Tag Archives: innocence

#739 Innocence: The Observing Self

Jan Ketchel channeling Jeanne Marie Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What message of guidance for living our lives upon this earth at this time do you offer us today?

Do not be afraid to embrace your innocence, for it is only in connecting to this true self that you will truly thrive and grow beyond the mundane world of black and white reality. In order to truly experience LIFE in a new way—the colorful magic that is available to you—you must reconnect with your innocent self.

This innocent self is pure energy. Do not confuse it with your child self or your wounded baby self, but seek to go beyond personal attachment to find the essence of self. The essence of self, the pure energy of self, resides separately but also in concert with the personality and the self who has lived through the stages of life upon that earth.

I speak of learning to detach from the trials of the present life in order to find your innocence. Innocence refers to the energy of all life, yourself included, that knows why you are there now living the life you do. It knows what it means to be free, to be pure energy. And it is not afraid of anything, even the life you now live, even the most frightening of circumstances and the most sorrowful of challenges.

In learning to encounter this central self, this essence of life, this life force, I urge you to be open to your life experiences from the perspective of observer, for this is what your true self is: An all-knowing observer of your human existence. If you can find the means of sitting outside the self, you will find yourself as innocent. And in so doing you will experience awareness.

Awareness is clarity. Awareness is knowing the blanket truth of the self, of this life and all lives. Awareness is gaining acceptance so that no matter what appears to challenge you in life your perspective is that it is a natural part of your transformation, your evolutionary growth.

In accessing innocence, in allowing the self to accept the truths of the self with this clarity of awareness guiding you through a process of awakening, you will connect to your essence of being, your energy self, but you will also be able to utilize this self in that life you now live.

Many people seek guidance, seek a path of healing, seek a means of understanding the world and their personal predicament, and this is clearly growth-oriented work. As you do the work of the self, you open doors to a fuller understanding of the self in the universe, the self as part of a whole, the self not only as seeker but also as holding all that is sought.

You see, in acquiescing to your personal journey as truly a journey of transformation, you will inevitably experience transformation, incrementally at first, but undoubtedly more fully as time goes on.

In closing today, I wish to state that you are all fully capable of understanding what I am spelling out. Even if you might find my words confusing, vague, or too esoteric to comprehend at this moment in time, just wait and see what happens, for a grain of truth will have been planted today and all you have to do is remember it as you go into life.

Perhaps the first grain of truth to remember is that, yes, you can take yourself outside of your dire predicament or your worrisome mind or your fearful child self and in a place of calm detachment gain a different perspective on the self as whole, as an evolving being.

This is your true life at this moment in time. See that clearly. And then ask why. But do not ask why from your old seat of self, but from your detached energetic seat of self. Allow your innocence to both speak and listen. Allow your innocence to both teach and learn. Allow your innocence to become part of your process toward new life, toward transformation, NOW, in this life.

Thank you Jeanne!

Please feel free to post comments or respond to this message from Jeanne in the post/read comments section below.

Most fondly and humbly offered.

#690 Suspend Judgment & Shed the Layers of Crust That Life Has Laid Upon You

Jan Ketchel channeling Jeanne Marie Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What message of guidance do you have for us today?

My Dear Ones, look not askance at your own dealings but look them straight in the eye and allow your truths to be revealed, fully known and wholly acceptable to you. In accepting the truths of the self, one is much more accepting of the dilemmas that will arise in one’s own life, as well as be much more accepting of the difficulties faced by others. Until one accepts the truth that one is imperfect perfection will remain an enigma. To lead an impeccable life does not mean that one must be perfect according to the laws of man or God alone, but one must be perfectly able to allow the truths of the self to fully come forth in total realization.

Are you going to talk about recapitulation today?

No, not specifically, but I am talking about learning to love the self, including all the imperfections, the dark secrets as equally as the light ones.

Okay, go on.

I know that you all struggle, My Dears, to make sense of your lives. I know that you wonder if you are doing the right things and making true progress; or are you only fooling yourself? I know that reaching impeccability means leaving behind all that you once thought was so necessary and so important. I know that you often find the ideas of recapitulation difficult to allow into your process because in so doing you must face so many aspects of the self, aspects that you thought you understood and other aspects that you had no idea even existed inside you.

Today, I ask you to more fully learn what it means to suspend judgment so that your progress in life may accelerate to a new level. In suspending judgment, at all times, you will begin to open many doors previously closed or never even observed. In learning how to constantly suspend judgment, by taking back all questions of whether something is right or wrong, and sitting with inner truth and calm, you may discover that your energy self comes forth to guide you. In suspending judgments, formulated by the world you have lived in and by the definitions so firmly planted in the mind, you may discover that there is another being inside you who knows far more that your mind could ever provide or hold available.

