Chuck’s Place: Ego Is Still The Key To The Magic

With the Creative and Nature anything is possible…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The source of our creative, and therefore healing, power is the subconscious mind. If the subconscious mind believes something to be true, it will do everything in its power to make it physically happen.

The subconscious mind is a completely receptive mind. It receives suggestions that it may then manifest in physical reality. Its suggestive sources originate internally—from instincts, genetic code, archetypal rules that govern the human species and, most prominently, the ego—with its beliefs and internal dialogue of thoughts, which incessantly barrage the subconscious mind with their many proposals.

Externally, the subconscious mind is flooded constantly by a marketplace of messages from well-funded sources seeking to influence one’s pocketbook and  behaviors. What is glaringly made apparent, especially at this point in our political history, is that influence is gained primarily at the subconscious level of the mind, through receiving incessant repetitions of a version of reality, not necessarily the truth of it.

The subconscious mind is the moon, the ultimate feminine magnetic force, both in our solar system and in our personality. In her hands lies the ability to reshape physical reality beyond the laws of Newtonian physics. She can perform true magic. Her power to manifest is unparalleled. However, she turns to her masculine partner, the ego, to initiate her creative process via suggestion.

Firm suggestions may attract her attention to manifest creatively, but beware the karma of manifestations that violate her deepest nature. Be firm and definite with a suggestion, but honest with intention, in order to achieve lasting, sustainable change. Illusions can become physical reality, at least for a short while, but nature demands ultimately the truth.

Once the subconscious mind accepts a proposition, it backs it with the full power of its creative potential. Even the most irrational proposition, such as an out-and-out lie, will be believed with the full force of one’s subconscious mind.

This manifests as powerful emotions that staunchly defend one’s beliefs, independent even of reason. This kind of contagion has its roots in the subconscious mind being in complete rapport with the suggestion it adopts. Oftentimes, the ego, with its capacity for rational thought, can be so swept away by the emotive power of a belief that it either suspends its reasoning ability or adjusts its logic to support the belief it is under the influence of.

These mesmerizing dynamics are in extreme force in the world currently, and, though they threaten the future of civilization, they most aptly demonstrate the psychodynamics of hypnotic influence.

Internally, the ego is our chief navigator for the life we are in. Its reasoning ability, as applied to the physical world, has worked tirelessly to understand and control nature, to provide for our basic survival needs and ability to have a fulfilling life.

Currently, its dominant logical perspective largely dismisses the inherent powers of the subconscious mind to influence material reality. This dominant doubting belief from the ego suggests impotence to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not reason, it creates, based on suggestions it adopts. If it is told that it’s powerless it manifests powerlessness.

The ego is actually the main internal influencer of the subconscious mind. Consequently, the subconscious mind may adopt the suggestion that it is not capable to heal itself, despite the fact that it actually has total command of the physical body. In this scenario, the subconscious mind simply passively runs well-established programs in the body, essentially its default position.

To activate new possibilities the subconscious requires faith in its possibility to heal itself. That faith can only come from suggestions it receives from outside itself. In the case of autosuggestion, that source would have to be from the ego itself.

Can a doubting ego inspire the subconscious mind to have faith and confidence to heal, using methods that defy the ego’s strong rational sensibility? Yes! By employing the same rote method of repetition employed by political figures, the ego can inspire the subconscious mind to exercise its latent innovative healing powers.

It is not necessary for the ego to believe it, but it must be willing to state  incessantly, “My subconscious mind has the power to heal.” Eventually the subconscious mind will get the message and become all that it can be.

It is critical to not attach to outcome. Individual thresholds for the subconscious mind to pick up a suggestion vary considerably. Don’t allow doubt to demand outcomes in a particular timetable. Present suggestions when calm and sleepy, as the subconscious mind is most readily available to receive suggestions when the running of daily life is largely offline.

Once an underlying confidence begins to be felt, hone suggestions to achieve specific physical results, such as with desired physical changes and healing concerns. It goes without saying that requested changes ought be in alignment with the greater good of self. Be firm and definite. If something appears cloudy, demand, “Clarity Now!”

Just as outwardly we are witnessing changes of highly questionable morality, we must realize that we too are capable of abusing our power. May all assume responsibility for creating for the greater good of self, and other.

As the doubting ego witnesses the facts of the subconscious mind’s creative abilities, it will expand its limited rational horizons to include the facts of these magical abilities and become a true collaborator with its equal partner, the subconscious mind. Until then, let it doubt, but state the suggestion nonetheless, “My subconscious mind has the power to heal.”

See what happens!

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