Soulbyte for Thursday February 7, 2019

Stresses are simply uncontrolled influences. Ego fights them for control, but spirit has a better idea. Turn to spirit to gain control of your inner influences and what tries to control you by taking command in a new way, by deciding how you want to feel, what you want to indulge in, and what is no longer important. You have the power to walk away from that which is not good for you. You have the power to moderate your inner world by getting innerly calm, by regulating your central nervous system with the breath of spirit, by bringing into your life the positive energy of loving kindness. You have the power to be what you yearn for. Be what you seek by acting with loving kindness, by deciding to let go of old belief systems that no longer work for you and constructing a new flowing lifestyle based on spirit, that which more fully works for you and suits who you really are. You have the power to reject the old and bring in the new.

Don’t be afraid. You are not doing anything wrong. It’s just time for a new approach. Ask spirit for help. Guides are waiting. Loving kindness is waiting. Ask for help. Question spirit. Test spirit. Ask it to prove itself to you. It won’t mind. It loves you and only seeks to help you. Ask for spirit’s help. You won’t be disappointed.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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