#620 A Turning In Time

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
I’ve been feeling a hopeful, bright energy while at the same time we are heading into the darkest time of the year for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere. I feel that darkness encroaching on the horizon, a kind of pulling-in, comfortable darkness though, rather than a negative darkness. The winter has turned cold now as we await the advent of the holiday season and family gatherings. What message do you have for us today as we prepare for this season?

Whether is it dark and cold or light and warm, so is the energy of the earth universal. Tap into the calmness of the season more fully now as you go into a time when traditionally there is much spending and attachment to that which is outside of you. Turn inward to granting the self and others the peace and calmness of inner energy that is so useful and beneficial, and that is also free. Turn inward to the truths that all of you hold within: the power to calm yourselves, the power to stop yourselves from exploitation of your energy, and the power to heal yourselves. Turn inward at this time of extroversion and allow for exploration of a new and deeper inner process that does not cost a penny and that will leave you quite peacefully steady, balanced, and calm.

I speak today of the power that resides inside the self to smooth ruffled feathers, soothe frantic energy, and calm desperate nerves. I speak of the innate ability to find inner balance and to find a means of tapping into the innate well of utter calm energy that resides inside you.

Each one of you, My Dear Ones, will fare well in life if you can turn inward and find your place of peacefulness. Developing a relationship with this calm inner and knowing self allows for greater contact with this self and with those who are present in your lives to guide and support you. Beginning a process of inner calming, inner acknowledgment, inner listening, and inner speaking will, as you practice these things, bring you closer to this inner self more easily each time you turn inward.

This is not a selfish thing to do but a deeply necessary practice, especially now in the waning time when energy is indeed asking you to turn introspective, to protect this aspect of self from the cold winds of winter. Is not winter best dealt with by making preparations that provide for warmth and protection, for nurturance and conservation of energy for the cold and darkness ahead?

Even as you speak of winter, so must you think upon the season as an energetic time, traditionally a time of hibernation and inner rest, a time of rejuvenation of energies before a new spring arrives in a couple of months. Observe the world of nature during this time in order to learn a new practice of inner work. It is not unusual that the home becomes a center, family is sought, and warmth, in all manner of speaking, is desired.

Whether you are a family oriented person or not, the time calls you to go innerly to your own warmth, to sit by your inner fires of energy and read your truths by the light of your own hearth. This is a turning in time, most definitely, though your commercial world has you believing that it is an outward turning time. In truth, there can be little effect of outward expression at this time, except perhaps as a perfunctory nod to traditions long exhausted and over done. The deeper tradition, the most necessary, lies inside each of you, in your own nature, as it calls you to acknowledge the inner self, even as the outer world grabs your attention.

As adults in a world that has gotten out of synch, and out of all proportion with nature, it is up to each of you to more firmly establish a new tradition based in the oldest tradition of the natural world itself: to turn inward. Use this time of darkening of the light to change the way you relate to the world, to each other and, most importantly, to the self.

A practice of natural calming, seeking inner connection, and allowing the self to remain aware of the outer natural environment will aid you in developing a new inner tradition during this time of change. It is time to break the old traditions, reconnect with the natural energy of the time of year and the energy of the universe and delve into your souls, My Dear Ones. Give yourselves the gift of connection with the self. For only in connecting with the true innocent self will you have anything to offer of meaning to anyone else.

Be calm. Be real. Be silent, and perhaps you will hear the true sounds of the season as you open your door to the true visitor who is knocking.

#619 Do The Right Thing

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Thank you for the guidance you extend to us and to all of your readers. Every day it seems that you impart something new or present a different perspective on what we already know as true, but don’t necessarily pay attention to or practice. Thank you for guiding us. Personally, and with those who are closest, I feel that a barrier has been surpassed, that a path has been cleared and that there is much support for taking the next step along this cleared and visible path. This path is connected to doing what is so totally right that it can’t be denied. There is a new certainty imbued with a steady calmness that I feel all around me. This feels like a very pragmatic as well as a spiritual calmness, as if the whole world has shifted and the potential for real change may be more than a myth now if people act on this clear path of steady certainty. Do you have any comments about this and guidance to offer your readers? What is it that I’m feeling and experiencing all around me?

