Soulbyte for Tuesday October 7, 2014

Remain true to the self today. With feet firmly planted, with steady gait, stay focused upon your path of heart. Seek calmness within and radiate it out, even as you withdraw your energy from the world outside of you, from the people who inhabit it, and from the issues that have come to a head. Steadiness is called for and must be cultivated so that you stay rooted and sane in the face of all that is pending.

The energy of now continues building, yet each of you must build stability and calmness within so that your path remains clearly defined and your way clearly exposed. If you project anything today let it be the calm and radiant self within. Your own inner light will guide you if you let it.

Message from Jeanne: Before Breakthrough

"e" for endurance leading to evolution for everyone! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
“e” for endurance leading to evolution for everyone!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is today’s channeled message, offered most humbly, from a place of innocence and gratitude.

Wishing you all well as you continue your inner process, bearing the tension but fully aware that breakthrough is coming! -Jan

Soulbyte for Monday October 6, 2014

To take the journey to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness and fulfillment one must be prepared to stand in the warrior’s zone, fully ready and steady, able to bear the tension of that which comes to test and try even the bravest and most surefooted of warriors. A true warrior fights no one except his or her self, his or her own demons. A true warrior sees the world as it truly is and his or her place in it as a student. A true warrior knows that only he or she can take on the task of cutting through the forest of vines that suddenly springs up at his or her feet and thwarts the journey. A true warrior knows that it is his or her job to crack the mirror of reflection and step through its shards newly envisioned, devoid of projection. A true warrior knows that salvation and enlightenment lie along the path of inner work, the journey always unfolding in each step. Today is that next step.

Soulbyte for Sunday October 5, 2014

Think. And then act. Think for yourself. Think new thoughts, new ideas, new possibilities. Reach for the stars in your thoughts and then take action on behalf of the self when the time is right. A banana does not peel itself. Left alone it will rot and ferment. This is unconscious action, nature taking its course. Human beings have the ability to act apart from nature and nature’s intent. Use nature to guide you, but use human consciousness and volition to act on your own behalf so that progress and growth may occur. Otherwise your life will become like the unpeeled banana, possibilities left uncovered and untasted. Think. And then don’t be afraid to peel the banana that is your life and taste of its sweetness.

Soulbyte for Saturday October 4, 2014

Today is the next day of your life. Take what comes with humility and grace, but do not let it overwhelm you or take you off course. You are intelligent and conscious beings fully capable of sorting through your thoughts and behaviors to find the silver lining. Keep on track by constantly readjusting and reconfirming your intent. Allow for life’s unfolding to guide and accompany you on your journey while you simultaneously choose your next steps with awareness and firm conviction to remain on your path of heart. The journey continues and so do you!

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR