Tag Archives: Emoto

A Thought for the Day!

Our inner world and our outer world mirror each other. If our inner world is negative, our outer world will be negative. If our inner world is full of fear, our outer world will also be full of fear. If our inner world is full of stress and worry, everything in our outer world will reflect this and our lives will be stressful and worrisome too. On the other hand, if we do inner work to cleanse ourselves of our negativity, fear, stress and worry, our outer world will also be cleared of these negative and withholding energies.

If we are happy we will be received with happiness. If we are radiant and without fear, we will resonate that fearless radiance outwardly and others will benefit. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese man who studies water crystals, says: “Only when we have a receiver can we be involved in the act of giving.”

We cannot give if we have not learned how to give first to ourselves. Give the self love and gratitude today!