Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.
In last week’s blog, Don’t Ask, I explored the tool of not asking. I focused on the machinations of the conjuring mind that lures us to attach to worries that deplete our energy and sidetrack right action. The specific impetus for last week’s blog was my concern for someone I had not heard from in weeks. Throughout those weeks my mind kept presenting highly plausible scenarios regarding this person, beckoning my attachment. I had successfully not attached my inner attention to these possibilities, nor outwardly asked by actively pursuing contact.
The day after I wrote that blog, Jan and I watched a movie that concluded with the main character, whose journey reminded my of the person of my concern, dying. I instantly decided that this was my sign to ask: I would make a call.
At the exact moment of that resolve the phone rang. The person on the phone told me that he had just received a phone call inquiring about the whereabouts of the person of my concern. I read this as another sign to keep asking. Furthermore, that phone conversation was described to me as being sketchy, suggesting that the person of my concern was in dire straits, which fueled my worry. I initiated a three-way phone conversation, gently interrogating the third person as to what he really knew and was perhaps too uncomfortable to reveal to me. No new information was offered, only the thought that other people might have heard something. I doubted his honesty and with increasing passion undertook a campaign of asking. I made more phone calls to no avail. My anxiety mushroomed. I was completely stymied; my mood shifted to fear and sadness.
Finally, I sat quietly and tuned into my body. I noticed that no concern had genuinely emerged from my heart. My heart was calm. With this, I detached from my mind and decided to see what would actually present, independent of my mind. I shifted.
Within a short period of time I received a call stating that there had been a recent sighting of the person of my concern, an actual interaction. By the next morning, I received a direct call from the person of my concern; in fact, two calls. By the second call I was invited to reengage in a codependent pattern of enabling, an energetic noose I had worked so diligently to free myself from. I refused that call. I was able to experience a change in me. It really wasn’t that difficult to say no.
However, what I was shown was the validity of all that I had attempted to teach in last week’s blog. Do not trust the mind! Make sure that alleged synchronicity is indeed resonant synchronicity. Are you being lured by the conjuring mind? I should have realized that I had just watched a movie, a PROJECTION that my conjuring mind drew me to identify with. This was not a resonant synchronicity emerging from my heart.
Furthermore, my decision to ask activated an instant energetic response, engaging the energy of others without any physical action on my part, simply the energetic decision to ask. Decision is intent. We are energetically interconnected. If we decide to ask, that alone engages the energy of others, sometimes instantly, as in this case. The true discernment, however, is: Is it right to ask? Before we send out our intent, we must appeal to the feedback of the heart, seeking true resonant affirmation in that place of knowing. This discernment is the difference between OOPS and AHA!
As always, should anyone wish to write or ask, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com or feel free to post a comment.
Until we meet again,
Hi Chuck
I have found it so helpful that you and Jan have shown us by example how to apply all that we are learning!
Thank you so much for following up your “don’t ask” from last week.
A similar scenario has played out with my adult daughter who lives across the country, many, many times She can go weeks without communicating– in spite of my efforts to stay in touch– which causes me much anxiety! One time, after not hearing from her for more then a month, I became so distraught and worried with fear that something awful obviously had happened to her, I began questioning her siblings about her and finally in desperation, left a message on her cell phone saying that I was very worried and if I did not her from her in the next hour, I was calling the police in her town to check on her. She responded in a few minutes with an unattached, “hey Mom, what’s up?” She obviously just didn’t get it! Then, I realized that I needed to find out why I wasn‘t getting it! I knew I had to change something, I didn’t know what that was or how to do it. This has become a huge challenge for me.
After reading your “don’t ask” last week, immediately I thought of my daughter and I wanted to ask, “why not …. what’s the problem with asking about someone you care deeply about …aren’t there times when you have to or need to ask?” I pondered this all week, wondering if I could go a week without any contact with her—even after reading your blog, I could not! Even though it feels like I am “forcing” this connection to happen and I realize that this is all about me and has very little, if anything to do with her–it seems she is just fine with the way things are-but I still didn’t understand the part my out of control thinking played in it. Well, after reading your follow up on today’s blog and seeing how this has played out for you, I am beginning to understand this a little better. I know just how clever and sneaky the “conjuring mind” can be and just how much energy is used, so this week I will go innerly and see how this resonates in my heart center and see where this takes me.
If you have any more tools to use concerning this subject or examples, I for one, would be most grateful. Thank you!