Soulbyte for Thursday November 26, 2015

Be thankful that you live in the times that you do. Whether there is tumult or peace, the times you live in call you to be loving and compassionate. Be thankful that you have the opportunity to live a life of freedom and the opportunity to choose your own path. Be thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others, those near and dear, or those unknown, spread far and wide over the globe. Be thankful for the soul’s journey you are on that brings you daily challenges, asking you to step up to life and choose the evolutionary path, to be loving today and every day, toward self and other. Be thankful for the smallest breath and the largest laugh, but also for the tiniest tear and the loudest cry of anguish, as all are part of life and of this Thanksgiving Day. Make your day of thanks be a day of love and compassion and do the same every other day of your life, for all days are equal and deserving of your love and all you bring to the journey of your  life.

Love and blessings, from here and beyond,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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