You are the agent of change you have been seeking. There is no one else. You are the only one who can carry you through the gateway and over the threshold into new life, new love, new experience, and all else you desire. Though you stand on the cusp and eagerly look forward to what is to come, you also know that everything is in your hands, that you are the one. Prepare yourself to face oncoming time with a sober mind, an open heart, and a steady hand to open the gates that appear before you. Align with your heart and your SOUL so that as each new gateway appears you will know that it is the right one, the gift you have long awaited. If you miss the first one, be assured that your SOUL will provide another opportunity. If you trust anyone, trust your highest self, your SOUL, for indeed your SOUL wants only what is best for you.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne