Soulbyte for Thursday June 1, 2017

Learn how your body speaks to you, how it says yes and it says no, how if you pay attention you will discover that it knows more than you think. This is your ancient self, your long-evolving self, now your spirit’s residence upon the earth. Do not doubt that it knows more than you think, for it functions largely without your awareness, but if you put your awareness on what it is saying to you you can learn a lot, how your gut has its own mind, for instance, and how your heart has its own knowledge. Begin there. Let these two physical aspects of you, gut and heart, show you what they know. Think from them. It can’t hurt! And in the process you will begin to pay more attention to your awareness, your spirit inside you who longs to get to know you too!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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