A process of suspending judgment involves constantly asking the self to notice where you are judging, first of all. Is that thought you just had a judgment of self, of others, of opening to new ideas, such as I propose, or of facing something you must face? Do questions immediately arise offering alternatives and categories, excuses and reasons to avoid, to dismiss, to push away something that might feel disturbing? Are you uncomfortable about something, so it becomes easier to judge it and place it away in a neat package, in the recesses of the mind or body, where it will not bother you?

As you begin to notice just how often you allow your mind to fix you in a position of certainty, you may also begin to notice that, although that fixed place of certainty is well known and perhaps even comfortable, it may not be your truth. Is it what you truly feel is your very own determination?

Then I ask: How do you personally, you, without forethought and without the opinions of others interfering, feel about this determination? In learning to suspend judgments one learns what it means to access innocence. Innocence is true spirit energy unencumbered by judgments, unencumbered by the thoughts and ideas of the mind. Innocence is totally energetic and flowing, unable to attach to that which is outside of itself, for it cannot attach to anything in that world, for it does not belong in it. Innocence belongs in the world of spirit. In the world of spirit, innocence is the true guide, the true gauge, and the true voice.

You see, in the world of spirit, which resides deeply inside each one of you, there is no need to judge or decide anything but only to flow with the truth of its knowing, its purity, and its impeccable presence in your life. Can you allow this innocence to come forth now, to push through all the judgments, and be present in your world? Can you allow your innocent spirit self to more fully be present as your guide? Can you find comfort in this aspect of self, rather than in the overbearing judgmental self? Can you shed the layers of crust that life has laid upon you and find this true life beneath? Can you connect with your inner energy?

Yes, of course you can! Begin this week with engaging in a new practice of suspending judgment. Look at the self that you are in the world. Look at how you treat your self, and how you treat others. This is the place to begin investigating your own actions and thoughts, and the habitual tendencies to dismiss and peg people, ideas, and truths of the self. What disturbs you needs to be looked at more closely. In suspending all preconceived ideas of how the world works, you may offer your self the first open veil to understanding the spirit self, the energy self, and all things as interconnected, full of potential, full of innocence.

Look today at your world with innocence, without your usual eyes but with unveiled eyes, and see what happens!

#649 Innocence Through Creative Expression

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Over the past few days you have given us three important words of guidance as we do our inner work: Patience, Perseverance, and Kindness. I see that these words apply equally well to the world outside of us, and that even as we do our inner work it is also up to us to change and act differently in the outer world. I believe there is a tremendous desire for meaning. I don’t know why now seems to be a more spiritually oriented time than ever before, but that’s the way I see the world, as full of people searching for meaning. I see the success of the film AVATAR as a perfect example of just how desperate people are to understand, perceive, and experience life as deeply spiritually interconnected and driven. I believe that everyone truly does seek a connection to energy beyond the self, whether it is called God, Goddess, or any name that, simply translated, means: unconditional loving compassion.

That being said, how do we, as spiritually seeking humans, no more connected than anyone else, do our inner work while we also spread our awareness of interconnected energy outside of us? How do we really connect, on a purely energetic level, without fanfare, ritual or hocus-pocus so that our world can more fully envelop and accept, without question, the kind of energetic interconnectedness exhibited in AVATAR? Many people already experience and tap into this energy, but how do we find what we really seek: a world interconnected, fueled by universal energy, spiritually based, everyone feeling, breathing, and acting from the same energy source?

We know it exists. We know it is possible. Why is it only in fantasy that we allow ourselves to accept such an idea? Why can’t we get beyond the veils that won’t allow us to cross over into speaking our beliefs? I know these are a lot of questions, but what they really come down to is this: Why are we so stuck?

My Dear One, your queries are fully accepted. Though you ask quite an array of meaningful questions, and I feel your frustration, I must boil it all down to one word. This one word is the reason for the dilemma that you describe in the world and this word is at the root of every human being upon that earth, but it has been lost to many. That word is INNOCENCE!

Until innocence can be revisited, accepted, made acceptable, and claimed as the most necessary aspect of life upon that earth (in balance with utter clarity of the reality of life of course), the great interconnectedness that you speak of and so desire will not arrive. This is the fourth word I give you as you do your inner work. Though you do not ask for it in quite that way, it is a most necessary component of your process. For, without innocence, how could you ever allow for the truth of energetic connection to be spoken? How could you admit that you have felt and allowed the self to explore the interconnected energy if you could not access your own innocence?

