A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Taking The Changing Journey


Change revealed in the morning light... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Change revealed in the morning light…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Today’s channeled message invites us all to go a little deeper into the true work of life in the world, to take the inner challenge and the spiritual journey of change. May your adventures bring you peace.

Soulbyte for Monday December 7, 2015

All things that must be will come to pass. All that must live will live in some form. No one can really control anything, for control is just an illusion, for all that seeks life will have life, for life is energy, a force of nature. To fully participate, positively, and with willingness and good energy is the only means of applying some kind of pressure to what happens in life. To fully meet life with right attitude, with curiosity, and to align with it is far better than trying to control that which cannot be controlled.

Challenging as it may be, life asks you to go along with it, but spirit asks you to do it with awareness. Learn what that means each day as life unfolds as it is wont to do, in its own manner, but always use your own energy to good advantage.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday December 6, 2015

This is a time of retreat. Sometimes it is right to counter that which approaches with equal energy, but at other times the best approach is to retreat into deep contemplation and wait for the right wisdom to appear. Haste will only make matters worse. Retreat, consider all options, and choose wisely that which will do the least harm to all involved—the path of moderation.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday December 5, 2015

Fear is instinctual. It is good to know what to fear and how to protect, but fear may also overpower, distort, and lead to calamities far greater than the fear itself. Look within the self for the reasons why fear has settled into your life. Take back the projection and face the fear within and watch what happens without. Fear projected onto another produces fearful replicas but fear dealt with directly, within, has the potential to resolve itself—far better that potential than the potential of fear exploited. If everyone did the inner work the outer world might appear quite differently, fearfulness transformed to fearlessness.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 4, 2015

Regret is like poison. It seeps in and contaminates the spirit, taking energy from that which fuels your journey. Focus instead on the soul’s journey, asking the self the deeper questions of why you are there and how you should travel through the life you are in. Rather than wallow in regret, stay focused on the goal. And what is the goal? It is the same for everyone: to wake up to conscious awareness of all that life is, all that you are, and to evolve so that life may be a chance to change rather than another missed chance. It’s all about waking up to a different reality, and regret just doesn’t have a place there.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne