– Photo by Jan Ketchel
Enjoy some quiet time this week. You might be surprised at what happens when you sit quietly and just relax, as this week’s audio channeling suggests.
Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. Sometimes it just takes a long time to wake up to the truth. Sometimes the truth is hard to accept, far easier to ignore it. But the truth is tenacious and it will win out in the end no matter what comes to thwart it. Be as tenacious as the truth. Let the truth win. Let that be your motto today: Let the truth win.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Notice the Earth today, how it struggles, how transformations are powerfully destructive; even the tiniest bud breaking open leaves destruction behind it. All change requires sacrifice. What are you ready to sacrifice in your own transformation? What holds you back? Perhaps it’s time to let it go. Even an idea about the self may be restricting your growth. The Earth, you may notice, does not think. It constantly takes leave, constantly transforms, constantly takes the next step. Humans, however, are conscious and capable of thought. In the light of day truths are revealed. Know them and hold onto them through the darkness of the night, struggling to remain conscious though the night consumes you. At dawn’s first light let those truths consume you instead and let them become the catalysts to a new you. As Mother Earth shows, it’s always a good day for a transformation!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Where will your mind go today? Where will your heart go? Where will your inner you go, seeking what it wants? Make a decision of solidarity today, to hold together and stay together in balanced union. With mind aware, heart open, and your inner you in charge your outer world experience will have an opportunity for renewal. And who doesn’t want renewal every now and then? Get in alignment with that and go about things a little differently today. Set some renewal in motion. You might be surprised. A little solidarity goes a long way!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Strength comes in knowing oneself fully and deeply. It is only in finding out who you truly are that your real strengths and virtues will be discovered and allowed expression. One must not only be strong and virtuous but gentle and humble as well, for wholeness involves all that one is. Whether one owns and values all sides of the self or not they exist nonetheless, the known and the unknown, a virtual orchestra of attributes! This is a good time to get to know some of those less familiar parts of the self. After all, it’s always a good time to get the self in tune!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne