Soulbyte for Wednesday August 17, 2016

Find solitude. In the deepest sense pull back from the world. In the deepest sense give yourself space without interruption. In the deepest sense shut out and shut off all distraction and remove yourself from the outer world to find quiet within. Find solitude in the darkness or in the light. Find solitude in a quiet room or in the quiet of nature. Find solitude in the calmness of water or on the peace of a mountaintop. Find solitude behind your closed eyelids, in the breath in your body, in the stillness of your mind. Solitude may be found even in the most unlikely of places. Just be completely alone and withdrawn for a little while each day. And don’t forget to enjoy it! That too is to be found in solitude, peace and joy!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 16, 2016

It’s good to be serious and contemplative, but don’t forget to take some time for play as well, for laughter and the release of joy. A child plays so easily. It is only the restrictions of adult life that put a damper on the enjoyment of daily play. Relax. Have some fun. Enjoy a little play today. It might be just what you need!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 16, 2016

Take responsibility for yourself and with a quiet heart know that everything will work out fine if you hold yourself to the principles of love and goodness. Expect yourself to uphold these principles and extend them to others. Keep your life as simple as possible so that love and goodness may find you more easily. Set your intentions each day to uphold them in your heart, in your attitudes, in your expectations. Taking responsibility for the self includes all of this. Be responsible. Be love. Be goodness. Today.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 12, 2016

Put aside your fears and your prejudices, for they are of like negative ilk. Embrace instead a deeper knowing of the self and all others as formless energy. Though restrained and contained in body form now, confined by mind and thoughts, appearing to be different, no one is really different, for inside you are all made up of the same clear energy of spirit that knows no bounds, no colors, no ideas except those of the greater universe. All are bound for this moment but will one day be freed. Why wait? Why not seek the truth of your true energy now and fulfill a greater purpose? Meet each other with love, communicate energetically, and see what happens. It is the universal language you have all been seeking. Let it flow!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne