Tag Archives: heart-centered

Readers of Infinity: Listen To The Wisdom Of Your Heart

In the light of a new day, listen to your heart speaking its wisdom.

Dear Jeanne and all of Infinity, what message of guidance do you offer us today, as we go into a new week?

Follow your heart. Always follow your heart. Pay attention to its knowing presence, to its truthful tone and to its rightness of purpose. Take action based on what you learn as you listen and speak with your heart.

Of course, I mean your heart center of knowing when I speak of your heart; for though your heart organ beats in your chest in the same area, so is it your eternal heart that I speak of connecting with. This heart center is your connection to your ancient self, your all-knowing self, your purposeful self.

Find connection to this heart-centered self. Learn to listen to your heart. Just as you might often sense a knowing in your gut—have a gut feeling about something—so does your heart also guide you.

Learn to pay closer attention to the wisdom embedded in your own body. It’s not that hard to do. You carry it with you every moment of your life upon that earth. You do not need to do anything special, except to pay attention. Gradually, paying attention will become the norm, and it will not seem so strange to talk to your body parts, to your heart and your gut, or to any other part and ask it to guide you.

I’d leave the head out of it for a while, for inside the mind are too many tricksters. Let them sleep while you venture below the brain to other parts—to organs, muscles and cells—and ask them to tell you what you need to know now, today, in order to grow, change, and evolve.

A moment of calmness upon awakening or any time during the day is really all you need to begin the process.

Show me what I need to know. Help me to understand myself. Lead me to making the right choices today. These are the quests your heart will respond to. Ask your heart for guidance and see what happens.

Life is joyous in its own right. Your energy will increase as you allow life to be increasingly so. This joy is what you will discover as you face your issues, as you fearlessly peel away the negative condemnations placed on you by self and others and access your own true self, resident in your own body. You don’t have to look anywhere else. Everything is within.

A process of true healing is invisible at first, as it begins deep within, but eventually it will manifest without.

Listen to the wisdom of your heart and begin to manifest your dreams. Embrace your life! Let sadness, negativity, and fear go. Embrace a positive attitude and a new energy based on your deepest personal knowing of self. Tap into your dreams and let them begin to enter your life. Without fear, let your heart guide you now.

Everything is possible!

Most humbly—and with love—channeled by Jan Ketchel.

#725 The Option of Opting Out

Jan Ketchel channeling Jeanne Marie Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of meaning and importance to offer us today?

Stay heart-centered and connected to your spirit as you make your way along your path. No matter what comes to thwart you, remind yourself often that you seek your heart’s purpose and your spirit’s desire in life upon that earth. During this time of strife, turmoil, dysfunction or indeed even high energy, seek always the balance of stability in that reality combined with the calmness of inner truth.

It is a good idea to allow the self the option of opting out of situations that do not truly nurture, resonate, or further your growth. No matter what your present situation, I can guarantee that each one of you has something in your life that is not in synch, that is not working as you would like, or is inhibiting you in some way.

Be honest with the self first of all, utterly honest. Secondly, allow the truth you achieve to manifest itself so that you may act in your best interest, without compromise, even though it may mean the end of a period of time in your life that has been meaningful. Even though aspects of life may be meaningful they may also lack the truth of your spirit.

Listen to the guidance of your truth, though it may contradict the direction you have set out in. It may be time to take another path. It may be time to acquiesce to your innermost truth, which will come to enlighten you when you least expect it.

Find your inner balance. Sweep away all disturbances, both inner and outer, and allow your most intimate guide to aid you. This guide is not I or another like me. This guide is not some “other,” but it is only YOU.

You know who this YOU is better than anyone. This YOU constantly asks you to slow down, to simplify, to reduce your distractions so that your connection may become clearer and so that you may be in a position to truly comprehend and fully accept what is real and what is not real, what is truth and what is fiction, what is right and what is wrong.

Once you sort out your self, it is up to you to decide what to do with the truths you will carry uppermost in your knowing. Let them sit and teach you what you need to know.

I cannot stress strongly enough or often enough that you have within you all that you need to live a life of purpose, meaning, and true growth. Dedicate your life to this pursuit and you will open doors you did not even know existed.

Please feel free to post comments or respond to this message from Jeanne in the post/read comments section below.

Fondly, innocently and most humbly offered.