Category Archives: News and Notes

It’s Voting Day in America

Here are some inspirational words from Sixto Rodriguez that once inspired the youth of South Africa. May they inspire all of us as well. From the song “This Is Not A Song, Its An Outburst: Or, The Establishment Blues” on the Cold Fact album.

The mayor hides the crime rate
Council woman hesitates
Public gets irate but forget the vote date
Weatherman complaining, predicted sun, it’s raining
Everyone’s protesting, boyfriend keeps suggesting
You’re not like all of the rest.
Garbage ain’t collected, women ain’t protected
Politicians using people, they’ve been abusing
The mafia’s getting bigger, like pollution in the river
And you tell me that this is where it’s at.
Woke up this moming with an ache in my head
Splashed on my clothes as I spilled out of bed
Opened the window to listen to the news
But all I heard was the Establishment’s Blues.
Gun sales are soaring, housewives find life boring
Divorce the only answer smoking causes cancer
This system’s gonna fall soon, to an angry young tune
And that’s a concrete cold fact.
The pope digs population, freedom from taxation
Teeny Bops are up tight, drinking at a stoplight
Miniskirt is flirting I can’t stop so I’m hurting
Spinster sells her hopeless chest.
Adultery plays the kitchen, bigot cops non-fiction
The little man gets shafted, sons and monies drafted
Living by a time piece, new war in the far east.
Can you pass the Rorschach test?
It’s a hassle is an educated guess.
Well, frankly I couldn’t care less.

Here’s a youtube version from the album:

Searching For Sugar Man

See A Living Buddha!

America, see this movie, especially as we approach the eve of election. This is what life is really all about: no self-importance, truth, equality, no attachment, impeccability, no holding back, no circumstance more important than any other, no resentment, all in the spirit of love. This movie is an absolute must see. See how the winds of change blow a seed across the sea and blow it back decades later to where it is now truly needed.

For those who are local it is currently playing at Upstate. And after the movie, go home, download his two albums from iTunes and treat yourself to an altered state.

Who’s Afraid of the Cookie Monster?

Cookies anyone?

Today, March 1, 2012, marks the change in Google’s privacy policy or, um, perhaps “piracy” policy would be a better way to put it, as everything you do on Google-owned internet sites, including your gmail account if you have one, will now be tracked and traced in a more invasive manner than ever before. This tracking is not new news—cookies are commonplace on the internet—but the insidiousness of it is.

From a Huffington Post article, linked to below, comes this statement: “But the policy being introduced Thursday will help Google develop richer profiles of its users, cobbled together from data about what videos they’ve watched on YouTube, what their Gmail emails say, what searches they perform and which topics they follow on Google+.”

So what is really at stake here? Well, starting today, corporations are pirating your internet activity with the intention of bombarding you with ads, suggestions, emails, and ploys for your attention like never before. In fact, Google is the wiley Trickster in disguise! And, as of today, you cannot opt out! Since we write so much about the Trickster we thought we’d put out a warning.

Here it is: Don’t be fooled by what you might perceive as synchronicity—something showing up in your email for instance just as you are planning a big event in your life—for it may not be the universe supporting or encouraging you but Trickster Google and the greedy moguls seeking your attention, time and, of course, your dollars.

This has in fact been going on for some time now—it’s how the internet works after all—but even European regulators are questioning the validity of this further invasion in privacy, apparently more concerned with its citizens rights to privacy than here in America.

Note that real synchronicities, real signs from infinity do not come via the internet, they come through you, through your deep and heart-felt knowing that something is right. Trust that and avoid the greedy Trickster.

Who’s tracking you? Here are some links regarding this news from Huffington Post and the concerns from Europeans as well as a note from Firefox that may be helpful.

A New Kindle Price on The Book of Us

Just wanted to make a shameless plug for The Book of Us, which is on Amazon in a new Kindle version at the very reasonable price of 99 cents. It looks better too now—Kindle having updated their digital formatting process since we first published it in 2008.

If you haven’t read it—Chuck and Jeanne’s story—you might enjoy it! There are some especially great chapters on working through the difficulties in their relationship that I think everyone should read.

To access The Book of Us, click on the icon in the left sidebar which will take you to Amazon and then click on the Kindle version. Easy enough!

Oh, and have you seen our new Main page? I’ll be back in the morning with a new blog post! -Jan