Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel
Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message or some guidance for us today?
The energy now will continue to cause great stress, yearning, and even turn quite wild, but underneath it all lies calmness and a new energy of inner peace. Find this undercurrent. Do not simply dabble your feet or fingers in it, but fully immerse your selves in it, My Dears. For it is the energy you have been seeking for a long time. Little did you realize that it was present the whole time. It is always present and ready to receive you, but you must be ready to engage it, to become it, and to fully acquiesce to the fact that this calmness it affords, this clarity, is what you have been seeking.
In times such as these that now reign upon your planet, the calm undercurrent becomes more known and apparent to those with the right seeking mind. This undercurrent resonates with heart-centered knowing and will find its way to alerting you to its presence. It will also offer you access to itself so that you may find it. Your challenge is to finally acquiesce to its beauty, its stability, and its spiritual certainty, though it may not give you the highs and lows of the upper energy.
The upper energy may feed your ego’s desire to be fully engaged, while the lower calm undercurrent is fully available for your spiritual self and your spirit’s endeavors to become more firmly grounded. Even though the upper/outer energy may, at this time, seek quite forcefully to keep you attached to it, you cannot deny that the inner/spiritual self craves something different. Well, I am suggesting that you do not need to go looking very far for what that might be. It is present now. It is available.
How do you get to it? How do you disengage the outer energy that calls so needily, asking for your attention, as a baby calls in the night? How can you leave a helpless baby lying screaming in the night? It is a very difficult thing to do! But look at it this way: Is it really a helpless baby screaming in the night? Or, is it something else that is simply acting like a baby? Are you being called out to test something that the self must learn or do? If so, seek what that lesson is and find that, perhaps, you have passed its test already. If you are still trying to learn the lesson, you must determine why you are being brought to this testing center over and over again. What are you being shown?
Accept your challenges. You are not limited or bad in any way. You are not mean or selfish. You are merely being presented with issues that must be owned and utilized, to their fullest, so that you may move on, having fully learned what you, specifically, must learn from them.
Your detachment must come from fulfillment of your duties based on complete clarity and understanding of what you are being challenged with. Once clarity is gained and your lessons learned and fully owned, as necessary, then it is time to move on, no longer bound by the need to repeat the lesson, but by your spirit’s desire to move on to inner work, inner calm, and the underlying energy of support, love, and complete compassion for the self and others.
Does this make sense?
Yes, I think it does. What does it mean if the outer energy continues to batter us, asking more of us?
It may mean that you must look again and see if there really is something left undone. Or, are you being energetically teased out of your good standing by the entities that have long fed off you and do not like to be left behind? You may find that it is merely the last futile attempt by such entities to see if you have truly learned your lessons and truly moved on.
Remaining grounded in heart-centered inner calm, fully immersed in the energy of the undercurrent that I speak of, will help in discovering the truth of the outer energy. From this place of calm, right knowing will guide you, true resonance of self will come forth, and truth of each situation you are confronted with will be revealed.
Finding your own inner place of calm, your personal undercurrent of good and nurturing energy is what to look for now. It beckons you to find it, to bathe in its safety and protection, and to reside in its knowing, clarity, and stability. You see, all I am saying is that, within you, you hold everything you need and seek. You are complete. You just need to hold off the outer/feeding energy of the world around you, the conjuring mind, and the false presentations. Go innerly and listen to your inner spirit, speaking words of wisdom, telling you to let that outer world go for a while, as you rediscover and reconnect with this aspect of true self. That’s all.