Here is a message from Jeanne.
Be not afraid to speak the truth, to act truthfully, and to be true. At all times act from your hearts.
Even as I repeatedly suggest acting always from your heart, allowing it to guide you, so do I suggest that it become your most trusted guide. For heart-centered goodness must become the new norm.
In honest appraisal and in honest conversation will change that is truly good arise. In being honest with the self first will honest interaction be possible between partners and beings of acquaintance alike. Only in truthful and honest interaction will a world change be possible, as well as change in the lives of those closest to you.
It is time now for honesty with self regarding the deepest issues that plague you, My Dears. Whether they are simple and fairly inconsequential or quite profound and confusing, if you do not face them your progress will falter and you will struggle needlessly. Remind the self always that you carry within all the answers you need. Remind yourself also that you carry within all the problems you need too. Attend within and then carry without all the goodness you find there, for you will indeed find goodness within.

The way to goodness and light resides in your daily process of self-discovery, change, and growth. Set your intent to seek always the light within. Ask it to guide you to discover your heart, your goodness, and your truth. Light the way to your future with that light from within. Through your darkness it lies, always waiting for you, with open arms, full of love and light.
Look within and without for your answers. Seek balance. Seek your heart’s truth. Ask it to guide you so that you may find your way to happiness and a long life full of goodness. Yes, it does exist! For each of you!
Most humbly, and with love, channeled by Jan Ketchel.