. The darkness that is attached to shame is rooted so deeply in the constructs of that world that many spend a lifetime unearthing the true self from beneath those strict codes of conduct that really have nothing to do with evolution.

I suggest a new perspective on life, and reasons for life upon that Earth, as the true means of lifting the veil of shame, and all other veils as well. The veils, if I may diverge for a moment, did not exist in your knowing, your innocence, until you entered life upon that Earth and came upon them because someone told you they were there. Veils of shame, of abandonment, of defeat on the road to growth do not exist except in your mind. Your everyday construct of reality was laid out for you step by step as you grew from a child to an adult.

But what young child knows of such things? The parents, the teachers, the religions, the governments, the commercial profiteers, and the fellow travelers you meet along the way, all present, and have presented to the child, the innocent pure you, all the veils you have encountered. If you had grown up with no veils though, what would you have learned? What would you have been presented with to aid you in your growth? Some other challenge would have been imposed upon you in order to allow for the opportunity to evolve.

So My Dearest Reader, your question of shame, and how to evolve from it, and retrieve your innocent self requires a total dismantling of the veils. As always, I suggest recapitulation of your own life, but I also suggest a total deconstructing of the things you have been taught by others that you know, within your center, are not truths that lead to evolutionary growth.

Go back to your firstborn innocence, your naked, pure, and truly whole self. In one sense, is a tiny baby unable to care for itself against the vagaries of life, unable to feed, or clothe, or act in any manner without help, yet is this baby also a being full of knowledge, of evolution, ready again to tackle the lessons of life, fully aware of its new place, its new beginning and its promise of growth. It throws itself, once again, into life, ready to take on the veils that will inevitably be imposed, yet mindful that, this time is there awareness to maintain as the journey is taken. It attempts to hold on to memories of what it knows, through those first years.

But, as all of you have experienced, is that a most difficult process, and few maintain their hold on such knowing. It sleeps, that knowing; gradually falling into a slumber, a knowing that lies in drowsy reverie for many years. Occasionally does it wake up, startled, and screams its knowingness in order to correct the direction or the path being taken. But, mostly it remains in the deeply buried state of darkness that most of you experience, until the time is right and ripe for it to re-emerge.

As the child self grows and is tended to, so does it absorb and clothe itself with the trappings of that world, that new reality it has entered. And it engages in all aspects of life, eager for the challenges of the veils described and taught by others. Its energetic truth, and the qualities of inner knowing, become but distant memory as life and ego grow together.

So to return to the veil of shame, it is but one imposed by others; yet does it serve a great purpose in life, as do all the veils of challenge, untruths though they may be. Find in your inner self your own veils of shame, and discover who put them there. Who imposed them? Who sewed them so tightly woven, and so tightly shut that no light of innocence could seep in and offer doubts about the darkness, depression, and despair that they presented? Did your innocent child self do such things?

On the other hand, did your own child self, in all innocence, give you the task that led to such shame? To that can I answer a mighty, YES! For that was your learning ground! Do you choose to learn only about the shame that was imposed upon you? Or do you choose to go deeper, behind the dark veil, and learn the truth of the innocent self, the reason for your process, and why you were given such a shame-bearing task in your innocence? Your innocent child was ready to take on the task, but your teachers were only your guides and your mentors, as they pulled down the veils, labeled darkly with the words of: SHAME! Shame on you! You should know better! You deserve punishment for your despicable acts, your bad behavior, and your lies and falsehoods!

Those dark veils do hide your innocence and your truths. They do keep you from your inner knowing and the releasing qualities that you do hold within. During your recapitulation must you go behind the veils, behind the judgments of others, behind the long held beliefs, and retire those blockages before you retire shame, or any other idea, whether self-imposed, or laid upon your by others and accepted as truth. What is the truth? That is the underlying question to ask in order to truly find your innocence, retrieve it, and bring it out into your new world that is free of veils, and blurry vision, and unclear ideas of the self. Your understanding of energy now may aid you in this process. For as an energetic being are you fully capable of attaining your truth, your innocence, and pushing aside all the veils, for you will see them as such now, and you will be eager to see what has been hidden from you all these years. Most likely, you will discover only what your innocent child self knew immediately, yet was not allowed to hold on to: that your experiences in life were just that, experiences! And how do you learn and grow? By having experiences, of course! And what are experiences? They are your lessons, taught by your greatest teachers and those who push you toward your evolutionary potential.

So, do you elect to take the path that leads you to those veils that have held you in blindness, and shame, and all the other ideas of the self? Do you elect to swipe them aside, and see what is hidden behind them? Your wholeness awaits! Retrieval of your innocence is waiting for you to return and discover that it has been growing and learning with you, at every step of your journey. Yet does it still remember the reason for this journey, holding onto the memories that you are an evolutionary being, and why you are taking this journey through life on this Earth yet again. It knows how to help you remove all the veils, and find your true potential, and your true place upon that Earth as an energy being, swiftly pushing aside the veils and going forward now, accepting life as it comes; flowing and growing, finding your truths at every twist and turn of that life you have chosen to take. Your innocence remembers! Go there in order to understand why you are here, and why you have been surrounded with such veils of lessons and disguise.

Do your recapitulation now with the knowing of your energy, of your self as an energy being, comprised of magnificent pure energy, and see what happens as you take on the dismantling of your life. You are energy! And every aspect of your life is comprised of energy. Find your true reality, and then proceed from there into your new life. It awaits!

#295 The Gift of Knowledge of Energy

Today, Anonymous asks a question about energy.

Dear Jeanne,
I have found the topic about energy of the last few days very interesting and most helpful. Sometimes, my experience with energy is very disturbing. What I have experienced several times before, although I did not know what it was, and most especially this past week, is a feeling of very intense buzzing going on inside my entire body. It feels like every cell, every nerve ending, is vibrating at a rate that is so high that sometimes it makes me feel ill, as it will continue for days before it throttles back down to a more comfortable hum. Even in my most calm state of being, I feel it with great intensity, so, eventually, it becomes very distracting and draining, making it difficult to concentrate or sleep. Because it becomes so intrusive, I don’t feel that I am able to use it effectively at all. Is this energy buzz trying to get my attention about something that I am not aware of, or that I need to be aware of, or is it a matter of learning how to fine tune it?
Thank you for your continued love, support and guidance.

My Dearest Reader and Young Journeyer, do not ever avoid the signs that are hidden in such intense energy as you describe. There are lessons to be learned in every experience, and this you must remember. Do not dismiss your own intense energy, nor attempt to hide from it, or wish it away, but instead is it most beneficial to figure out where it seeks to lead you.

As with all such energy, similar to that which now encompasses your globe and your awareness, so must each of you seek to maintain your own calm and balanced center, as calm as the eye in the storm, the center of a hurricane. From this balanced center are you free to do your inner exploration. But if you are constantly drawn to the energy as it swirls around you, so will you inevitably suffer. Such intense pressure and vibration that this Reader feels is not unusual. But take your attention off what is going on outside of you now, and focus on your inner journey and the work on the self. For even though you are drawn to blame the outer energy for your problems and feelings of buzzing disintegration, so must you learn not to turn outward looking for answers to how you feel.

Your own body is in sync with the energy; that is obvious. But what does your body seek to tell you? Are you ready to hear? The universe and your spirit perceive your level of readiness, and thus they push you now toward noticing the truth of the self. One of these truths is the fact that you are comprised of energy molecules, traveling at an incredible vibratory rate. If you get to a point of actually feeling this, I say: Lucky You! Do not be afraid of it. You are being given a sign of truth and understanding of energy as regards the human condition and the human state of awareness. On a normal day may you be totally unaware of your self as energy. It has been presented by me and many others quite often, but until now has it perhaps only been a concept that you could not quite imagine or fathom.

Well now, My Dear Reader, you have been given the gift of knowledge of energy. So what does one do with such a gift? Do you panic and run? Perhaps that may be your first instinct, as is normal when scared by something so unusual; and the fact that it brings such intense feelings of unpleasant, and unstable physical attention may increase your fears. But My Dear Readers, this is exactly what you must have experience of in order to feel what true energy really is.

You will not disintegrate. You will not fall apart, or simply collapse from the intensity of it. But you will continue to suffer from it if you do not pay attention to the knowledge it offers you. Make an attempt now to understand, by your very physical experience as you describe it, what you are being shown. This energetic experience is available to teach and to aid you as you take your journey. As I have been saying quite often lately: You are energy! And here you have an experience of just that!

So what does it mean? It means you must be ready to have this experience. But the trick is not to get so caught up in having the experience and allowing the unevolved self, the old self who had no inkling of such energy, to get caught up in the whirlwind of it. For it can feel like you are caught in a whirlwind, I know.

But instead seek understanding now, by having this experience of energy, of your own reality in a new manner. If you are but such vibratory buzzing energy, then do my messages of energy make more sense? Are you not being shown what all must experience in order to truly understand what your own inner spirit already knows and seeks to bring you back to?

This is an experience of spirit. This is an experience of energy, true energy. And it is also an experience of the direction all must understand, for it is the evolutionary future, the energetic state that is your own energy body.

The high rate of vibration is due to your physical body and the outside energy of the Earth around you. You are constantly bombarded by all kinds and intensities of energy while residing upon that plane of life. By contrast, when you fall asleep at night does your vibration attain its more common and natural state, as your physical awareness is no longer controlling it or attempting to sabotage it. During waking hours are you densely compacted, and heavily influenced by the conventions of scientific knowledge and what you have been taught. In that dense state is none of this energy talk permissible or acceptable. Such ideas make no sense. But as you sleep, so is your energy body released from the confines of the physical and mental bodies, and thus is it freed to explore in its true energetic vibratory state. So the energy you have been feeling is not purely your own vibratory state, but it is complicated by the impact of the energy of the earth plane.

Do not remain in a place of wonder about this inner energetic state, or the outer energy either. It is time now to accept the facts that have been presented and the experiences that many of you have been having during this very energetic time. You are energy. That is the most important fact to acknowledge. Then must you realize that yes, as you already have pondered, it is trying to tell you something. Yes, of course it is! It is trying to tell you that you are an energy being! It is attempting to get your attention out of the body, out of the depths of that world, and show you another reality.

It is also asking you to go into calmness, a calm acceptance of this gift that you are being given. Accept its necessary urging, that it is being offered to lead you on your way, to help you over your doubts and your walls that keep you closed in and closed down. It is pushing you along so you don’t miss what is being offered. But most of all, it is giving you everything you need in order to do the inner work, the work of the self. And it is urging you to accept your awareness of the self as an energy being. That is the biggest gift that the energy of this time is urging upon you all, to accept that you are comprised of energy. It seeks your attention and your acceptance of this fact, and until you do will it continue to hassle you. For it knows you need this urging, but also it knows you are reluctant, doubtful, afraid, and unaware of the full impact that it will have on your life.

Until you can let it in, without fighting back with every cell of your physical body and your brain, will you have trouble with it. If you are feeling it, then it is Your time to evolve to a new level of awareness of your reality. You must be ready, or you wouldn’t be in such a tizzy about it!

I can see that many of you have gotten confused by this energy of late. You are getting caught in feeling it outside of you, getting drawn to suffer its consequences by not sleeping, not calming down to that heart-centered place of balance. And you are also fixating on the experience rather than what the experience is telling you. The message is that you are an energetic being, and you are most likely being offered this knowledge now, at this point in your growth, for a very special reason. So I can only suggest that you acquiesce to the knowledge being offered. And then see where it leads you. It will be along your evolutionary path, and that, My Dear Readers, is never wrong!

All of You Energy Beings, pay attention to your own experiences now, as being utterly meaningful during this time of energetic push. The doors to a new reality are being shoved open all around you, and inside you too. Where do you choose to step next? I suggest going into the inner journey.

#294 Energy is Very Tricky!

Today, Tom asks a question about energy.

Dear Jeanne,
My question is in regards to difficulty I have with my awareness of energy. I seem to not be able to differentiate external energy from the background of my own energy or experiences. At first I expected to sense it almost as an electric charge, almost experienced with my normal senses. In time I came to believe that it is something that is and has always been there, but that I perhaps was just not recognizing it as such. I have found myself feeling discouraged and annoyed with my lack of awareness of energy when it is mentioned in your messages. I end up wondering, “Where was I?” when this happened! Is my awareness just so undeveloped at this point that I am not aware of the energy around me, or is it perhaps that I’m just having a hard time sorting it out with all the other changes that I’ve been going through in the last year?
Thank you for your love and guidance,

My Dear Tom, awareness of energy is not an immediate or blatantly obvious awareness, but a cultivated, learned awareness. However, it does involve learning to feel it by remaining as often as possible in a state of calm and balance in order to have knowledge that you are actually feeling it and not something else. I think most of you Students of Awareness are feeling and experiencing energy all the time, but this problem of recognizing it is pretty universal.

In order to become more aware of the energy outside of you, and how it impacts you, is it best to first understand your own resident energy. Who are you when you are calm, centered, and balanced, with outside interferences at a great distance? Who are you when you are closest to your truthful, honest self, and alert to the fallibilities of the self? What do you feel like when you allow your most vulnerable self to go calm, and relaxed, and feel safe in your mature presence? What does utter peaceful self-awareness feel like?

Allow your self to go into a place of calm heart-centered breathing in order to achieve this feeling of self as energy. Allow your thoughts to empty out of your mind as you center your attention on your heart chakra, and allow your simple breaths to guide you to who you are and what your own energy feels like.

Once you find what your own energy feels like, allow that energy to be recalled throughout your day as a gauge against all other energy. As you reassert your self in your own place of energy awareness, so will it become more apparent that outside energy is totally different from your own.

Do not get angry or upset with the self as you learn about energy. This is not a good method, not is forcing calm, or pursuing this practice too vigorously. The time must be right, the circumstances must be appropriate, and you must be in a place of physical comfort and quiet in order to gain the most from this practice. Once you have achieved this state of inner calm, and you are happy that it is your recognizable individual place of energy, then will it be easier to recall it at a moment’s notice.

This is your grounding energy; your place of calm, of inner resonance, and knowing of self. Without achieving this, even if only momentarily in order to be able to recognize it as the true self, will you have difficulties in recognizing all other energies, whether good or bad, intrusive or helpful, positive or negative. Ground your self, as an electrical grounding is securely attached to calmness and safety, and then can you securely go off into other experiences of energy without fear.

And, My Dear Tom, when you do achieve feelings of your own vibratory energy an electrical charge is a very good description of what it can feel like. A vibratory experience of energy is similar to electrical current as it hums and pulses through electrical wiring. If you could feel it, so would you feel vibration and humming. You Tom are energy, vibratory energy. Even in your dense human form are you but molecules vibrating as an electrical charge does vibrate.

So in order to experience outside energy, must you attain this inner knowing of self and your own brand of energetic charge. Then will outside energy be noticeable. You may feel that it does not suit your resonance, or you may feel slightly off, slightly uncomfortable, irritable, vulnerable, physically unwell, tired, annoyed, or even exhilarated or enticed by outside energy.

If it is distant from you, either not interested in you or you have advanced too far to be approached by it, so may you not notice it, or be drawn to it. If it is outside energy that has a lesson to teach, then will you notice it. Often such teaching energy comes in forms that are personal, forms that are recognizable, and forms that you are automatically drawn to.

For instance, one of the most easily approachable means is through people close to you. Suddenly you are approached by someone with a crisis, or someone with a dire need, or command, or other means by which you can be sucked in to giving your energy.

Or you may be enticed to join in some activity that is perhaps not truly resonant with you. Or you may be drawn by old habits better left untouched, for they open too many doors that you closed a long time ago. Or you may be drawn outward, in a projective manner, with your inner issues ready to attach to outside energy when it is most appropriate to stay in your inner calm and do the work of the self, rather than attach to distractions as a means of avoidance. Or it may be all of these things at once, or in combination!

Energy is very tricky! So then, what do you do? How do you handle it when someone close to you has a dire need of your energy? Do you give it? If necessary, of course you do! But you must ascertain whether or not such need is just coming from the big baby seeking to shirk responsibility, or is it truly a genuinely needy situation. This is a practice of detachment, which is pretty much what everything is about and is leading you to learn. For as you learn about detachment, so will you also be learning about attachment of energy, and of acquiescence to it at the proper time. And your balanced state of being will be greatly enhanced as a result.

As outside energy approaches so does it offer many lessons. Evaluate your state of self, your place in life that you have achieved now after so much hard work on the inner you. You have learned a lot about your self. Have you not changed? Have you not discovered that you are fully capable of focusing your attention on the issues of the self, going innerly, rather than outward looking for answers?

Once the turning point comes, when you realize that you alone are responsible for every choice, decision, experience, and event in your life, then are you ready to truly advance further to taking on the power of your own energy. Once you turn that energy inward; where before it was spent outward searching, asking for help, for attention, for pleasure, for pain, safety and for a resting spot; can you find your grounding and your stability now in your place of inner knowing.

If you can allow your self to remain in that place of inner inward focus, so will the outside energy become more clearly outside energy. It will be noticeably different from your own. It will perhaps not be so enticing any more. Even if you are attracted to it ever so briefly, so will it no longer have such lasting power as it did in the past. And you may wish to return to your place of calm more quickly than usual.

Energy awareness and detachment will lead you further to that awareness of universal love and compassion that has been another one of my topics lately. These things are all, in combination, the necessary tools in order to begin turning outward again once you have completed the major aspects of your inner work. When you have wholly accepted the truths of the self, taken responsibility for the total self, recapitulated, and learned to love the self for the journey thus far taken, so then are you well prepared to turn outward again. And this time, without projection, will you re-enter the world as an energy being. A being who is alert, aware, learning still how to navigate life as it unfolds, but with a new awareness of your place in life, the meaning of your life, your new job becoming apparent, your relationships becoming known, your communication skills centered in truth, and an understanding of your fellow travelers as journeyers equally needing to take their own outer journeys and their own inner journeys to wholeness of self.

As wholeness of self is achieved and constantly attended to (for it never ends) so is life in the greater world different. With change of the self does everything else change too. The outside world becomes totally acceptable, viable, and necessary, no matter what is taking place in it. There is no stopping another from taking the journey they have chosen, and this goes beyond the individual to the other aspects of the world, the individual countries, the direction of political, religious, and social progress, the dissonance around you as you perceive it happening, so is all of this necessary for true change to occur.

So, do not, My Dear Tom, become discouraged if you feel unaware. I think you are quite aware of what is happening around you, you just don’t fully know it. You are totally aware, by your questions, that even the idea that you may be missing out on something has gotten your energy in quite a tizzy. And that, My Dear, is exactly what I am talking about!

Turn that tizzy inward, and see what is stirring up inside you that has you so frustrated. All of you Seekers and Journeyers, this is good advice for all. Turn your frustration inward, and ask your self, “What am I missing?” That is where the focus should be placed, inside you, as you do the work on the self. Not outside of you where your valuable energy will simply be spent in frantic looking and nothing accomplished as a result. Don’t waste energy!

#292 Turn to Your Self for the Answers

Today, Tom asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
During the last year I have come to your guidance as a great change in my life had been taking place. It began with taking better care of my body, then with an awakening of my heart.

I have been working in therapy with Chuck for several months and my evolutionary growth is the primary focus of my life. It has provided me with much joy and some pain as I have struggled to understand and grow. In addition to your messages and “The Book of Us”, I have particularly been inspired by the writing of Robert A. Johnson and, to the limits of my ability to understand the terminology, C. G. Jung. I trust that I will be led to what I need for growth and I believe I have achieved a patient acceptance that my evolutionary growth will unfold in time, as it should if I maintain a steady focus. The use of heart centered breathing helped me this weekend with a long standing resistance to the work I need to do to put my physical surroundings in order and I am thankful for all that I’ve been blessed with this past year. Can you offer guidance regarding understanding of the projection of my anima in the relationships in my life and how doing the inner work with my dreams and active imagination will bring me to a more balanced and expanded consciousness?
Thank you for your love and guidance,

My Dear Tom, you are a seeker, and as all seekers must you turn to your self for the answers. To continually look outside of the self will result in refusal to contain the issues and tackle them in a manner that is appropriate for an evolutionary being. In other words, you must turn inward at all times now in order to grow. For I see that you have evolved to a point of acceptance, acquiescence, and exploration, but you are in further need of inner work. By this inner work do I mean solving the questions that arise in your inner magnifying glass, your inner microscope, rather than putting on your binoculars and looking for distractions, loves, and attention outside of you.

You Tom, and all of My Readers and your fellow seekers, in order to understand the self must you first experience this anima/animus aspect of the self that this man does bring up, for it is the most profound recognition of the self, that the self projects outward all that one has hidden inside. At first may this appear to be an incorrect statement. But without judgment is it possible to acknowledge that outside of the self is it much easier, and perhaps safer, to place these inner problems and prospects for growth. The inner self, until it is ready to allow truth to emerge, is happy to project, to judge, to find fault, disgust, stupidity, and simplemindedness outside of the self, especially while the ego is in the process of building.

There comes a time in life when the ego becomes overladen with its own need to have more, and then is it desirous of unburdening itself of all that it carries, the burdens of the inner self, sitting upon its outer shell, heavy and constantly doing battle with what it perceives as interferences from outside. Interferences may be love interests pointing out the possibilities of the inner self, projections of desire that will go unfulfilled until the inner self learns love and compassion for the inner child that exists inside everyone. The outer self, the ego self, maintains such strict standards! But to what end? In order to uphold some old ideas, some old lies, untruths, and long ago developed ideals that wish to be uncovered and rediscovered as truths waiting within the spirit self, and the child self, for that is where all secrets to the self lie, not outside of the self.

So, that being said, as an evolutionary being is it this process of detachment that I speak so often of that now must be started in order to cease the old habits. Detachment requires turning the binoculars inward now, switching over then to the magnifying glass, and eventually getting out the microscope as you do your inner work. Ask constantly, “Why?” as regards the self. And then wake up the inner child self and ask for an answer. I can guarantee that there is where the truth lies. But do not do this in a demanding, accusatory way, as perhaps the adults in your life once did, but ask gently, with the love and compassion that you are learning as you practice detachment, and as you learn what it truly means to be evolutionary.

Perhaps what you thought was an enigma, a goddess, a perfection of everything you were not, is but an energetic being like your self. As energy are you all the same. As energy is no one grander or more perfect that another. All are equal in shape, in form, in beauty, in characteristics, in intent and focus of growth. As energetic beings is there no man and no woman, no sex, and no sex appeal. But at the same time, is energy the ultimate of all of those things, for it takes everything and encompasses it in the intensity of truly vibrant, energetic, and alive love. Each of you have this within, and this you must recognize when you look outside of your self for fulfillment. You will not find it until you have tackled the challenges that your anima, or animus poses to you.

Your anima, My Dear Tom, is simply your best, most honest friend and companion, pointing out your path, your inner path, your direction for how to get to the truth of the inner self. Turn inward. Look to the self. Put aside your books now for a time. You have already learned enough dogma, enough terminology, and enough definition to last you several lifetimes. Turn now, with your reading glasses on, to the small print that you have barely noticed inside your self. Turn inward, and read the inner words of truth. Listen too, for that inner voice would like you to hear what it has to say to you after all these years of ignoring it, with your ears taking in so much of your outer environment.

This is how you will be able to process what you have learned, and find what you seek. It is all inside you. That is where you will find all the answers to love, to caring compassion for the self; the one you must learn to love the most, but with utter honesty, humility, and detachment.

See what happens as the energy outside of you continues to also point you inward. That is what this time on Earth is really all about. You Earthbound Ones must learn to stop reaching for things outside of you. They are not attainable. You are looking in the wrong places. Everything is inside you. Begin to look there now more often for your answers. You’ll find them, I guarantee that!

For this question I thank you, Tom. And for this day I request that you do not pick up another book, or read another word about what you should be doing. Instead, go innerly and ask your inner child what should be attended to first. This is good advice for all of you Seekers and Evolutionary Beings. You might be surprised at the answer, but I suggest you pay attention to it and truly take the evolutionary path. Good luck!

#291 You are Energy; Everything is Energy; You are Everything

Today, Sid asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
I was first introduced to you through my work with Chuck, and then with Jan. I feel that I was ready for this next connection, as it resonates very deeply. I believe you said once that the three of you were related in a previous life. So do we decide, with members of our soul group, prior to each new earthly life, to enter those lives with each other at times when to do so would provide an experience for our further evolution? Many times in my own life has a person or situation appeared that became either an immediate or an eventual evolutionary vehicle. Does our soul group remain energetically linked, both in spirit and in earthly form? Are some of them our guides?

My Dear Sid, Jan and Chuck and I, although linked in previous lives, must all live out our own fulfillment individually. Our linkage has continued to this day through preconceived efforts on our parts and the greater overall completion of our destinies to evolve, but also to mature into souls with a mission of import during a time when this is not only acceptable but feasible.