My Dear One, you are feeling and experiencing the aspects of shift that occur as a grand alignment of energy takes place in the universe, totally separate from your earthly environment but energetically very much impacting it. You notice, and many others too may feel the energy that now does indeed shift from an ocean of energy, quite varied and potent, to rivers and streams of energy, channeled into energy currents that will chip away through long held barriers and wash down the blockages that have stood in the way of progress. This is indeed a time of greater clarity, greater knowing, and wise truthfulness. But along with such revelation must come the next step in human evolution and that is the human reaction to further grow in the arms of such energy by admitting that it is time to not only make some changes but to do what is right for all beings.

This is not a time to be selfish, but a time to consider the impact of your decisions on your greater world, first beginning with those closest to you. In doing what it right and proper closest to home, so do you extend such energy, offering it greater potential out in the world. By offering your love and compassion to others, by extending your own energy in the right direction, by making personal decisions based on what is clearly revealed to you during this time of energetic flow you will indeed offer the world and the greater population access to this potent energy. As you know, I am fond of expressing the fact that energy affects energy and that you, each one of you, by your attitudes, demeanors, actions, and intents have the potential to change your self, your personal world and the greater world.

By deciding to act upon what is being so clearly revealed and implanted, in each one of you, you offer your self and others the true seeds of growth and change and mental, physical, and emotional evolution, along with the spiritual. For it is time now for those of you upon that earth who live in spiritual contexts to go beyond the confines of your inner practices and take what you have learned out into the rest of the world. Allow your spiritual practices to flood the valleys of your everyday life so that the spiritual ocean you tap into daily may begin to slip out into your everyday world a little bit more forcefully.

You know that you sit with your own experiences. Each one of you, My Dear Readers, have had and do have spiritual experiences that guide, protect, and teach you. The energy of now asks you to find a way to send your most private experiences out into the world so that others, also having experiences, may recognize that they are not alone. In this manner may you become a part of the ocean of energy that does indeed require rivers and streams now as inlets into the populations upon that earth who are so desirous of change, desirous of compassion for all creatures, and desirous of right doing by all human beings.

Though turmoils continue to exist both inside and outside of you, I ask that each one of you take what you have personally learned from the great ocean of energy by understanding its affects on you, and by allowing that understanding and those experiences to become, more fully, the real energy of who you are. Are you not a spiritual being who is loving and compassionate, who is connected to energy outside of you because you know how rightfully it guides you and teaches you as you take your journey? Have you not tapped into spirit and knowing, and have they not already proven themselves as so right for you in your life? Well, now it is time to bring these truths more fully out of your sacred spaces and walk with them inside and outside of you. It is time to live your truths. It is time to act with love and compassion, guided by spirit within the self, toward the self, but now also toward others, in all walks of life.

Move with energy that says: It is time now to channel the ocean of all knowing into new rivers of life, offering access to all, so that the energy may flow inside and outside, so that the energy, like water flowing, may find its natural course, so that all may experience its potential.

It is a time to do what is right, based on the clarity you receive, based on the calm resonance you feel, and the steady knowing that permeates your being as you contemplate where you now stand, at the headwaters of the energy of real change. If you have the daring to stay connected to this energy, you will grow exponentially during this time. Even if you feel overwhelmed, even if you may feel it washing you out to sea or pushing you a little faster than you are ready for, stay attached to the truth that underlies this energy. It is good. It will lead you where you need to go. It will bring clarity. It will help you grow into the person you are meant to be.

Look for the signs, the lifelines that will be thrown to you by this supportive energy. You will not be left alone, but you must look outside of you for the aid that is present in your life. You must dare your spirit to look for resonant spirit beyond the confines of your temples, your churches, and your meditation rooms.

