A Message to Humanity from Jeanne: A Sign Of Maturity

May we all take some time for sitting in quiet contemplation... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
May we all take some time for sitting in quiet contemplation…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The theme of change continues in this week’s channeled message from Jan and Jeanne. The truth is, change is constant. What we elect to do with it is up to us, however, and that may be the only area of control that we have when we otherwise feel that we have absolutely no control. We can always make the right decision.

Some good advice in this week’s message! May it be helpful and guiding.

Soulbyte for Monday August 17, 2015

There is no way to turn off change. It comes naturally. A warrior is aware of this and yet a warrior does not get attached, even to the certainty of change, for a warrior knows that all which is natural is but energy in motion. And so a warrior’s attention is on that, on energy; how it works, how it can be utilized properly, and what it means. A warrior does not worry about change but looks toward what to do next, how to do it, and how to decide what is right. But a warrior is also always ready to change plans, for a warrior knows that as certain as change is it is equally uncertain. You never really know what’s going to happen. And so, like a warrior, be prepared for anything.

Soulbyte for Sunday August 16, 2015

Changing times require changing strategies. Plans may need to be rethought, as things just may not work out as expected. When the energy shifts, old ideas fall away, no energy behind them anymore. New energy seeks new ideas, new seeds upon which to exert pressure and produce new momentum, new growth, and new life. Sometimes life just does not cooperate, but that does not mean you are at a loss. It just means you are at a new beginning.

Get your bearings where you are. Be fully present with what is. You will soon discover that life is actually full of promise. It’s just different from what you had planned but still full of potential. That’s what change brings, opportunity for something new.

Look in a new direction and see what you discover today! Be certain that there is new energy looking back at you, seeking to discover you too! You can’t control life, but you sure can learn to go with the flow of it!

Soulbyte for Saturday August 15, 2015

A warrior does not stand in the way of change and yet a warrior also knows that sometimes it is right to say no. And so a warrior is always alert, ready to walk into any situation and deliver the truth. A warrior has no personal agenda. A warrior’s concern is always with what’s right. And so a warrior’s practice of awareness—studying the subtleties of life, noting what is right and what is not—is crucial and is constantly being honed every day, in times of change or not.

Lessons in a Life: Beautiful Loving Vibration

Beautiful Loving Vibration
A Mantra

I am beautiful, loving vibration.
You are beautiful, loving vibration.
All beings are beautiful, loving vibration.

May I experience myself as beautiful, loving vibration.
May you experience yourself as beautiful, loving vibration.
May all beings experience themselves as beautiful, loving vibration.

May I experience you as beautiful, loving vibration.
May you experience me as beautiful, loving vibration.
May we experience all beings as beautiful, loving vibration.

May all beings experience me as beautiful, loving vibration.
May all beings experience you as beautiful, loving vibration.
May all beings experience all other beings as beautiful, loving vibration.

I am beautiful, loving vibration.
You are beautiful, loving vibration.
All beings are beautiful, loving vibration.

August 11, 2015
J. E. Ketchel

All of life is beautiful, loving vibration! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
All of life is beautiful, loving vibration!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel