Soulbyte for Tuesday October 27, 2015

Kindness is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. It has no value if not utilized, for until it is spent it does not exist. It is meant to be shared and spread like golden sunbeams, like silver moonbeams, like ruby red flames of fire, like blue crystals of coolness. Kindness is one of the jewels of existence. It is in your possession, one of supreme value. Take it out and wear it, give it away, this most treasured asset. It is not to be kept or accumulated. Its value lies in its expenditure. Give kindness away at every chance.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 26, 2015

New energy comes each day on the wind. Will you let it in? Speaking of far away lands and places you have never been, carrying whispers, cries, dreams, and desires from the world of others, it reaches your ears. Can you hear it? If you listen closely you will recognize your own voice. You will smell the air from the land of your own dreams and you will know you are not alone, for the wind blows for all beings.

The air you breathe is part of all of you, the same world, the same life. Breathe today, and know that you are part of the greater whole. The wind will tell you all of this and more, if you listen, if you raise your vibration to hear its words of love and compassion, especially if you speak them too.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday October 25, 2015

Your real power lies within. It is not physical prowess so much as steadiness and strength of spirit. It is not mental power so much as calmness and fluidity. It is not emotional decisiveness so much as gentleness and stability. It is not in suppression of your truths but in release of your truths so that all that you naturally are, a kind, compassionate, loving being, may be acceptable, to you first and foremost.

Love yourself for the true qualities you embody rather than for the false demands of a society that you strive to uphold and live out every day of your life to no gratification or fulfillment. That is not to say reject the world, but instead find new life on a new path in that same world, on a path of compassion, love, and kindness, turning inward as the means to changing the self and the world around you at the same time.

Begin with the self. Find out who you really are, what has meaning for you, and decide how you want to live. That is where you will access your power, your truly loving self, and new life.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday October 24, 2015

You belong, first and foremost, to yourself, to your own journey, to your own life’s path. Though you may become entwined with others, your own soul’s journey must be figured out and dealt with, for are you not present in life for some purpose of your own?

Find anchoring in knowing just how important you are, a being on a journey of the soul. You are just as significant as the next person. All whom look upon you are equally as significant as all whom you look upon. Never forget this. All beings are on a journey of the soul.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne