Tag Archives: rhythm of life

Soulbyte for Monday August 12, 2019

Uncertainties abound, and yet such is life, for it is not appropriate to know everything. There would be no mystery and no magic if all was known. There would be no spontaneity and no joy. And yet, certain things are known and can be counted on to uphold your world, to guide and protect you, no matter the uncertainties. Such certainties create stability and allow life in all its forms to proceed according to plan. The sun rises and sets marking the passing of time, the human heart beats a steady rhythm of life, and the lungs rise and fall marking the breath of life within. New beginnings such as new life taking place all around you are daily certainties, just as endings are. And so, be assured that though the times you live in are volatile and full of uncertainties, such uncertain times will end, leading to new certainties, new beginnings, new hearts beating, and many new breaths of life. That is certain!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne