All posts by Jan

Soulbyte for Friday December 12, 2014

Be aware of your presence in the world, that you are on a journey of importance. Each one of you must take your life seriously. You are in charge. Make decisions that support a life of honesty and truth, a journey of kindness and compassion to self and other. Take care of your body, and feed your mind with positive material that will broaden your perspective and allow you to expand your interests. Allow that which comes to aid you into your awareness. Do not block your innocence from revealing your true virtues. Innocence is as much a guide as what you learn from others. Trust your own innocence. Sometimes that is all you have to go on. It will not fail you.

Soulbyte for Thursday December 11, 2014

Now is a time of contemplation, preparation, and waiting. It is not time to act but time to consider all angles of a plan, a proposal, an idea. Allow the self to take time to sit with that which calls to you a little bit longer as you prepare the self to move forward. With measured step, and yet with open heart and mind, know that you will proceed when the time is right; that is certain. What is not certain, until it happens, is how the connection from now to then, from here to there, will happen. Only the unfolding of time will reveal that! In the interim, allow contemplation to reveal all else you will need to make your transition grand.

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 9, 2014

If the world is to change and regain its humanity, then each individual upon that earth must change. It is not enough to point to others and say that they are at fault, for those others are but a mirror. Look to the self for the seeds of change. Even as you request that respect, kindness, and humane treatment become the norm, ask yourself if you are respectful, kind and humane to the self, both innerly and outerly. If the world is to change, each one of you must take up the challenge of confronting the self as you would an enemy, as you would a person you find disagreeable or lacking in heart and connection to the forces of good. Look to the self for all that is lacking outside of you.

Correct your own disregard of your true relationship to the world you reside in. You are set upon that earth to become its champion and its steward, to share in its bounty but to nurture and sustain it as well, to contribute to its continued flourishment, to live as one with it rather than disconnected from it. As within, so without. You are meant to remain in balance, shifting always to rejuvenate, replenish, revitalize rather than taking, destroying, killing haphazardly for profit or gain. But the earth is old and wise and it will not be destroyed. It will force change upon you before you have gone much further upon your destructive path. If you do not change the self volitionally, change will find you.