Look toward others of like spirit and act with them as energetic support to truly change your selves and your world. It is up to you, the individuals, to turn the energy into more powerful rivers of energy that will empower and heal.

#618 Chuck’s Place: Carl, Carlos, Charles & Chuck

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.

I was named Charles at birth after my maternal grandfather, a powerful man of boundless energy and spirit. Charles was a successful banker, a self-made and self-educated man, a staunch Republican and capitalist. His energy and spirit live on in me but, from my earliest memories, I firmly rejected the heaviness and adultness of his name, Charles. I softened it to Chuck and have insisted upon that name to this day. What hasn’t escaped me, however, is the synchronicity of my adult life being driven by the discoveries and practices of two other “Charleses,” Carl Jung and Carlos Castaneda.

I was introduced to their works in my teenage years and they have never ceased to guide and inform my adult life. The intent of my life is truth. These two men shared that intent and paved the way for others to discover their own deepest truths. Recently, a reader told me that my writing was starting to lose her, as it favored too much the description of shamanic practices. This coincided with my opening Jung’s The Red Book, realizing that it was time to delve deeper into his journey. What I have come to realize is that my role in this life seems to be the integration of Carl and Carlos.

I remember a dear friend and prominent Jungian analyst once telling me that he had read Castaneda’s The Art of Dreaming and found it to be “worthless, total nonsense.” At that time I was already deeply immersed in the shamanic practices being offered by Carlos in Tensegrity workshops and was experiencing powerful new truths. This was not an intellectual affair nor was it the trickery of a charismatic shadow leader. This was personal experience, deep inner experience.

Today, as I pick up The Red Book, where Jung’s inner process is finally revealed, upon which the foundation of modern psychology rests, what we discover is a man talking to his soul, and, his soul talking back! This is not an intellectual affair nor a psychotic process, but a true journey of knowledge rooted in deep personal experience. This journey required “guts of steel,” as don Juan stated to Carlos, as the requirement for taking the shamanic journey to become “a man of knowledge.” Truly, Jung took the shamanic journey.

For me, the shamanic world and depth psychology are parallel paths to self-knowledge and evolution, each offering valuable tools for the journey. Yesterday, in Message # 617, Jeanne and Jan spoke of channeling and noted the similarity of guidance offered by many channeled entities. For those who channel, their lives are transformed by the guidance they are challenged to integrate, a true journey into another world. What we discover in Jung’s The Red Book is his own transformation, effected by his own channeled encounters with entities who proposed knowledge that he was compelled to explore and ultimately integrate into his understanding of the nature of reality. As we sat and watched the film Tuning In, I couldn’t help but note the entities use of “Jungian words,” such as shadow, synchronicity, and archetype. These were all concepts that emerged from Jung’s conversations with his soul.

Equally, the channelers speak of our ability to experience infinity, now. This is the shamanic journey, the tools of which require finding one’s energy body, fully achievable through the techniques that Carlos passed along in Magical Passes and that Carl introduced in the process of active imagination. Both Carl and Carlos insisted that real knowledge can only be achieved through a personal experiential process.

True to my namesakes, I engage in an experiential process and attempt to make accessible the valuable tools of both Carl and Carlos, in taking the inner journey. This inner journey is the most meaningful process anyone can undertake, as stressed by the channelers in Tuning In, in Jeanne’s messages, and by the expression of Jung’s inner work in The Red Book and by the works of Carlos Castaneda. If I were to characterize my synthesis of this week’s synchronicities, I would put it like this: Tuning In to The Red Book is The Art of Dreaming.

I close this blog with one final synchronicity. I open The Red Book to this quote on page 233:

I am weary, my soul, my wandering has lasted too long, my search for myself outside of myself. Now I have gone through events and find you behind all of them. For I made discoveries on my erring through events, humanity, and the world. I found men. And you, my soul, I found again, first in images within men and then you yourself. I found you where I least expected you. You climbed out of a dark shaft.”

As always, should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com or feel free to post a comment.

Until we meet again,

#617 Tuning In

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Last night, Chuck and I watched a movie called, Tuning In, about the fascinating process of six channelers, how they first began to channel, where it has taken them, and the messages they receive. Each of them channels an entity that speaks on the same evolutionary track as you. I totally recognize their processes and the decision to commit to doing the work they have been assigned. The entities they channel are: Kryon, Torah, Tobias, the Pleiadian Collective, Bashar, and Chief Joseph. I have heard of one or two of these entities, though I have not engrossed myself in any one else’s process for fear of being influenced. However, I found the movie extremely helpful, as I struggle almost daily with how to better utilize the skills I have nurtured, while at the same time I am confronted with the skepticism of the world I decided to leave behind as I embarked on this journey with you. I am as fully committed to our process as each one of these people is to their own and I am open to the further unfolding of it.

Both Chuck and I wonder if you know of these other entities that I mention. Are they part of your group, the same group that you speak of as attempting to awaken us?

Yes, My Dear. Those of you upon that earth who have dared to accept the messages you receive as meaningful and necessary are channeling the same energy. My group, as I call it, is many thousands of us. In fact, My Dear Readers, there is someone in my group awaiting connection with each of you upon that earth, someone who will allow your own innate abilities to awaken and guide you to awareness of all entities as energy.

This group that I am but a small part of has the same intent, the greater intent of evolution, to push those of you now upon that earth to go beyond the world you now are attached to so that you may understand the greater magic and mystery of life. Life is energy and as such it has the ability to manifest in any way, shape, or form; as worlds, as felt vibration, thoughts, realizations; as well as whatever form is necessary in order to awaken those of you upon that earth to the far greater sense of what energy truly means.

To awaken you, attempts are being made daily but, as you know, it takes quite a lot of trust before success is achieved. To become an open channel one must truly clear the path by doing deep inner work. I cannot stress this enough, for otherwise will too many things interfere. Even as you struggle daily, My Dear Jan, with how to use this gift, so are there many others who do not trust their inner process nor feel it to be acceptable in the world you inhabit.

Yes, I know. For me, I did really have to leave an old world behind. It took years of continually daring myself to step through doors that appeared, combating fears, judgments, prejudices, and any number of constructs that are taken for granted until I confronted them as mere ghosts standing in the way. An awakening is a process. Do you envision more people being able to take the journey? Chuck and I work with people every day who experience connection with energy, but they, like us, are also fully engrossed in living in this world with the worries, responsibilities, and needs of this life. How do we stay connected to our innate abilities so these abilities can evolve too, even while we live our lives?

To answer your first question, yes, I do envision a greater awakening. This is the intent of my group and you are aware that intent by its very nature is a powerful force in the universe. Intent carries purpose, and the power of intent exists by itself alone; it is energy in action and cannot be denied, diminished, or dismissed. Energy exists. Intent exists as a product of energy; the two are synonymous with each other.

That being said, the challenge becomes accepting a process, a personal process of awakening. This is not a simple stroke of enlightenment, though it may appear to hit like a jolt. It is, in fact, a lifelong process. As you know, Jan, your own process has been evolving and unfolding since the day you were born, and I mean this literally. If all beings upon that earth could accept the truth that they are on a spiritual evolutionary journey and that they are energy beings first and foremost, capable of all that such a being entails, it would greatly aid the awakening process.

Many upon that earth, in fact most people, have the ability to recall their child self as an innocent being, full of wonder for the world while at the same time confronted with the challenges of it.

Funny that you should mention this! I was just going to ask about this, as it too was mentioned in the film.

Along the way the innocent self has become less real, buried, often forgotten, though it has not departed or died. It remains always alive, a pilot light flickering deep inside each of you, holding a steady connection to where you have come from and where you have the possibility to go next.

