All posts by Jan

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 15, 2014

Stay connected to who you truly are as you go into your day, as you take the next steps along your path of heart. Ask for guidance even as you rely on the self for the anchoring, the determination, and the drive that will aid you as you continue your journey. With your heart open, your mind clear, and your honest self exposed and in charge let your next step be strong and firm, your direction certain, and your intent full of optimism. You matter; your life is meaningful. Allow this truth to spur you to a new place. Allow a shift to naturally happen because you are indeed ready.

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 14, 2014

Lack of continuity or followthrough does not mean we are weak. It only means that we are susceptible to repeating our mistakes. If we are to advance and rise above that which bedevils us, we must become conscious of our bedevilments. If we are to advance we must consciously work at that which stands in our way, taking personal responsibility for our lives and the way they progress. If we are to live lives of wealth on all levels—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual—we must become our own golden means by taking a more consciously directed journey of heart and meaning.

To become conscious is to take on life fully, to accept that which comes from within as our deepest challenges and that which comes from without as the path that appears down which we must walk. We choose some things and others appear, but all are meaningful and require our fullest attention, conscious and direct. To become more conscious right now, decide where your own energy is best served and put all of your efforts there.

Message from Jeanne: Be Strong

We must maintain balance between our rock solid strengths and our fragile beauty... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
We must maintain balance between our rock solid strengths and our fragile beauty…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s channeled message. May it aid you in your search for wholeness and offer guidance so that you do not swerve off your path of heart. Offered in calmness, wishing you all a good day and a good week.

Soulbyte for Monday October 13, 2014

Let the magical work begin. Allow the magic and the creative to merge and emerge today, to be both contained and yet to flow naturally within and without. Let the fires of the creative stir within and yet keep the flames confined to deep inner work. In this manner approach the world today knowing that the magical work of transformation can only be done by the self.

You are the magician who contains the creative energy necessary to change yourself, at very deep levels but also in the world. Speak from this changing self and notice how fluid and honest you truly are. Fan the flames of the true self today and don’t be afraid to be who you really are, a magical being.

Soulbyte for Sunday October 12, 2014

Keep pace with the energy of the day. Like a patient warrior wait to see what arrives on the horizon. Wait for the enemy to show itself before charging into battle. Wait for clarity before speaking, acting or reacting. Keep eyes alert, mind calm, body relaxed. With awareness note that which is, that which is not, and that which is conjured by the mind.

Breathe and listen to your heart, just as the good warrior breathes and listens intently to all that is before deciding whether a battle is worth fighting or not. Take into consideration all conditions and all consequences. Perhaps it really is time to retreat from outer battles and deal with what is going on inside. A real warrior knows the difference.