Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?
My Dear Ones, do not get too caught up in your striving to seat your self atop your mountain of change, but allow life to lead you there. Do not push or overexert the natural flow of your being, but allow your being to be revealed to you as you do your work on the self. Do not declare your self as either one way or the other, but allow your self to grow and change and take on new characteristics as you evolve.
Had I, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, so defined myself too much would I have never reached the attainment of energy that I now reside in. I can attest to the fact that a seeking life is also a life that requires the ability to shift and change constantly. To flow with your life requires that you allow your self the pains and pleasures that energetic flow will inevitably present to you.
Do not peg your self or pin your self down to a picture that is no longer hanging on the wall. Do not describe your self too vigorously, for in so doing may you adopt aspects that are but meant to be momentary, not long term aspects of self or personality. Flow constantly without resistance to the current of life, the energy of life. Seek always to discover why you are being shown this, or taken here, or asked to encounter that. All of you are asked to be amorphous beings. Swim in the energy of your life as the fish swim in the currents of the ocean. Feel the temperatures of the waters of life, seeking resonant temperatures and finding the streams of energy that suit you for where you are now.
If you find your self stuck then look first at the outer energy. Are your in the right energy field? Do you need to shift to a more conducive environment in order to continue your journey? Are you being asked to change that outer energy? Does it ask something of you? Does it confront you with an aspect of self that needs to be taken care of and pondered? Is your outer energetic position conducive to doing your inner work? Or do you reside in chaos? If so, why do you have a chaotic environment? Is it necessary, for you to learn something about your self?
Chaos, strife, and reticent energetics may signify that you have an inner problem that needs attention and it is but reflected in the mess you have created around you. Or it may signify that you have just landed in the wrong place. But it is up to you alone to figure out if you are being confronted with what you must learn in order to advance, or if you have just not found resonance in your place of habitation yet.
To reside upon that earth in a state of flux, must you resort often to your inner knowing self. You must know who that is and be able to hear the truths being spoken to you, sometimes quite clearly and other times quite indistinctly. But at all times must you direct your questions innerly for the truest answers.
The energy of now is very much an energy of place, of home, and of environment. It is an energy that pushes you to confront the meaning of self as a being who needs the comforts of a home, a pleasant retreat from the world, but also needs a place of inner calm, so that during this time of transition and change you may have resources that attend to all aspects of the self, including the self who resides in that world and needs things that only that world can provide.
During this time of energetic configuration is home environment, and the sense of the self in that home of utmost importance. Perhaps it is time now to seek that home, the one the self needs in order to settle down calmly and have the resources to regenerate energy from. Your environment should support your energetic needs, your needs of the inner self, as well as the needs of the outer self.
Create a home environment during this time that is conducive to the inner and outer needs of the self and you will be doing your self a favor, as the next few months will not allow much time for such homey work. Get it done now. The future energy will be pushing you to accomplish other things that will need attention, and if your home life is not straightened out so will you have to reside in chaos for longer than is good for you.
Present your self with doing the tasks that have been patiently waiting to get done. This is the time to do them. And while you are at it, repairing, fixing, and constructing, put your positive intent into every task. Ask for the good energy of calm to permeate your work with its special brand of resonance, its energy of good vibration that will last through the coming months, enabling you to do your inner work in the core of its resonant outer shield.
Build your place of protection, safety, and deeply resonant self, the self who seeks change and growth, but also allows for release of truths of self at all times. Within your abode must you allow all activities and all confrontations with the self to be legitimate and acceptable. Do not turn from your home the aspects of the self that you do not like but invite them in and learn who they truly are.
Invite in the angry ones, the fearful ones, the shy ones, the big baby ones, and the bitter ones. Invite in the mothers and the fathers and all the little children who request so much of you. Invite in the determined ones, the sad ones, the despairing and the giving up ones. Invite in the stubborn, the reluctant, resistant, and combative ones. Invite in the sweet and innocent ones who reside in your nearness, yet do you elect to push away this aspect of the self all too often as you turn away to attend to the louder screaming ones who grab your attention with their wants.
Do not turn away the greedy ones or the bitterly resentful ones. Do not turn away any aspect of the self who comes knocking at your door, for in so doing do you deny an aspect of self that you must acknowledge at some point in order to evolve.
Your ego self must constantly be confronted now as you prepare your home for whomever may seek entry. Your walls are mirrors and the reflections will show you where your biggest issues lie. Can you accept what you see in the mirrors? Can you accept the self who comes knocking and crawling in your windows?
Even though you have constructed a sound and perfect setting in which to live, do not think that it will keep out that which you need to discover about the self in order to evolve. Keep in mind, at all times, that evolution is your challenge and your goal.
Who are you? Look around you now, and know that you are that person, and that person, and that person over there too. You are everyone you meet, in some way. You are your friends and your enemies. You are your parents, your siblings, your children, your lovers, partners, and companions. You are everyone you meet, and they are you too.
Do not find fault with the self, but do find out what your faults are so that you can better understand who you are. Do not resist the self, but seek where you hide your own aspects of resistance to life. Do not abide in rigidity, but seek to find the rigid blocks you have constructed that keep you from flowing in your life. Do not construct walls of protection to keep you safe from harm, but do ask for protection as you do your inner work, asking for guidance and protection from your old ways that have not aided you thus far.
This energy of now is an energy of change, while at the same time is it an energy of preparedness for the greater changes to come. Continue your good work on the self. Do not hunker down in your room, but do prepare and neaten up your room so that your future work may be done in a well-functioning environment that will offer you ease of progress as things begin to heat up to a pretty intense energy as the time of fire and winter approaches. Think ahead, but provide for the needs of the self now as well.