Here is today’s message from Jeanne, followed by a Tarot reading, both of them channeled through me for you, for all of us, for we are all living here now. I humbly offer this channeling.

Although things may feel dire, do not lose hope, for there is always light. Even in your darkest moments there is light guiding your way, for how else would you have evolved to the person you are today? Through all of your lifetimes that light has shown you the next step. That light is not to be found outside of you but only inside, for it is your eternal self showing you always what you need to know.
You might feel that it is showing you only darkness, but you also know that isn’t true, for even in the darkness you are learning. Your life—all your lives upon that earth for that matter—are learning projects. Not tiresome like some learning projects, life offers you your own special lessons. Whether or not you engage them on a deeper level is up to you.
If you are bored with your life, feeling stuck or complacent, unable to grow further, look not outside of you for what you lack, but look inside at what you have ignored. For I guarantee there is something of great value inside you that you have been afraid or reluctant to face.
If your life and your eternal spirit are already taking you on a journey you had never expected or perhaps never wanted to take, know that it is your true path to resolution and freedom that you are traversing, and though it may be painful and difficult you will one day reach a new plane. Your eternal self will not desert you, for your goal in life is to unite with this eternal self, take your destined journey together, and be freed of all that keeps you bored, stuck or complacent. And this true journey of freedom can only be taken in the company of this eternal self. All the answers you seek lie within, in the hands of this most brilliant and capable self.
Though your journey may meander, backtrack, falter, and stagnate, your eternal self will bring you signs and messages as to how to take your next step. It is your choice as to whether or not you accept the guidance. Life is what you seek, life itself, fully lived. For that is really why you are there upon that earth—to live! It’s that simple. You are there upon that earth to live and experience what it means to be human, to be eternal, to be humanly alive and yet full of the eternal knowing self as well.
In companionship with your eternal self will you flourish. Seek the light that shines within!
Thank you to Jeanne for that enlightening message today.

Following is the guidance from the Tarot card I pulled as I asked for a followup to this guidance, offering another source of inspiration. I think it dovetails nicely with Jeanne’s message, pointing out the happiness and wholeness that await as we take our journey and do our inner work. Balanced happiness and a sense of fulfillment will ensue. Although Jeanne suggests we look within, there are always messages from without that may help us as we go within. So take this guidance from without to your eternal self and ask that deeper self to make sense of it all for where you are now. Perhaps it is the right guidance, the next message you needed. Be aware that the next step on your journey will be revealed in some way, big or little, subtle or profound. The light within is always shining. Good Luck!
Nine of Cups
“The Nine of Cups is happiness. The pewter cups reflect tangible happiness that is associated with either health, finances, work, creativity or relationships. This is happiness that is fulfilling internally as well as externally. Internal happiness is represented by the three vertical cups representing happiness of body, mind, and spirit; the horizontal three cups represent happiness experienced in body, mind, and spirit externally…When you pull the Nine of Cups, it is an indication that you are able, in the next nine weeks or the next nine months, to experience emotional expansion that comes from the feeling of fulfillment in completion, internally and externally. There’s an ability to integrate and balance feelings in deep and expansive ways for your own emotional happiness and well-being.” -from The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien. Tarot card from Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot Deck.