Each one of you has the flame of spiritual connection. The inner process of self-investigation and self-destruction, if you will, allows you to access that flame. You know from your own personal work on the self, Jan, that your life has changed greatly since you began to dare your self to wade into the darkness that had permeated your existence. In your self-exploration you remained committed to the search for the inner flame. At each step along the way, as you continued to forge through the tunnel of darkness that flame burned ever brighter, with resonance, calling you to continue creeping toward it, until you had fully reconnected with its bright energy.

Yes, this is true!

This is the process that must be accepted. It must be contained, within the confines of the self, for it is only within the self that the true challenges and blockages will be found. These are the real confrontations that life offers so that you may evolve. The outer world continually reflects the true challenges that reside within the self. I cannot stress enough that true evolution can only be achieved by stripping bare the darkness within, taking down the curtains that block you from the true meaning of life as energy, the truth of all beings as one, and the truth of all life as being energetically aligned. It does not matter what you look like, how you act, what you think, believe, or do in that life, or how you perceive others. Underneath all the presentations, judgments, attitudes, and belief systems, you are all the same energy.

Yes, in the film they speak of this and the fact that there are no victims, that life is like a play. We are all acting out our lives and when the play is done we walk off the stage, as actors, take off our costumes and make-up, leave our play, our drama, behind us and go off to have a drink together, toasting a job well done. Chuck and I like the analogy of the world we live in as being played out that way. And when we are done with life we are absolved of everything, for it was chosen, necessary, and evolutionary; there is no sin and there are no victims in the greater sense, if everything is the same energy.

Yes, I agree, for you have all chosen the life you now live, but for evolutionary reasons, and each life you live is part of that process, a process of learning. You would not be here today, doing this work, My Dear Jan and Chuck, had you not learned a few lessons along the way. Those of you who now reside upon that earth are at a great advantage, for you have already learned the lessons necessary to evolve.

Yes, you have spoken of this often before and this was also mentioned in the film. This is why we saw so much similarity with your mission. In the film, they too mentioned that we are at a point where we have already done it all, that we have the opportunity to do something else now, to shift. I see the planet wearing out as part of this awakening. Perhaps we humans have used up its resources because it is time for us to move on, though we, being human, like to be comfortable in the known and are afraid to take the leap forward.

The world, the earth itself, will continue in its own fashion, with its own intent to evolve aided by the energy that offers it what it needs. You must allow your awareness to spread beyond the self to a greater awareness of the energy of all things. Energy is present in all things, human and otherwise. The intent to evolve exists in all things, in what you can see and what you cannot see.

All things in existence upon that earth are in a unique position to shift from intense scrutiny of that which is outside the self to that which is inside. The human being is the one most capable of causing this shift to become a reality. The human being is asked to go back to the innocent knowing self, to trust the knowledge that lies beneath the constructs of the world you see so clearly, the world that has been so cleanly picked apart, studied so intensely for so many centuries. However, you all carry within you the true wisdom of the centuries and this is what is being pushed upon you now, this awareness is knocking at your door. Though it may frighten the heck out of you, do you dare to answer it, to open the door, even though you know that, if you do, your world as you know it will greatly change and you will too? Are you ready to take the leap and truly discover why you are there, where you are going, and why?

These are the questions that must be posed each day as you ask the inner self to stop fighting the truths that are constantly being posed. Can you hold onto the fact that you are all one, that you are all energy, equal, the same, and that you chose to live that life you now live, that you are only a victim if you wish to be, for your life is totally in your hands?

I invite you all to take the journey that will open the door to finding your own channel, your own connection with the one who speaks most clearly to you. It is quite an experience, and once you have it you will not be able to walk away from it. Once you reconnect with your own innate innocence and wisdom you will not be able to desert it again. You will want to plunge into your darkness, for there will be no other reason to live. The only reason, you will discover, is to fully find your energy self. This is all you need in order to evolve, and it is only through this connection that you will truly do so.

Thank you, Jeanne. That was great, but I have to stop now.

NOTE: I have added the film, Tuning In, to our Store under the movies category, for your convenience, in case you are interested in exploring it further. -Jan