What is innocence? I do not speak of innocence as unknowing or as naive thinking or acting. No, not at all. Innocence is utter knowing. It is the inner voice, the stone-cold sober voice within each one of you that says, “Come on, you know what to do! You know the truth. You see the way things are and the way they will become! You see the truth!”

This voice is inside you. You were born with it. You have heard it your entire life. You have also probably chosen to ignore it for a great part of your life as well, to push it down and tell it to be quiet because you have not been ready to listen to it. You have perhaps responded to it by saying: “That’s ridiculous!” Or you have feared its straightforward talk, for it frightens you to have to confront the challenges it presents you with.

So, My Dear One and All My Readers, in order for your world to truly tap into the greater interconnected energy that your creative ones develop into elaborate films, books, artwork, music, poetry, and even expressions in physical form of movement and dance, you must seek what they have tapped into: their innocence! You must learn to trust it, to trust that it is real.

As an artist and writer I know what you are talking about. As a very young, extremely withdrawn child I was often afraid that I would be ridiculed for my art. It was, however, the only way I could express myself. Although I was often dismissed as strange, unusual and eccentric, far more often I received understanding and heart felt reflection in return for my young daring to express myself in words and pictures. People actually thanked me for my creative endeavors to express something that they were unable to tap into except through my work. I know that it is often hard for people who haven’t tapped into their creative side to find an outlet for their innocence. How can they do that?

They must first get beyond the idea that they have no creative energy or talent, for it resides in everyone upon that earth. It is the one hidden jewel, the gold at the end of the rainbow that all seek. It is the buried treasure and it is innocence itself. Denial of innocence is denial of creative energy, and that is the first great uncovering that must take place in order to tap into it. The very fact that you are human, that you are comprised of energy, means that you are a creative being. Your personal creative energy will be expressed in a very personal manner. Accept this truth of creative energy inside you: It exists!

The next step in releasing it, in accepting it into your life, is to remove all conventions of expression. There is no structure that houses your creativity, no format already in place, no barriers except those imposed by the world around you. Your creative energy burns inside each one of you, seeking outlet. You must ask your self: “How has my creative energy been expressing itself? In good ways or in destructive ways?”

You must ask your self what it feels like. Is it angry? Is it happy? Is it known, or unknown? Is your creative energy a part of your life in a large way or a small way? Is it so disguised that you do not recognize it, for it comes out in costume, sneaking out in the dark of night or in coveted secrecy? (I felt that Jeanne was speaking of dreaming in this statement, as well as any other meaning that might personally apply. -Jan) Does your creative energy push you to do outrageous things, simply to let you know it exists? Is your creative energy so stifled that it rumbles and makes itself known in disgruntled fashion? Or is it simply bored to death and has gone to sleep until you finally ask it to wake up?

You see, My Dears, none of you will live in an AVATAR world of spiritual awareness until you allow your creative energy, your innocence, to become a part of your current world; your inner world expressed in your outer world; and this is how you must seek to bridge the two worlds: through innocent creative expression. Know that all need this, that all have this, and that all will reciprocate your own daring expression with an inner awakening of their own creative innocent self, though they may not admit it or recognize it at first. Your creative expression, based in the innocence of truth and knowing, will awaken some recognition in others, and this is how your world can truly begin to change.

In order to turn from the darkness one must be able to find the light. The light is within each one of you. Your creative energy is stirring right now, seeking expression. Do not be afraid of it. It is your innocence seeking a means of communication with you and, through you, with all beings. Become a conduit of this creative energy. It is what will connect you to the greater energy outside of you, not separate, but the same.

You are all creative beings and you are all innocent. Every one of you. Seek it within and you will find it. Express it without and you will achieve connection. And with such connection you will enact change, but it will be change based in spiritual energy, universal and personal at the same time. This is how you will change the world.

NOTE: I realized, as I typed this message, that this channeling is my creative innocent self in full expression. I sometimes feel afraid of putting it out there, even as I once did my early art work and poetry, but mostly I have gotten beyond that. So, I offer it to you, some of my creative energy in expression, so that you too may dare to find your means of expression and connection. Imagine how different the world would be if everyone was out there being creative, in a positive way! From personal experience I know that creative expression really does work as a means of changing who we are and how we connect with the world. Tomorrow, look for Chuck’s creative expression in his next blog! And good luck with your own!