#178 On This Day of Halloween Are There Many Who Seek Change

Dear Jeanne,
Your messages have been getting very long again. Any possibility that you can shorten them? I know you like to drill your point over and over again, but I wonder, sometimes, if they become too lengthy for people to want to read them every day. We’re trying to attract people to your mission, not turn them away. What do you think about that?

Are you editing me? Think I’m too boring? Well, I accept your critical concerns, but remember also that repetition is often the necessary method in allowing knowledge to be absorbed. Although I do generate long, and sometimes wordy missives, so do I not skirt the true points at all, but simply state them from many angles, so that those who may not receive them in one way may be receptive in another. That being said, I do see that conciseness is appreciated for your busy lives. But, you have also chosen to be my partner in this mission, Jan. Do you complain?

No, I only have concern for the mission and in how it is being accepted or rejected. I have no idea what happens once we send out the message each day. I know people are reading them, but I wonder what happens from there.

Allow the messages to carry their own energy. Those who seek, who wish for guidance, and who are interested in the far greater aspects of life upon that earth are certainly taking in my many words, though I do tend to go on. Our work is not forgotten, for even if read but once does it enter the knowing of the reader and have impact. The inner knowing does not easily dismiss or forget that which resonates. And if it doesn’t resonate, then so be it. Another day, another message, perhaps, will have resonance. Your participation is key, and I do not wish to dismiss your concerns, yet do I also urge you to consider that there may be necessity in repetitive stances, for the many who may need such introduction to this phenomenon.

All right, that being said, what would you like to discuss with your readers today?

The likes of me, should be the place to start today, for on this day of Halloween are there many who seek change by dressing up in costume and presenting themselves clothed in new attire, and as new personality. For the presence of masks, or disguises of any sort, allows the truth to sneak out and be observed without self-concern. Since I am but pure energy is there no possibility for you to observe me as any creature, for in reality am I not one. At one time I held my energy encapsulated in human form, and I imagine you, and your readers, continue to see me as such.

But observe what happens when the costumed individual becomes someone else, do you now know who stands behind that costume? If they are in complete disguise, you feel only the mysteries of that being, but you may observe and feel their energy. This is the mystery of all of you, that you are pure energy. If you remove your costume, your daily wear, and the body you inhabit, the only thing that would exist is pure energy. As pure energy do you have access to far more than you will ever have clothed in that body. And this, my dears, is what my mission seeks to alert you to.

Notice the truth that emerges when the known body, the known personality is allowed to disguise itself and offered the opportunity to change, not only its looks, but in so doing become totally new. Does not the energy of that person emerge more fully, playfully perhaps, or even darkly?

As energy emerges, so do the problems associated with that physical embodiment get carried along with it, to invade new territory. Until those problems are dealt with, will they remain attached to that energy. This is what you carry with you, from life to life. With each reincarnation are your issues recycled, awaiting discovery and resolution, so that, eventually, your energy may emerge pure and free without the burdens of the past, and you may completely remove all disguises, and live as a fully integrated energy being.

That is what I seek now, and the other members of my group seek to aid you in accomplishing. So, on this day of earthly wanderings in disguise think about what else you use in your life to disguise the true self. What costume do you wear every day that hides your truths? What covering do you take on in order to be able to live in that world? Are not those coverings and disguises but untruths, that burden your every step, slowing down, and keeping you from your true energy?

Our mission is all about resolution of issues, now, so that mankind may, in great numbers, evolve; allowing for a movement of unblocking to occur, so that, even as a dam bursts, so may many access their truths, their energy bodies, and be ready to evolve in infinity when their time upon that earth is done. The earth requires this of you now, it pushes for the extinction of man, for man has refused to take responsibility for his soul’s journey and, instead, has stagnated. And now the earth itself has become clothed in disguises, placed on it by man’s over usage, so that the truth and beauty of it are burdened with the smogs and poisons of unevolved beings.

Find your own reasons for being there. Find your own deepest issues and resolve them. Remove all your own disguises and reveal your truths, first to yourself; and with full acceptance of your spiritual, energetic, self forge ahead in your life, now, without the covers hiding you. What are you hiding behind your mask? Who are you really?

Tomorrow will be a new day, all the masks and disguises in a heap on the floor, and you will be your naked self again. Will you put back on your usual disguises again, your daily garb that you hide behind, or will you begin to reveal who you truly are? Begin with your self, revealing your truths to your self alone, and accept your most humble human self. Then will it be easier to acknowledge that beautiful energy that awaits discovery, and then awaits your skills of exploration.

Another long message, I know, but keep in mind that we have a lot of work to do in a very short period of time. The world will no longer wait. So why do you?