You can avoid things for a while, put things off, let things ride, but only for so long. Eventually things catch up, they fester and create new issues. They never go away. Eventually life becomes inhibited rather than fully inhabited and lived. Life becomes painful rather than joyous. Life becomes frightening rather than a creative experiment. Avoidance means restriction and where there is restriction there is resentment. New moon energy calls for new approaches. Begin anew. Take on life as if it mattered more than anything because it really does, and so do you. It’s time.
C. G. Jung suggested that a living religion for the future would accent the embodiment by all humans of their divine nature. He anticipated that the Christian projections of a redeemer, a God/man “out there” who carries the weight of the human shadow would evolve into an internalized divinity reckoning with its own humanness.
Sunrise reflection of the divine within… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
In shamanic terms, this would represent the awakening of the energy body to live alongside the human body. Experientially, this is the appreciation and cultivation of the energy body in dreaming, as well as in waking life. Presently, the energy body is dominated by the mental plane with its centralized leitmotif of reason. The mental plane is actually part of the energy body, though our physical focus and reason would have us locate it only in the brain and central nervous system. However, there are other ideas on the matter.
A preponderance of documented traumatic out-of-body experiences—remote viewing of one’s body or another’s body on the other side of the room or the other side of the world—clearly demonstrate that the mind operates independently from the physical body.
The Hindus have long pointed out that the outermost shell of the energy body is the mental body. When we leave our body for good, at physical death, we leave as mental beings, as consciousness. This mental spirit, as we experience it in everyday life, is monopolized by our ego as it uses its powers to uphold and reinforce the validity of the solid physical world we live in for the duration of our physical lives. Only that which is solid is real, the ego says.
However, if we willingly or unwillingly undergo the crucifixion of that fixated hold on the solid world and move from ego consciousness to energy consciousness, the world softens. And as the world softens we move into the greater ability of our energy body to broaden our knowledge of life beyond the ego’s familiar boundaries. As we move into an enhanced energy body perspective, what the shamans call a shift in the assemblage point, all that once bound us, like our petty resentments and our fears, melt away as we move into a state of transcendent awe. We simply can’t stay attached to a personal solid world once we’ve experienced its total lack of solidity; we leave that nailed to the cross as we experience a far more interconnected world of energy.
This dissolving of solidity allows for the erasing of personal history, the state of detachment that the shamans describe as being one of the most important aspects of an evolutionary life. It’s not unfeeling detachment; it’s utter love for everything, all beings equal. Whereas once, in solid form, we held so tightly to our personal love, our personal family, our personal tribe, we are now totally detached and yet totally loving of all that is. This detachment is not a sacrifice of those we love, but an evaporation of the boundaries of our separate love, for all, we discover, is love.
And we can continue to walk upon the earth calmly owning our dual nature: as spirit/energy beings living in, in relation with, a physical body that temporarily houses this spirit self. We can indeed continue to fulfill all the human roles we have been in, but we must now also learn greater cohesion when in our spirit state, which gives us the fluidity to maintain our calmness as we experience the expanded awe of our interconnectedness and living oneness with all that is.
We can learn to playfully flit between the two awarenesses, solid and energy, but it’s really all preparation for the moment when the exclusive personal ego accepts its final crucifixion, when the relativity of personal human life is reconciled with the greater expanded view, and the energy body is finally set to more fully explore beyond the limits of space and time.
Jung’s suggestion as to where religion might find itself in the future is well prepared. Perhaps Eastern religions, shamanic practices, and modern science may eventually find their rightful places in redeeming the God/human schism of our time.
There will come a time in every life when you will be prompted to take a great leap, to trust that you will be safe, to let go. Letting go to new life, new experiences, and new energy is one of life’s greatest promptings and often one of the most difficult. It requires nerves of steel and a trusting heart, faith in yourself and in others, faith in the universe to guide you safely through a time of great transition, and the ability to go with the flow no matter the outcome. Know that you have been preparing for this moment your entire life. You must be ready.
In today’s audio channeling a theme seems to be setting up for the week’s mediations and inner work: body work of a sort. A difficult subject if there ever was one! You are all beautiful! Don’t ever forget that!
Who are you? Why are you there? What are you supposed to figure out? Each lifetime is a new challenge but always the same challenge as well, to discover the greater being that you are. You arrived in the body that you live in, your vehicle through life, your temple and your torment. It is you and it is not you, but it is your only true home so find peace within it for this lifetime. It gives you everything and yet you often fail to note its importance. Without it you would have no opportunity for life and change, for you are a changing being. That is why you are there, to change on the inside and to discover what that really means for yourself. Accept where you are now, in your body, container and contained, wholeness in one package. You are it, the challenge and the challenged, the change and the changer! Take it from there!