Here is this week’s message from Jeanne, posing a challenge to us all to navigate life from a different place.

– Photo by Jan Ketchel
Beyond the known self—the self in the world, the self who adheres to the rules and plays according to the dictates of society—lies the ethereal self, the seeking self. This self seeks not only integration into life, but a higher place as your copilot, decision maker, and companion.
If you are to evolve you must all allow this honest and true self to be present in your lives. You must not be afraid of it nor hold it back when it directs you to take a new step in a new direction. You must not hold it back when it urges you to express your deepest, most creative dreams and your most obvious talents.
This other self lies at your core. This other self knows you so well and yet often you do not know it. Seek greater connection with and awareness of this other self, this ethereal, this higher yet deeper self.
All of you have this most tantalizing and gratifying, satisfying self within. Ask it, quite simply, to guide you today. Ask it to become a part of your life, to make a decision, to lead you along another step on your journey today. Let it speak one truth today, and then see where it leads you.
Be a little daring on behalf of this deeper self. It’s really okay to live from this self, the true self, rather than from the dutiful self who normally traverses the world, who plods through life with commitment and stoicism. Learn to live a little by inviting new adventures to come from a new navigator—the deeper self within.
Give it the wheel of your vehicle today. Ask it to be your metaphorical driver and see where it takes you. Oh, and enjoy the ride! Don’t be afraid. Remember, this other self knows all and only wishes you well.