As you know, we at one time were ostracized for our uninhibited approach to what we offered. The times did not receive us, and our demise became buried in historical fact. However, our commitment to continue the connection was well placed in our destinies. There is reason for all encounters in life. Some partnerships and relationships of intimacy go beyond the normal everyday passings. Some are connected for reasons that go beyond present knowing, but figure in to a greater structure of future energetic existence. That is the connection that you now witness in this process of channeling, healing, and awakening now being made available to you.

However, this process would not have evolved to this point had not each of us taken on the challenges presented to us in life, that 21st century life, that modern evolutionary time. The challenges embraced, studied, and the signs acknowledged and followed have brought this convergence that to many seems quite appropriate and acceptable, while to others is but a crock of shit! That I do declare with knowledge that not all are prepared for the ideas being proposed now, and throughout all time, that reality is not what it may seem.

That being said, I must address your query regarding the actual preparation of these lives that we have lived, and continue to live. In a predestined situation are opportunities presented that each individual must determine as their path, and choices must be made. Perhaps many choices do not lead to fulfillment in a single lifetime, but many lives are needed.

Is the soul group involved in determining the challenges presented? There is no determining factor, it is but known. It is but laid out without forethought, but with total knowing, if that makes sense. Chuck and Jan and I did not sit down with advisors and plot out our lives. But we did have contained within us all possibilities, and all choices and opportunities existing within each of our energetic composites. Each of you contain attachment to all possibility, all knowledge, and all connection of thought, of wholeness, of completion in eternity. All of you have within you everything you need. You are all infinity. You are all part of the universe.

Your own path, Sid, is littered with people of significance. Those you meet who resonate and offer guidance, truth, and challenge may appear as gentle souls, clearly extending knowledge of your attachment to all things, or they may appear as negative influences keeping you grounded in the vagaries of that life upon the confines of Earth. Yet are they all guides, all opportunities for growth.

As soul groups evolve, by completion upon the Earth level, so do you reconnect with your own place in infinity, from which you came and from which you return, having done the work of the first level of growth upon that Earth. Your lives upon that Earth are meant to re-inform you of your innermost abilities; your connection to greater awareness and consciousness; and to learn humility, love, and compassion. Your times there in that realm are to learn what the ego is, what the truth is about your own ego, the desires of it, the big baby, the greedy focus of the insatiable beast inside each person upon that Earth. To deny the insatiable beast is to deny the truth of the ego. Each one of you must allow the beast to live, at some point in your lifetimes, or evolution to an egoless state of pure awareness, comprised of love, compassion, and connection with all things will not be accomplished.

So the people you meet in your lifetimes upon that Earth are there to aid you in evolutionary growth. Accept the ones who prod your inner beast, for they are as important as those who prod your inner spirit. If you can accept them you will begin to understand what your journey really means. Do not run from, or reject, the ones who seek to destroy you for the characteristics of the beast inside you, nor the ones who cannot abide the spirit seeker in you either. Tend to both aspects of the self, with reverence for the inner spirit that seeks wholeness. Trust that everyone you meet is your guide, and everyone you come in contact with is connected because, in reality, are you all connected. This connection is the aspect of the self that you seek convergence with during your lifetimes upon that Earth, as you battle the ego and the spirit selves, the negative and the positive selves, and the grounded and the ethereal selves. Do not lose sight of this news that: You are everything! You are connected to everything. You are full consciousness. You are total truth. You are fulfillment of life, with connection not only to your own soul group, but to all other soul groups, through your consciousness of everything as energy. Do not forget this most blatant and revealing truth: You are energy; everything is energy; you are everything. I don’t know what else I can say in order to teach you, My Lovely Seekers, besides this truth of energetic competency. You are all connected, interconnected, now and forever, and that, My Dears, is what life, soul groups, higher consciousness, and fulfillment are all about, the interconnectedness of all things through energetic vibration, the substance of life and reality.

So, My Dear Sid who struggles to understand life and evolution, keep your self focused on your inner work as I have continually instructed. Focus on your own inner work, as work of energy, of understanding the connection of all to all, and the fact that you are where you are now because you should be. What is life showing you? Where do you need to go next?

All of You Readers be aware that your life has the greatest meaning for your evolution from that earthly realm, and is of utmost importance. Live your lives as energetic beings, aware of your inner knowing of all things, aware of your connection to infinity, and aware that you have choices to make, every day, related to your progress toward completion.

I will continue this discussion again, I am sure, as your questions continue to evolve with your awareness, and I am happy to do so, but for now, experience your energy!