Category Archives: News and Notes

A Few Good Movies

The other day we had mentioned the movie, Ripple Effect, for its views on the interconnectedness of all things, of what it means to call your future to you, recapitulate, and acquiesce to the journey, allowing the process to unfold, as the signs, synchronicities, and challenges are paid attention to, worked through, and resolved. It is available on DVD.

This past weekend we saw, The Secret Life of Bees, another powerful example of daring to take the inner journey, following the signs, seeking and daring to face the truths, no matter how painful. It also deals with the mother figure, the resolution of the lost mother, the lost child, and basically a lot of lost souls struggling during another time of great change in America, the writing into law of the Civil Rights Act by President Johnson. A very good movie not only for our times, but also for those of us who are doing the inner work. The bee metaphors are also wonderful. We highly recommend it. This one is in the theatres.

A third movie we recently enjoyed is, The Art of Travel, another fine example of daring to follow the signs, and having some pretty amazing adventures as one things leads to another. This one is also on DVD.

Jan and Chuck

Time For a Few Changes

Dear Readers and Fellow Journeyers,

Once again we are making some changes to the website, adding Chuck’s Place as a forum for other thoughts, synchronicities, and views to be expressed. The first posting was on Saturday, November 8, 2008, Message #400. We will also be posting interesting tidbits, such as notes about books, films, videos, other websites, etc. when it feels right. It was never intended that Riverwalker be devoted only to the Messages from Jeanne, but that it evolve over time.

Jeanne’s messages will continue to appear three times a week, but they will now be accompanied and interspersed by editorials, comments, and insights from Chuck in his new “Club.” This feels so right, for Chuck and Jeanne to share a platform, and for the processes that are so often expressed in Jeanne’s messages to be lovingly sculpted, tweaked, enhanced, and brought into this world by Chuck’s unique perspective.

The information that normally appeared above the messages now appears in a sidebar titled: Channeling Info. Although we have considered opening up our website to commentary from you, Our Readers, we just don’t have the time to undertake such a task, so we continue to encourage you to use the discussion option on our page at Amazon. It is free, open to you without our oversight, and who knows what kind of dialogues might evolve.

So look for a bit more daily activity on the website, the new blog, Chuck’s Place, and additional news and notes, as we continue this amazing process with Jeanne and with all of you.

We all three thank you so much for your participation, your lovely messages to us, and your dedicated readership. Thank you also for passing on your knowledge of what we are doing. Our website is visited by thousands of seekers from around the world who have found us through energetic means, without advertising, commercialism, or us asking for or making a penny of profit. This is our energetic giving, but it is greatly aided by your participation in energetically spreading the news about our website. So thank you, for energetically sharing in this intent.

With love and appreciation,
Jan, Chuck, and Jeanne

New E-Book Now Available

As promised, today we release the second e-book version of The Book of Us with the new final chapter, Completion. This chapter describes Jeanne’s completion of her reincarnation cycles through a past life; this life; and her brief re-entry into this world, after death, to complete her soul’s journey.

In keeping with our mission to make available Jeanne’s lessons to all, regardless of financial circumstances, we offer this new version as a free download. The identical book is available in paperback for purchase at

We live in a rapidly changing world where most of the prevailing structures are riddled with greed. In keeping with our own evolutionary intent we have kept The Book of Us free of all attachments to these crumbling structures, launching it to ride freely on the wings of energetic intent. Our intent is for the book to find its own energetic channels to those who are seeking, freed of all promotions and marketing.

If it feels resonant for you to join this intent, please feel free to write your reviews, comments, and experiences on our Amazon page. Many of you have asked for a means to discover each other, to have the opportunity to converse with others who have found guidance and support through Jeanne’s messages. On the Amazon page you have the option to begin a forum, something that we have opted not to do on our own website. We are certain that The Book of Us will delight in that energetic furthering.

When my son Julian heard that The Book of Us was published in paperback and listed on Amazon, he spontaneously burst out: “Mom must be so happy!”

Jan now shifts her focus to her next book, Recapitulation, an exposition of her own riveting journey to part the veils and totally experience her own deepest truths, then empty of them, as she cleared her channel to Jeanne.

Let’s see what happens!

To participate in the energetic intent of The Book of Us click here:

Our Book Signing Event is Cancelled

Dearest Readers,

We will not be having a book signing on September 27, 2008 as we had planned. Energetically, it is just not the right time for such an event. The paperback edition of The Book of Us, with a new final chapter, may be ordered at Amazon. It will also be available in its new updated version on the website by October 1, 2008, remaining as a free download for those who prefer to access it in that manner.

We look forward to meeting you at another time.

Most sincerely,
Jan and Chuck

A New Sidebar Option

Dear Readers,

You will notice that today I have posted not only a channeled message, but also a letter from a Reader who had asked a question last week. She felt that in order to help herself on her own journey, and perhaps offer insight to others, a response to Jeanne was appropriate. I have posted her note below. In addition, a new page in the sidebar offers this opportunity to all of you who ask Jeanne questions through the website. If you wish to participate in this new forum for communicating some of your deeper issues in relationship to the responses you have received from Jeanne, please feel free to send your letters to us by contacting me at:

Please note that letters will be edited or not posted in The Reader Responses to Jeanne section at the discretion of the website managers.

Engage the energy!
Love to you all,