#106 Stop Building Dams

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Enact now change and the energy will support you. Be your own guide, the captain of your ship, and the sole owner of your vessel. Become the ultimate director of your journey, your fate, and your destiny. NOW is the time to finally be the real you.

I push this upon you with increasing force because the time is right, the flow of energy is right, and it is time for you, all of you, to finally accept responsibility and become the one in control. Alert the big baby that toddler time is over, that diaper changing is over, that pacifiers are being thrown away. Bed down now that recalcitrant inner ego child, the one who seeks control, who overthrows your wise decision making, and mutinizes your ship. It is now time to bunk the big baby and take over the progress of your life, fully in control, with maturity and adult knowing fully in command. Allow your spirit to tap into the energy it feels. Allow it to guide you as you navigate the waters of your life.

I use water metaphors to emphasize flow, flow of energy, and flow of life, and also to allow you to understand that life is like water in how it continues on, unstoppable, no matter what barriers are put up, constructed, to keep back the flow. Eventually is there need to allow water to escape, or all barriers will be forced down. Think of a dam and how powerful must be that dam to hold back the force of water. Your own life force is as strong as that water and seeks escape, or it will force you into life situations whether you are ready or not.

Stop building dams and allow your life force, your energy, the water of you to flow naturally, freely, and unencumbered now. Allow free flowing life to become your main focus and you will allow yourself to meet, to join, and to grow, exponentially, with the energy now upon that earth.

Open the dam gates slowly, but with conviction, and allow your energy to escape into the river of energy that flows briskly alongside your dammed up pond of stagnant energy. Allow yourself to finally experience life anew now, with energetic force, and potential as your catalyst, and your inner spirit as your guide.

As I have instructed, take over steering your own vessel. But, how can you get anywhere if your vessel is landlocked or far from water? You must place your vessel now into the flow, upon the river of life, and begin a new journey. Let your spirit guide you, but keep your adult self in command, even as your innocence grants you permission to take this journey. Leave your ego behind now, and tuck the big baby asleep, and grab your truth, your innocent awakening spirit, and go on a new journey. It’s time!